I'm working on an Essay right now, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask you guys to lend me some statistics, citations much appreciated!
I'm looking for some fat Redpills on Diversity
Other urls found in this thread:
Just overlay a map of race with a map of anything good or bad.
Be careful though the truth is racist, and racism is punishable by loss of the ability to work or be schooled if you are white.
English Canada's wanted to convert Quebec to anglos for centuries and it's just not happening
Assimilation of large populations just doesn't work
I'm data mining to try and figure out what we should do next. Cause we are really getting fucked over this week.
>poorer areas of the world are less intelligent
>24,000 murders each year
We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And the Murder Of Black, Brown & All Oppressed People
Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States. Other communities are also criminalized, targeted, attacked and brutalized. We want an immediate end to state sanctioned violence against our communities
We Want Full Employment For Our People
Every individual has the human right to employment and a living wage. Inability to access employment and fair pay continues to marginalize our communities, ready us for imprisonment, and deny us of our right to a life with dignity
We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings
Our communities have a human right to access quality housing that protects our families and allows for our children to be free from harm.
We Want an End to the School to Prison Pipeline & Quality Education for All
We want an end to policies that criminalize our young people as well as discriminatory discipline practices that bar access to quality education. Furthermore, we want all children to be able to access free, quality education. Including free or affordable public university.
We Want Freedom from Mass Incarceration and an End to the Prison Industrial Complex
We want an end to the over policing and surveillance of our communities. This will hasten an end to the criminalization of black and brown people and hyper incarceration everywhere. Policing in the United States has historically helped to enforce racist laws, policies and norms. The result is a massive prison industrial complex built on the warehousing of black people. We call for the cessation of mass incarceration and the eradication of the prison industrial complex all together. In its place we will address harm and conflict in our communities through community based, restorative solutions
>We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And the Murder Of Black, Brown & All Oppressed People
Righto then, we'll stop police brutality, and we'll start murdering black, brown and oppressed people. Just like you asked.
lmao fuck off NIGGER
This is none of your business Chinaman. Mind your own and stay in your lane. If it was not for the fact that what your are doing is to white people you would be just as shit.
Oh look, a Cletus saying Nigger! You sure seem upset bucko. Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it? We all know thats what you inbred fucks are about
We are shudding dhis dhread down undil dhe bosders of /bol/ adresses dhe following
we wand an immediade end do bolige brudalidy and dhe murder of blagg, brown & all obbressed :DD beoble
every 28 hours a blagg berson in dhe unided :DD sdades is gilled :DD by someone embloyed :DD or brodegded :DD by dhe governmend of dhe unided :DD sdades. Odher gommunidies are also griminalised, dargeded, addagged :DD and brudalised :DD. We wand an immediade end do sdade sangdioned :DD violenge againsd our gommunidies
we wand full embloymend for our beoble
every individual has dhe human righd do embloymend and a living wage. Inabilidy do aggess embloymend and fair bay gondinues do marginalise our gommunidies, ready us for imbrisonmend, and deny us of our righd do a life widh dignidy
we wand degend housing fid for dhe shelder of human beings
our gommunidies have a human righd do aggess qualidy housing dhad brodegds our families and allows for our ghildren do be free from harm.
we wand an end do dhe sghool do brison bibeline & qualidy edugadion for all
we wand an end do boligies dhad griminalise our young beoble as well as disgriminadory disgibline bragdiges dhad bar aggess do qualidy edugadion. Furdhermore, we wand all ghildren do be able do aggess free, qualidy edugadion. Ingluding free or affordable bublig universidy.
