Why are young straight white men checking out of society these days, Sup Forums? Is this part of the soy epidemic? Is it something more sinister? Why won't men provide for women and children anymore?
"Herbivore" Males
Other urls found in this thread:
females are predatory
>holding an depreciating asset that can steal half your assets
No thanks
Why do you make this thread over and over and over and over again?
>hey mum I posted it again
sage it
Not a game that I want to play, to use Peterson's terminology.
Also a lack of conviction about religion, and hence a skeptical attitude towards being a member of a religious community which would otherwise provide a buffer against the degeneracy of modern society. I still believe in God though.
everyone has grown up with divorced parents. They don't want to go through all that shit again or lose all their money to some bitch
If I were in my 20s right now I'd probably check out too. Instead I have a naggy wife and screaming children. Yay.
Ban no fault divorce and I will marry a woman.
With hookers and sluts, not cartoons.
You set the bar too low. Ban no-fault divorce, criminalize fake rape accusations, defund the welfare state, deport the illegals, and then we can talk.
>oy vey goyim, don't go outside! that would be.. antisemitic.. hehe
jidf pls
Allowing a woman to divorce you is your own fault. If she will ruin you financially and fuck up the mind of your kids, don't divorce. Kill her. The kids will not be any worse off if raised by foster families. You are already fucked for the rest of your life and will never have a good quality of life again. So, the least you can do is kill her. If enough men do this with enough frequency women will be terrified of a divorce.
This is something I can get behind.
>women can provide for themselves
>women need to be provided for
pick one and only one faggot
23 yo here its just so comfy doing nothing
OP's article shows that it's antisemetic not to go outside.
Stay at home waifudroids are the future.
>Why won't men take a massive personal risk, spend thousands of dollars on giving some cunt free stuff, only for her to divorce you and take half of your stuff?
I'm not married, nor plan to. Because I know I would be tempted to do this. Not saying I will, Feds, but i don't want to put myself in a situation I would be tempted to.
why get married when it just screws you economically when you get divorced? why have kids when you have to pay child support if your not together?
fuck it women shouldnt even have the right to vote and society can fall apart in america idc
oh yay, this thread again...
this but unironically
Do not underestimate how serious I am about this user.
calling it now
1 post by this ID
>more sinister
Of course, kikeanon! This was you! Feminism makes it a bad deal with no upside. Nice move causing the problem then complaining about it though.
Women were always an annoyance and danger to men, but they were just about worth it, especially in a society that would back you up if you tried to do the right thing.
Now though female voters are gradually making sex less and less fulfilling for men.
1) They raised the AoC to 16-18 in most countries making getting a virgin wife difficult if not impossible even for successful Chads. This by itself is incredibly demoralizing especially to the driven men who would historically have realistically been able to aspire to getting a 10/10 cutie before any other man.
2) They made marriage a costly soul sucking hell anyway, which made the normie life a misery for the average beta dude
3) They banned hitting on girls without their consent which is ridiculous given that no man can be sure every girl he hits on will be interested, not even 10/10 alphas
4) They banned prostitution which was a great source of comfort to the losers and loners of society. Even when you’ve given up on true love or getting hot chicks or whatever the hard way even the last option you have sexually is off limits. Think about how ridiculous this is, they’re making it ludicrously hard to get laid for free and then ban you from paying for it.
Some men i know that have a big house and a family and seem suicidal. Theres a deep problem here.
I wish I had a bro to play Vidya with. Now all I do is tend to my girlfriend and take care of her child.. :/
Or I could just not get married, friendo.
Yes, please. With artificial wombs.
Who was being ironic?
Aye, for once the leaf is right.
Incentives. Marriage compromises men, especially if they want to be providers.
That's definitely rosemary.
>tfw you get to buy the artificial womb + M.O.T.H.E.R. software bundle.
Feels good
very rarely i can't hate a leaf, even when i try
>men don't find women desirable for long term relationships. Men to blame.
Just remember to disable the government spyware.
>American education
could you break out some sage for me then? I'm quite hungry....
It's always the men that are the problem isn't it
No CIA niggers in my wife.
>Women are given far more handouts for college
>Women are preferred in a lot of companies for promotions/leadership positions
>Western society has worked for the last 20-30 years to "equal out" things between the sexes
>Ended up essentially reversing things
>Women still want relationships are they were before all this occured
>Refuse to marry down, or have a stay at home husband
You reap what you sow.
>CIA niggers using my waifu gynoid as a spying device
>Doing stuff you enjoy with your time and money is childish.
>You should aspire to devoting yourself to providing gibs to someone else because vagina.
>Disregard that women killed their traditional gender role. Live up to yours, because that totally still makes sense.
>Stop not valuing what I value.
>Gib shekels goy
bitches have too much power, all they have to do is call rapeor get a divorce and you lose everything, fuck that shit, i'm just going to use a fake egg and clone chuck norris as a female.
if i had a fucking (You) for every time I've seen this photo over the last year, I'd have sick ifs
# 'em
Because most people realize how shitty and rigged society is, even if they wont publicly admit it. You cant fight it because social norms say admiting to seeing the Jewish conspiracy makes you “crazy” or “alt-right nazi”. The Jews already won, so people just enjoy life and check out of perpetuating the race.
there's that leaf spirit I love.
