>Being a “Red pilled” white man living in a developed country
>Voluntarily having children
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Evolution doesn't have a moral, religious, or personal component, you either thrive or you don't. My children will walk over your forgotten grave OP.
evolution will find its course, you will never spread a second copy of yourself, you don't realize it but you're a product of your environment and the Time magazine cover proves it, eventually you'll be a victim of your vices and in your deathbed you will think your failures.
>got ex preggo
>gave up son for adoption
>got vasectomy
>no child support
>got off scott free
>100k a year
lol at u fagets
they should just call it for what it is, a lifestyle of hedonism
its okay, but just be honest about it
Everything you do is hedonistic
you're the degenerate faggot obviously.
is your home
but specifically living your life childfree is a major focus shift on being hedonistic.
What? How does that even make sense? You dont have a child because the child will benefit from it you do it for your own pleasure. Its more hedonistic than not having kids as a matter of fact
Never wanted the responsibility. My brother had 4 girls and now you have a white great nephew. Works for me. He will get my share of the estate when im gone. He'll be a rich mfer someday
Anyone else around the age of 30 suddenly feel the paternal/maternal instinct kick in? I've been sterile my whole life due to a event in my childhood, but fuck I want to be able to have that sort of parental love for a child and raise them as best I can. Started looking into adoption last few weeks, going to take a few years for a white child but I think it'll be worth it.
Make em black
you lost, eli. go away.
child-rearing is a laborious and time consuming process that would take ALOT of time away from an individual wanting to pursue hedonistic activities.
hedonists, realizing this, make the conscious decision to not have kids because they value their opportunity to engage in said activities more than they would raising a child. But just be honest about it ! You don't want kids because its hard and alot of work.
And that is perfectly fine. Having a child is NOT a hedonistic venture. Sure you get pleasure out of it in the end, but if anything it's more of a biological necessity and social obligation, an innate feeling that for some they feel the need to experience and 'check off'. That is why you hear so much about the 'maternal instinct kicking in' because its all biological.
I laugh at breederfags because they are only cucking themselves. Your daughters or grand daughters at most will be copulating with niggers and laughing about what a faggot cuck you are.
Typical tricks shlomo
If you're not having children willingly, it means you've either accepted that your inferior genetics don't deserve to be passed on, or you're doing humanity a disservice by not passing healthy genetics forwards. I'd rather have people breeding in first world countries than in third world shitholes.
Do you not want more whites?
Abort daughters and breed sons?
Our impact on this world and the lives of others will continue long after we leave this realm in the deeds and acts of our descendants. Your legacy will be snuffed out with your passing. Who is the click here?
>>got vasectomy
One of the most cucked things possible.
>Who is the click here?
You are the cuck who'se own daughter will be fucking nigs under his own roof.
>Do you not want more whites?
Whites treat me like trash and are mostly cucks. So no wonder they love that their daughters are fucking niggers. I wouldn't and I laugh at them.
Are you white?
The Tyranny of the Tit.
Op is a NWO fag.
That is literally wrong.
Enjoy. You probably have shit genes anyway.
we control its course, not the other way around.
at this rate we're creating a race of retards who only breed because they're too dumb to envision the consequences
The Fourteen Words state:
>"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
>"We must irresponsibly and thoughtlessly shit out as many white children as possible, so as to biologically compete in vain with dumbass niggers, Muslims, and other hopeless, idiot breeders who don't give a fuck about the quality of their children's lives."
204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.
205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world’s population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world’s population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.
Is that a Jew I see
>who don't give a fuck about the quality of their children's lives
Quality of life sedates you and makes you a well-controllable soyboy. Man has to struggle. And the more people you have, more tension there is and harder it will explode, so make sure you have as many people of your own kind as possible when this inevitably happens.
Kek, real deep shit from a fucking retard trusted his brother not to betray him to the authorities. Kaczynski is a perfect example of why STEMcucks should generally avoid attempting to comment on philosophy and politics.
How many kids did he have again?
>"Quality of life sedates you and makes you a well-controllable soyboy. Man has to struggle."
Cool story bro!
>implying life in Naziflagland is comparable to life in sub Saharan Africa
shit even life in Southern Africa (SA, Namibia, Botswana.. even Zambia) isn't that bad, at least compared to whatever country you grabbed that pic from
GenX here. Single, date here and there, no kids.
I saw all the failures around me from people getting married early, divorced-custody battles ect... The men get fucked. Most married couples I know are miserable, and on the way to divorce. iiiii’m pretty good. I still have time/options.
if Pic Related + 2 more white sons isn't your life goal, just end your worthless life now.
huge fan of uncle ted. problem is the system has been rigged to favor shitskins and women while punishing white males. our jobs have been given away to illegals and women that have driven down wages. i'd love to have a cutie housewife and 5 white babies but it's not the world we live in anymore.
pep nip man tits should be my goal?
This post smells of something.
>pep nips
>man tits
Man, it's nice to know how accessible computers are now, seeing the mentally handicap being able to use them is truly a statement on how advanced we are.
I do believe zero, user.
got more?
fuck off kike
>kike propaganda sterilizes their shabbos goyim out of existence
>the only whites who have kids are the redpilled ones
>collective will of white people reborn