we wand freedom from mass ingargeradion and an end do dhe brison indusdrial gomblegs
we wand an end do dhe over boliging and surveillange of our gommunidies. Dhis will hasden an end do dhe griminalisadion of blagg and brown beoble and hyber ingargeradion everywhere. sdades has hisdorigally helbed do enforge ragisd laws, boligies and norms. Dhe massive brison indusdrial gomblegs build on dhe warehousing of blagg beoble. We gall for dhe gessadion of mass ingargeradion and dhe eradigadion of dhe brison indusdrial gomblegs all dogedher. In ids blage we will address harm and gonfligd in our gommunidies dhrough gommunidy based, resdoradive soludions
Please, first off, I'm a oldfag and I don't need a kid talking down to me, thanks. Second, My IQ is 169. For those of you unfamiliar with IQ, this means I have "genius-level" intelligence. I also have synaesthesia, and absolute pitch. Things as diverse as math, music, and art come naturally to me and I get straight A's without studying much at all. I also am able to understand music at a deeper level than most people. While most people my age spend their free time listening to mainstream music, I spend my free time listening to works such as Jerry Garcia Band's Cats Under the Stars, Frank Turner's Sleep Is for the Week and Love Ire & Song. I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of blacks because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook. Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I have a college degree in african studies and detroit studies. What do you do with your life, other than making racist jokes on an anonymous image board? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are just a faggot who should just kill yourself.Thanks for listening.
>Less intelligent areas of the world are poorer.
Fight me.
South Africa has a population of 55 million, they have had 19000 murders in 2016.
Canada has similar gun laws to South Africa. Canada has had 611 murders in 2016. We have a population of 40 million.
USA has 350 million people with loose gun laws. They have had 16000 murders in 2016.
You might want to focus on in groups and out groups. This mentality still permeates third world countries, which is why it's so moronic for first-world countries to deny it and mass import 3rd-worlders.
Specifically, observe how the muslim community in Rotherham defended the child grooming gang.
Classic right here
"Fuck whitey"
Low intelligence brings poverty, not the other way around, retard.
you seem retarded
Post of the world is not diverse, most of Europe has hardly seen a black person or other race than syrian, so they try to pass laws to make it more diverse. Well USA is very diverse, but stupid liberals and colleges act as europe is smarter than america just because its older and that usa should copy all their laws/trends, which doesn't work here since we already achieved europes goal of diversity.
>denying environmental effects on intelligence
I can't be bothered if it makes you feel better just say you won this argument
Fine lets show Compton and Detroit.
Oh my god suck my balls, you're black right? You do understand that the number of black people with IQs above 150 is only around 1.4% of the total population, right? I find it hard to believe that any black guy with an IQ above 150 would even be on this board if he was so intelligent.
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/163392199/#p163394668
>Need new material kike nigger
>Ctrl+F "Robert Putnam"
Bros... come on.
Book called trojan horse a liberals critique on multiculturalism in the west
I Have heard from someone that certain african countries have not discovered the wheel until the late 18th century? Any truth to that?
>common knowledge proves my argument not science needed!
No thanks
guns don't kill people niggers kill people.
Please do drop subtle references to JQ too, in your essay. Thank you.
Go to reddit or some place else douche
Joe Biden’s proposal to fix post Iraq war violence was to carve it into 3 separate ethnostates because it turns out Kurds, Sunni and whatever else only got along when forced to by Saddam or US military presence. I think Biden tries to deny it now
Okay,but if you get ALL THOSE THINGS
>will you act like normal human beings?
>will you speak English?
>will you stop using/selling narcotics?
>will you WORK? PAY taxes?
I would go on but I Fucking hate bait
>you insufferable faggot.
Have a quick rundown instead.
Maybe, I've been getting shitstares lately every time I open the mouth since I called transgenderism bullshit
>can't be bothered
>captcha 2 or 3 times to talk about how bothered xe can't be
>racist flag
>lel xD
Interesting thing to note. USA has ~82 percent of the murders south Africa has and also has ~82 percent of the black population South Africa has.
Hard redpill right here
Nigger, are you implying you can silence anyone here?
Are niggers really that retarded?
>compton and detroit are shitholes
>this is common knowledge
>it has NOTHING to do with niggers
>xenophobic memebanner
>lel xD
pic is Compton circa pre-NIGGERS
>every 28 hours a blagg berson in dhe unided :DD sda
I was also going to add how come asians had a decreasest in points for SATs followed by whites, and latin americans had a boost and africans had the highest boost? Genetics is a bitch cant hide it can deny it.
