Ultimate happening or just another day in paradise?

To all Jews and Christians:
This could be it, the big one! Will we (the Christians) be gone and you (the Jews and everyone else) be left behind by spring?

The time of Jacob's troubles is nigh.

Is God real? Is Jesus the Saviour of sinners who accept Him and messiah of the Jews?

Stay tuned and find out!

Attached: image.png (936x527, 202K)

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Hey, mods, sorry for not mentioning the political significance...
Jesus, King of kings, may return soon to gather His people and prepare to quash the rebellion to make way for a divine monarchy. Seems politically significant to me anyhow. Hope you leave it up awhile to see if anyone cares.


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Bump for the return of the True King!!!! JESUS!!

Attached: 000000terry.gif (429x592, 2.8M)

Thank you, sir! Checked. See you Tuesday...or the Tuesday after that...or soon anyway.

thats all wrong
thats wrong
Here is the truth of it
I mean wow that one doesnt even initiate the 2300 upon the 457 bc command by atarxerxes to restore the temple in jerusalem

This chart can be backed by scripture, yours is like someone L Ron Hubbard scribbled in a few minutes

Attached: inspiration-updated-prophecy-timeline-chart-updated-prophecy-timeline-chart-updated-prophecy-timelin (4961x2430, 658K)

besides, you dont even abide by this:

Which is what a "day" means in almost all of Bible prophecy.


The coincidences are getting a little strange
The planets lining up last year
Crypto currency and biometric technology definitely have the potential to control buying and selling. Xrp, iota and xem all have a symbol representing 666 and xrp was endorsed by the federal reserve for 2020 faster payments program
Trump shilling rfid chips
Kishner buys 666 5th ave has a company called lucent
In ww2 usa had 20% of the population drafted, 20% of china's population is 200million which is the size of the army in revelations. Army also had dragon sigils chinas state is represented by a dragon


Relax, brother, I can be wrong. If you're right, we are still close! Let's quit arguing about it and get happy!

You know it was a seventh day Adventist, Ron Wyatt, that located many biblically significant artifacts...
Mount Sinai, Red Sea crossing site, the ARK OF THE COVENANT!

You should check it out. Soon.
Not next year in Jerusalem, next week in Heaven!

This is the correct reckoning of the biblical timelines. Become a Seventh-day Adventist, the ultimate redpill.

Attached: 1eef8ccd558d361b06a0803376899909--bible-notes-bible-verses.jpg (736x552, 76K)

Which part? Why care?
Cause, it WILL affect you. Either you are a winner on team Jesus, or you have bad things in your immediate future.

I do grant that the Holy Spirit has used some of your brethren in powerful ways. I'll check it out. I'm still going to hope for this month, though.

I've seen the pope Pious thing pop up recently. Something to do with the rising again April 1st.

less than 100 years

see image:

Fuck I hope so, You nig nogs subvert civilization and help the kikes.


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I'll take that too. Every day is one day closer!

Question...Sunday law...are we looking for a global application, or just Christian realms and Jerusalem?

Hey! We'll all be happy!
Can you imagine?!

let me rephrase
I can guarantee less than 100 years
dont ask further, but i can factually and certainly absolutely assure less than 100 years

I understand if it doesn't roll right off the tongue. It does get to be quite a lot of math.

>Christian, Christ
>which judaism despises above all else

>crypto kike

You clearly have never been around kikes.
They Hate Arabs and Muslims far more.
They legit have rallies where they scream 'death to Muslims death to Arabs.'
They don't do that for Christians because you are their pets.
>Unironically bragging about destroying your own race because you personally get rewarded with a sky-house

Well, have fun with that tribulating. If you change your mind, there's still a little time to accept Jesus as Saviour and not have to burn in hell.

Your choice.


>They Hate Arabs and Muslims far more.

i have no doubt they successfully give that appearance

dont be naive
IF the belief is correct then there can only be ONE Church that is so

Your not getting hoovered up to heaven. If you want to live in The Kingdom you will have to fight to create it first.

Attached: son of rilfeman.jpg (500x354, 40K)