If Ron Paul (Father of Rand) ran for president in 2020 on the Republican ticket, would you chose him over Trump?
>old fags will say
>Rebbit will say
If Ron Paul (Father of Rand) ran for president in 2020 on the Republican ticket, would you chose him over Trump?
>old fags will say
>Rebbit will say
Only if he had a serious chance of winning.
Do you realize how many Repubs/Fence riders were basically forced to vote for Trump so Hillary wouldn't win?
Everyone would back Ron Paul to get the cheeto cunt to shut the fuck up after talking all this shit for the past 3 years
>I need to specify who Ron Paul is
>But I'm totally one of the old fags
Also he's 85
Fuck no. A:he’s old as fucking dust.
B: for every rally great position he holds, he holds an equally insane one.
I did that for the newfags cunt.
Trips of truth
Actually, he's an extremely level headed guy
>Ron Paul
The President we needed but didn't deserve.
He's only taking the goodies out of Communism desu. Hate the guy but yeah.
I think he would have made a great president, I would prefer a 2nd term of trump followed by two consecutive terms of ron pauls preserved, and fully alive, head.
Face it he was the right man for the job... he might even have stopped a lot of what is about to happen... but we all know society has fallen too far to see their own folly and dismiss him as some sort of "whacko"
I've been shilling for Ron Paul during both the 2008 and 2012 elections... Ron Paul is my true homeboy. God i've been spending way too much time on american elections.
For all of you oldfags, im sure you'll remember this one... just for the feels:
Actually on most things yes. On several things, NO. He isn’t
>If Ron Paul (Father of Rand) ran for president in 2020
we would have 4 years of economic disaster
This whole post is fucking sad. Thanks for doing god's work tho Colegate
No executive experience. Idea guy only.
t. economic illiterate
Jared Taylor needs to run.
I wrote Paul in 2008, and 2012, woke me up to how controlled the party and media are. In a way though, I am glad Paul didn't win, he was too much of a gentleman and let people roll over him. Imagine the reaction from the press you see today against Trump, on a person like Paul. He would have had a house full of GOP era congressman that wanted nothing to do with his agenda, and a media that hates him.
Ok new rule
Only American citizens can post ITT. Irrelevant fuck nuggets with the GDP of a shit caked crack baby need not apply.
Thread Gestalt, we need to fight censorship
Yes. We need to abolish the fed
He would be so goddamn low energy. I supported him in 2008 or whenever but he's too low energy
Why hasn't Trump said a fucking thing about the Fed? About the kikes? about fucking ANYTHING?
I think he just wants his 8 years so he can piss in everyone's face
I would hope either Paul becomes President or Treasury Sec
Quit shilling your shitty content in my thread
Give him Cohn’s Job.
>I would prefer a 2nd term of trump
Why? He hasn't done anything. Fucking Ted Cruz would have gotten more shit done than Trump.
where is the original video?
sadly, ron paul's time is well past. he'll be 85 on election day, close to 90 when he leaves office. waaay too old
This is now a nostalgia thread.
Watching this, I'm reminded that Paul lost because he was not eloquent enough. The reason Trump won is because of his soundbytes. As much truth as Paul slung repeatedly during his campaign, he just didn't have that "it" factor that Trump had. He stuttered, some of his points were incoherent. This is why democratic anything is a bullshit system. It relies entirely on one's ability to convince the sub-100 IQ masses.
I remember that song like it was yesterday! Those were the days... the thrill of the Money Bomb, the ill-fated Ron Paul Blimp...
...the debate smackdowns...
If I recall correctly, Ron had more MySpace friends than all the other candidates combined, and that includes Hillary and Obama. RonPaulForums is still going strong, a decade on, but the magic has dissipated.
The liberal kike media would have a hard time deciding who is the REAL literally Hitler, Trump or Ron Paul.
True. Jesus, reddit really ruined this board and others boards too.
Sup Forums is a few one boards here fighting against reddit a now leftypol also help the liberal redditors to ruined there with capeshit threads
And the_Donald and kekistani cringe just makes all worse
Yes the real BASED man . Trump fell already to the swamp of neokikes.sad
Yes, much like Trump, he had grassroots support and the support of the silent majority, but he wasn't bold enough to call them out or challenge them on air like Trump would so he never reached the normie population. He would gripe about it after the fact, but he would never interject himself into the debate when they ignored him because he was too much of a gentleman.
That plus, he always saw the deeper cause for everything as being fiat currency, and it did not resonate with the average voter, that a topic like foreign policy or the welfare state could somehow be caused for a foreign topic like monetary policy. So every question he would end up talking about the federal reserve and all the normies are thinking, "what the fuck is he talking about".
>R*ddit spacing
How do you do fellow oldfags
I think ron has the right ideas but he is no way equipped with the tools to fight the current swamp. trump is necessary right now to tear it all down so it can be rebuilt. Rand 2024
Primaries are irrelevant so why not?
Old fag here.
Trump has far more potential.
Holy fuck how old would he be
The US is not really suffering from a lack of libertarian economics; it is suffering from demographic and social fissuring as a byproduct of having too many disparate population-groups trying to share the same polity. I don't think RP has any great solutions for that issue.
No. He would likely veto everything that came across his desk for spite. Some may see that as a good thing, but you eventually will need to pass a budget. And the only budget he would accept would neuter our military. And we can not afford that right now.
No. He would likely veto everything that came across his desk for spite. Some may see that as a good thing, but you eventually will need to pass a budget. And the only budget he would accept would neuter our military. And we can not afford that right now.
Yes of course. Ron Paul was the best president America never had.
It absolutely fucking is suffering from a lack of libertarian everything. The state has completely fucked the economy sideways with its monetary policy and has put its own security at risk through constant foreign dickwagging. The current US govt is the exact fucking opposite of what the founders intended. Every single problem we have today can be traced to the state, whether it be money printing, minimum wage, the drug war, welfare, whatever. Every single one of our problems, at its core, stems from the state muscling its way into the lives of its citizens.
Ron Paul is a hero. His gold bug is as Jewy as it gets. So is usury.
Bring back greenbacks and the American school of economics.
Beyond that he's a patriot.
no. he doesn't have the force of will or personality that's needed. its not just about politics, its about skillset.
Ron Paul is against the tariffs. He's gone full cuck.
"The state" is just an extension of its people. There is no such thing as an abstracted libertarian "system" which stands apart from the population intended to implement and maintain it.
No and yes.
Ron understands the fundamentals of what makes for a working society but cucks big time on what to do about foreign influence. IE: immigration control, trade/dollar manipulation. I don't mind the isolationist proposition as long as we become more self sufficient.
Trump is a loose cannon and really is a master of mind games. It makes for a great preisdent but being the wild card means we have no idea what the fuck he is going to do. He has sent all sorts of mixed signals. I think he wants to save white America but its an uphill battle as he has to break a deep state power class and then rally the troops to stop this whole globalist mess.
Weak point for both is that the Jews have them both cucked. Then again this is because (((they))) have a huge stranglehold. on most of society so i can't blame thiem for hiding their power level on this issue. More points to Ron on this one because he is way more in touch with stopping the FED and Israel. If he just went full boar with the immigration issues I would vote for him in a second.
this is why I was embarrassed when I supported Ron Paul.
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