the thread for common-sense, educated opinions about trade and economics. Today's theme: Ya'll niggas know tariffs are retarded and a tax on americans right?
Free trade general
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2 years ago Obama proposed as high as a 266% tariff on steel. There are fewer than 5 articles about it online. Luckily the Wall Street Journal reported on it. The 25% duty on steel Trump has proposed has been in the news for 2 weeks.
pic related
The rust belt states that Trump narrowly won in 2016 won't forget that he stuck his neck out on the steel and coal issue. Perhaps Trump will be the one to make Pennsylvania solidly red.
so? are you proud Trump is less retarded than Obama?
Btw pic related, pick one
It's about time someone called the globalists out on their free trade bullshit, it was never anything other than wealth redistribution.
>ITT: /leftypol/ LARPing as a lolberg in order to attack nationalism
supporting your own countries industries is so aweful
It's only a war against China's zombie steel plants. Literal money printing scheme to pay workers to make steel that absolutely makes it impossible to compete against because the Chinese don't care about profit - they're using govt printed money.
Economic retardation is peak lefty/pol/ tho, Cuckie Sanders supports tariffs (aka gibs for unions and businessmen) too
High time
>common sense
Like letting everyone else place tariffs on your goods, and then not doing so in retaliation because "tariffs are bad for the economy?"
i love when stupid people try politics
>everything can be boiled down to a cartoon
yes goy, america needs to be more like third world shitholes goy
Do you really think the steel is a significant portion of the cost to manufacture an automobile?
"third world shitholes"
You do understand of course that most of Western Europe has tariffs on us right? Oh, and of course almost every nation in Asia.
>he thinks steel is only useful to directly manufacture automobiles
>Ya'll niggas know tariffs are retarded and a tax on americans right?
It's so funny to me that ancaps are so far on the autism-spectrum that they'll unironically defend allowing psychopathic CEOs of international corporations to undermine and destroy the US middle class by exploiting third world slave labor.
i see you really are retarded, and lack any ability to have a conversation. sage out.
I was just referring to the comic but i guess if you weren't retarded you wouldn't have made this thread.
t. exposed as leftypol
even by this comic your comment is retarded, shill
You think nothing happens in the production of a car but the direct assembly in the fucking car factory and building of parts?
It's not free trade if everyone else has protectionist policies except us. By not having tariffs we're literal cucks. I'm willing to pay a little more if it means americans have jobs. Take your own side.
There's nothing that can't be manufactured in the US. I'd wager we'd be better off eliminating all international trade (except the importation of raw materials not found domestically.) They need us more than we need them.
the US is the most protectionist country on earth
No such thing as free trade when many countries either own the manufacturing outright or subsidize it.
Come back to reality lolbertarian
Completely false
how many steel workers are even in the USA
like 100 tops
>what is China?
We should only have free trade. Even if it means all other countries fuck us over and take our wealth. Had me another lib cartoon guys.
>socialists that advocate for free trade only when we're getting fucked over in the deal
Dems are a mess
I kept trying to point out to him that it's not even free trade. You're still getting tariffs when you don't retaliate. It's just that it's not your country getting the revenue, which will allow for it to have a reduced tax burden. People often forget that prior to 1913, almost all our revenue came from import tariffs, and that we had almost no federal income taxes.
"Net protectionist measures"
Meaning, about 1% of which are actual tariffs, with the rest being crack downs on crap like smuggling, which of course we don't have much of in the US, because for one, we're a lawful country by comparison, and for two we don't export hardly anything. This, and if you only account for quantity of actions, and don't factor in at all the gravity of actions, then you get a chart with meaningless data.
nice try burger-chan, but anyone who reads the actual info on protectionism will see the US is full of shit, even by eeighted average applied tariff the US is not in any way applying less than euros
And again, tariffs are not the only way to be protectionism, the US excels at regulatory bs
Fuck off the only thing ((Free Trade)) has gotten us is a hollowed opiod addicted white working class which was by design.
Look at what they're actually talking about in some of these. "Sri Lanka: Special commodity levy imposed on grated/powdered cheese." In that transaction, you're talking about what? Maybe 2000 USD of goods on the high end?
,also thanks for admitting you're not from the US, and thus are not advocating for our interest.
Oh look at what they have listed on the other side of the equation as if those all are equivalent.
"United States of America/State of Alabama: Incentives package for Toyota and Mazda"
>american steel companies can undercut their competition by 30% and still make the same profit
>with the increased business due to having a cheaper product with the same quality they'll be able to expand is this bad for Americans again?