>women are (((taught))) they should be strong and independent
>women are (((taught))) they deserve special treatment and the world at their feet
I've only dated one woman who wasn't completely cognitively dissonant in this way and she was 29 and paid the toll twice.
Shit you're right I just remembered that leaf was in my mom's herb garden that had a bunch of rosemary plants.
Because young straight men are hated in society
Ask me how I know you don't have a wife nor children
did you forget who was posting?
When I get fucking rich as fuck off bitcoin, litecoin, and ethereum, the last thing I want to do is waste all my hard earned sheckles on some cock hoarding cunt
Cant wait to run over those CIA niggers on the side of the road with my waifu riding shotgun.
certainly couldn't be the fault of the "proud sluts" who don't want to settle down until they've hit the wall, could it?
Because I'm on Sup Forums?
That's actually an ok solution if you have alot to lose. You could pleald temporary insanity or crime or passion to get your sentence reduced if caught.
If she just went missing then it's only a chance you will get caught vs 100% chance of your assets being taken.
>paid the toll twice
The fact she had to pay the toll twice says something about her...
Look at what's forced into the bodies and minds of westerner men: they are pretty much trained since birth to be wimps, hence they complain about girls because it's much easier than blaming and changing themself
While she hangs out the window taking swings at the ones you miss with a baseball bat, right?
>Why are young straight white men checking out of society these days, Sup Forums?
There's very little economic advantage or incentive to get married or reproduce.
Modern society has done everything it's possibly could to remove all equity from the family unit and attribute it to the individual.
Marriage went from a legal process to acquire land, money, etc, to basically betting 50% of your stuff that you'll stay with this one person for the rest of your life.... Which my own parents ironically won, but I view them as exceptionally individuals and not the rule (most of my friends have divorced parents).
That isn't even getting into all the small personal annoyances, sacrifices, grievances, changes, and so forth that come with such a long term relationship- giving up things you love for someone else.
You're just better off living alone. Not to say you can't or shouldn't avoid relationships, but much like with lending money to friends: don't mix your social relationships up with legal matters.
Jeez the women sure are missing out on all these lazy men
>blocks your path
Not so fast Satan!
I keep saying this is how you fix women
>create a superior market competition
>make biological women obsolete
>women start begging for survival again like nature intended
>only condition we accept is absolute servitude
Thats right user. Thats right.
But if we have perfect gynoids and an all around superior product, why would you want them back?
What a future, what a glorious future. I can only hope I'm still alive to see it when it happens.
God bless you sir, your struggle is mine. We are kindred spirits.
I haven't talked to girls regularly in years and I don't miss it at all.
50% shitskin is the future. Maybe the shitskins will eventually save us?
we won't,
I just want to enjoy watching them beg for forgiveness
the juice ain't worth the squeeze and even 'redpilled' women refuse to understand
>you can't get a girl? just like, get more money and be hotter, you need to suck it up and meet my standards no matter what
>There's very little economic advantage or incentive to get married or reproduce.
your economic means are supposed to enable you to reproduce comfortably, not the other way around.
because they run at any hint of adversity
>this kills the thots
Whores and evil-doers hate devotion to God.
>No, no, let me have access to arbitrarily take half of all your belongings.
I am currently spending all of my savings and remaining unemployed so I can impregnate women safely
that asshole is a bit to stretched out for me. also if you want fembots go looking for an autistic girl lol
Well going with the shitloads of low effort/investment offspring is a viable strategy too, rabbits and Africans have great success with it.
Nope. I'd still refuse. Go back to women hating scum who like beating women, like disgusting fetishes, admit they think women's bodies look disgusting? You'd suck in bed, you'd be stingy with money and beat me and think you'd be a good deal? Not a chance. I'd still make fun of you for your sex dolls too no matter how popular it gets.
There is nothing to gain by being a hard working man in today's world
Im kinda hoping life extension tech makes good progress too.
Yep, remove the problems that made men leave and then they will return.
I try to remain optimistic and think it'll be everything we want and need, but I know, deep inside, that our corrupt government will find someway to fuck everything up and make us even more miserable.
tsk tsk tsk
misfired there sorry
Yeah. I worry they will try some outlaw bullshit on the grouds of "protecting the family unit" as if they ever cared about that. I think even in a best case senario you will see terror attacks on waifu factories and other facilities of the type. Maybe random waifu murders.
They were so close with that article, except they got it backwards. The reason men are checking out of society is because the women are childish, and men decide it's just not worth it.
Why should we have to jump through 20 fucking hoops to make it through their bullshit made up mating ritual that's entirely to their benefit?
I could go for a nice roast beef sandwich right now. Followed by fucking my AI VR waifu.
You'll never marry. Your legacy will be a litter of cats.