Since the shit mods delete the last thread, are they /ourguys/?
Carbon Based Lifeforms
amerimutt detected
>Degenerate festival music being listened to by a bunch of drug fucked hippies
Yeah totally le /ourguys/ OP hecka epic thread
Ur mom's gay.
>having such low quality of music appreciation
fuck yeah, I love CBL
wait, but what exactly makes them /ourguys/?
>Hans defending one of the few (albeit shit) musicians to come out of his country while Achmed rapes his girlfriend in the other room with a hand grenade
I hate Sup Forums now.
Pic related: Sup Forums right now
How new do you have to be to not recognize that symbol?
>being this new
my bad last post directed at 625
this is so shit and depressing
>this is so shit and depressing
it was flavor Aid
Face it Hans, Swedish music sounds like wet farts. Just like you after Muhammad finishes with your tight nordic asshole
>nothing good coming out of shithole australia
>shits on superior Scandinavian music to feel sueperior
>typical austiralian
What is this shit Nigger
>Muh Based Symbolism
>LARPing Hippie Faggits
Just go back mate
Hit a nerve there did I Hans? Don't get so triggered over your music being utter trash, just go drop some acid and forget about it, just like you forgot about the fact that your country literally has "no-go" zones where sand niggers rape your women in broad daylight. Yeah, how I envy you
it's crap.
your the poo pusher, sven.
Goddammit user, knock that shit off--!
>posts some random garbage
>somehow associates this with the OP music
>being this retarded
>My country isn't cucked that's just random irrelevant garbage!
Whatever you say Hans.
>You just don't understand our superior intellectual music
>Just listen to some while doing Tai Chi stoned out of your mind bro, forget about your problems
>Nothing good comes out of your country, you won't even blanda up
Ok, I'm done, nice thread Hans. Maybe take it to Reddit next time
one, thats one of those groups you cant imagine being able to do a live show