Why the obsession with materialism anyhow? Why base our whole social order on what economists say? Why has culture in western countries become vapid consumerist clown worlds.
OMG those horrible bans on Indian poo fish. We should totally allow horrible plagues in our food supplies. This whole list is just horribly skewed information.
"United States of America: Seafood Import Monitoring Program"
Explain what is wrong with reciprocal trade practices.
>Substantial US trade deficits can be observed with eight of the ten top US trading partners (Figure 2). Considering these two phenomena – low tariffs and high trade deficits – it initially seems understandable that US political stakeholders regard the present trade structure as unfair. Moreover, US jobs are particularly concentrated in industries that suffer from the country’s open stance (Autor 2017). These interest groups unsurprisingly see the isolation of the US market as an effective cure.
>However, this assessment neglects non-tariff impediments that restrict trade flows. Figure 3 hints at substantial evidence of an increasing protectionist attitude from the US in the recent past. According to the recent data from the Global Trade Alert (GTA), the US is the most protectionist country within the group of G20 nations, as it implements by far the highest number of non-tariff barriers (see also Evenett and Fritz 2017).
>Recent empirical studies illustrate that in the case of advanced economies, not only an increase in tariffs but, especially, an increase in non-tariff barriers is decisive for welfare losses. Thus, the communicated possible protectionist measures of the US might lead to severe economic consequences (Aichele et al. 2016).
>xD i only clicked the first link and cant even interpret it
not every american is a retarded mongrel burger
>Net 'protectionist measures'
Yes, because the quantity of trade restrictions is all that counts. Surely that law banning the import of elephant ivory is tantamount to putting tariffs on foreign imports to protect your economy.
Jesus Christ, it's like how they lump suicides in with 'gun violence' and call any shooting that happens on university property a 'school shooting'. They just need something to make them seem right, and they'll lie through their teeth to get it.
You know why they're doing this, right? Because it's the kikes who are taking advantage of income disparity between nations and importing cheap Chinese goods at the expense of American manufacturing. It's not about whether Chinese steel is the #1,2,3,45 imported steel - it's the fucking jews with the import contracts. They're pitching a fit because their free ride is ending. Now instead of making 5% on Chinese steel, they'll only get 1% or risk losing their business to American steelmakers. Those poor billionaire kikes, what will they ever do?
Oh right. They'll hire the American media to paint it as a 'trade war', and make a bunch of misleading cartoons. Then they'll take advantage of a hostile media, waiting with baited breath for any negative news they can report about Trump, and convince them to run yet another 48 hours of slanderous bullshit that doesn't stand up to scrutiny. But it doesn't matter, since the media's all run by kikes, so they'll never rat eachother out for lying. No one will ever know, because the kikes have more loyalty to one another than they have to the USA, and the principles of truth, honesty, and fairness.
What's reciprocal about imposing the most non-tariff trade barriers in the world? This is being the commerce jew of the world and then whining about it. "cries in pain as he stabs you" kind of thing
This thread should serve as a reminder that (((ancaps))) are agents of the globalists. They care not for race, creed, or nation.
>Hurr durr Obama did it too and did it worse.
Not a fucking argument, retard.
I'm so fucking sick of this "YEAH BUT OBAMA" faggotry by Trumpkins. Just because your opponent did something does not fucking legitimize it when you do it. It's the most faggoty fucking cop-out non-argument imaginable. A retarded thing does not magically become not a retarded thing just because someone else did it.
No one who's bitching about Trump's tariffs is an Obama fan. Anyone who gives two shits about tariffs is a libertarian who is 99% likely to have hated Obama, and you saying "OBAMA DID IT TOO" does not fucking work on us.
w-we need to be more like Brazil and India AND keep our non-tariff protectionism up, this will MAGA for s-sure goys
>China was a highly protectionist trading nation three decades ago, but it has reduced average statutory tariffs from 45 percent in the mid-1980s to 10 percent in 2015 in order to qualify for entry to the World Trade Organization.
>Beijing has also abolished most of its non-tariff barriers, such as import quotas and licensing requirements, that were once pervasive, the analysts said.
>"It does retain tariff rate quotas but has reduced the number of products covered, from 16 in 2001 to only 8 in 2015, and the quotas for these products have been substantially increased. In comparison, the U.S. maintains tariff rate quotas on 9 products."
>In 2010, Brazil adopted a slew of protectionist industrial and trade policies that favored domestic production but under President Michel Temer, the South American giant has expressed a willingness to embrace a more open trade policy as it attempts to recover from an economic recession.