>the subhuman torch
The survey conducted begin in the late 1970s and ended in 1985. Since the survey was passed, nearly, 32 years have passed. Which, makes the data not arguable in modern day. If I told you the Black Plague killed nearly 75 million people in 1346, would you be afraid?
>surely this couldn't explain why blacks are six-fold represented in murder crime rates
>after all, these stats and conclusions are 30 years old!
Guess we better change the Pythagorean theorem then, nigger. That shit's older than the Greeks
No need to thank me.
Racism is still alive in the United States even if it's not as inherently violent as it used to be. I would be hard pressed to believe anyone could show me a black man or woman that has not experienced racism or have had it affect them in some major way, at least in this country. This affects the way a person thinks, and the expectations they have for themselves, no matter how much some people are seemingly resilient to it. This would definitely explain lower mean test scores.
>these mental gymnastics
>special olympic gold medal certificate memesquare
>lel xD gommunidsm
it's fun just typing these fucking retarded greentexts, even if you come away from this feeling absolutely vindicated and temper-hardened in your beliefs
yes, you really are this fucking stupid
What does the Pythagorean theorem have to do with anything? Are you seriously going to say they're both old nazi flag? Just post the pictures your input weakens the argument
Not an argument
Then why do we see low black IQ all throughout the world? Pic Unrelated.
>People said hurtful things to blacks
>This is why they do bad in school
Of all the excuses leftists come up with this is especially pitiful. Given how much anti white propaganda your kind spew out whites should be doing just as poorly as blacks yet this is not the case.
This is a joke right? This is like that pasta that goes "Whatchu say to me punk?! I'll have you know I'm a Navy Seal and can cap your ass from 10 miles away ....." or however it goes.
Anyway, if you had an IQ of 169 you'd understand that posting some stupid pasta over and over again is not going shut anything down. But, hey knock yourself out.
so thats about .8 blacks a day. That makes about 311 a year. You live in a country of 330,000,000. Thats a 1/100,000,000 chance of getting shot. You have a higher chance of getting hit by lightning. You are a fucking retard.
Many of African people are unable to read and write. How the hell can they pass the tests?
Learn something about psycho-metrics before complaining that just because low IQ blacks couldn't be bothered to learn to read means they will have low test scores. You do know the more culture loaded a test is the worse a black does on it right? That means if you "accommodate" for the blacks culture he/she does worse on the test. This pic is a sample problem of what kinds of questions are on IQ tests. This does not require an ability to read in order to solve.
How do you guys respond to claims that IQ is pseudoscience or isn't actually an accurate means of determining intelligence. I've had a BLMfag tell me that IQ was basically devised for entertainment purposes and isn't valid. I figure that's bullshit.
I'll be sure to get right on that Sambo. You can always go back to Africa, specifically, South Arica. I hear Cape Town is going to be a great place in a few months...no whitey holding you back, and a totally black run government that believes in "social justice". Act now and you will receive 1 free farm after the ANC kicks a white family off that's been farming that land for generations. Behold the harvest!
You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!
I usually tell them that it's the most studied field of psychology, which it actually is.
Were you this dumbass in the pic?
You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!
Starving people who haven't attended elementary school tend to score lower on IQ tests? Is what your argument for why black people are inferior?
This is pasta... just stop
He's playing checkers idiot
Oh noes...looks like you got me Sambo. How will I ever recover?
>This is pasta
Why do you think Black people are inferior? You sound rather prejudiced to me
Looks like the nigger bot 3000 is repeating itself.
You're not a very good troll
Best be checking your privilege boy.
And you're a nigger.
No matter what, you'll never be white.
Billions of dollars in aid over the decades and still stupid?
So much for that theory then.
The Jews are the bad guys.
Source: Jesus Christ
How are things in South Africa? Well, lets take a white controlled country, then it over to some low IQ communist niggers, shake vigorously for several decades, and...TA DAAAA. You have a failed state due to gross incompetence.
Wait...all that Soviet intervention didn't improve living conditions in Wakanda?!?!
You mean Africa IS a shithole?!?!
This is my new CopyPasta. Thanks
>I'm a oldfag and I don't need a kid talking down to me, thanks
Where's the genetic proof it's a result of them being black?
quality Aussie shitpost