>India, meanwhile, has a long history of defending major industries, particularly farming and pharmaceuticals, but Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has said his country aspires to be more open.
>I don't know what he's talking about, so he doesn't understand my source
No you fucking idiot. They're not weighting anything whatsoever. The closest thing I can even see to a weight to any of these, is "sectors effected" which is the most faulty stat you could possibly use. To give an example of how fucking stupid that is, I could place a 1 cent a gallon tax on gas, and say that it had more impact on the economy than a 1 billion USD per grain rice tax, because it effects less sectors.
Well this one is just a chink roach I'm pretty sure. Either way I'm done "debating" with the idiot.
you're seeing just the most recent measures you absolute fucking retard, that's why there are several links
You've clearly never read shit about actual trade policy
>when you tax your people and cripple yourself you win
Bullshit. Every Trump sign I’ve seen on a front yard had a Mexican next to it doing the yard work. There’s more than one landscapping company in the area that is run by a white guy. Too bad they cost too much for the average Trumptard. At the end of the day you only have yourselfs to blame for giving these people jobs. You want cheap labor and can’t live without it.
Why are people kvetching so hard about us matching the tariffs that other countries have on our goods?
Because it destroys more jobs than it saves and requires the initiation of force.
You know what will happen with Trump's tariffs?
The same thing that happened in 2002 when Bush put in place steel tarrifs, lost 200k jobs, and quickly reversed his decision and took away tarrifs.
Then again in 2009 when Obama put a tarrifs on Chinese tires and cost 10k retail jobs.
this isn't a tariff on Chink imports, it's a tax on most entire US secondary sector. Pipeline industry, car, rail and air industry all sorts of manufacturers will get screwed over by this.
just buy enough steel and store it in Nevada
As a free range vegan leftist I know that taxes are awesome and the more the better...
So I don't get all the whining.
>be nationalist
>don't want your people to live better
>countries tax our goods
>we reciprocate
>hur durrrr we initiated the force
People with below average IQs should be executed so that they may never reproduce.
You're clearly underaged. The previous 8 years were nothing more than b-b-b-but Bush!
B-but imitating India's and Argentina's policies will M-MAGA
>tariffs are retarded and a tax on americans
This is straight up lie. Tariffs would reduce the taxpayer burden. You could lower the taxes as the government gets more money from tariffs.
Got to love how the shills think they can just put on an AnCap flag and people will believe they're AnCaps and not fucking commie shills.
I'm not going to take economic advice from the same retards who thought the economy would tank when Trump was elected.
>they are screwing their country from the inside
>so do we
Tariffs wont change the fact America can't compete in trades.
A trade war is good.... when you have money to buy all the cheap stocks people will be selling.
>they are benefiting greatly from tariffs
>but we shouldn't do the same because doing it would be ''initiating force'' despite them doing it and it would be ''bad'' for us despite it being very good for them
>if I say they're screwing up their country doing this one good thing it makes it so
>meme flag trying to shit on American politics
fuck off european style socialist
This is what not learning basic econ101 does to people.
Tell me, meme country, who pays for the higher prices? Is it the Chinese workers and businessmen? Who gets more expensive products and is forced to subsidize the king's friends with basically corporate welfare? It is the businessman who'll pay more for steel and sell less because of higher prices, the Americans who'll spend more money
>Literally defending spic and Indian and french socialists' policies, shit that Bernie wanted
>Calling anyone socialist
Your jewish overlords pay, that's why they're employing shills like you to shitpost on hentai pedo fap sites.
>t. globalist
the tariffs are happening and your boss can't do anything about it
the tariffs will lose jobs initially and increase the prices on some things but it will ultimately revitalize the american steel and aluminum industries and strengthen the american dollar
>gas the cars!
>trade war now!
didn't finish my comment
literally celebrating every day i voted for Trump
the dollar has been rising every day since he was elected President and jobs just keep being made
everything he's done so far besides not investigating hillary has truly made America better
and so will these tarrifs
>>they are benefiting greatly from tariffs
>people are paying more for the same things (or the same for lower-quality things)
>now they can't start new bussiness or invest on theirs
>productivity comes to a standstill
>industries are protected
>they don't invest anymore because they don't have the urge to be competitive
>productivity comes to a standstill
geopolitical localisation can't change basics economy
Dem's trying very hard, and failing just as hard, to convince anybody that they now care about American jobs and industry, which they specifically ignored for years as part of their "strategy".
Are you a spic? That's spic policy. The hispanization of America is truly disgusting
>... you're a spic!!!
wow! great argument there bucko!
really jostled my poppyseeds
sorry but i have to bump actual politics