Do you treat minorities differently?

Do you treat minorities differently?

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No, but sitting on the train surrounded by them makes every Sup Forums meme start swimming around my head at an incredible pace.

I’m more aggressive to them and put them in their place if they ever get lippy with me.

Yes, I pretend that they're no different from me as a courtesy.


At work? Of course.
Say the wrong thing to a minority, get fired from your job and banned from all other jobs.
Don't tell them they're fuck ups, that's pretty much assumed. And if they're competent, don't mention that either, because that's what you're supposed to be pretending in the first place.
As friends? seriously?

I live in Toronto so the wh*Toids are the minority. I fuck their women every chance i get

no, i still think you should give people the benefit of being treated separately from the group.

The train is one massive red pill

I talk to them like they're either half-retarded or children. They really enjoy it.

lmao same. at least i always have my p238 in my wallet holster with an extra mag

that's how you deal with them. they are less than us, never let them think they are more because they aren't.

>gf lives on ghetto side of town, which is what we call east side
>every time I go over there to get her black people everywhere
>walking around glaring hard
>looking like you are the enemy
>dressed like shit
>black kids walking around without shirts screaming profanity
>Redbox renal is literally broken open into

>go to Mexican side we call North side
>Mexicans outside grilling
>they wave at me with a smile
>walk into a authentic Mexican restaurant over there
>workers are very nice and chute cute Mexican girls as waitresses
>food is amazing and they thank me for coming
>walk out and the neighborhood looks very well kept

Mexicans really aren't as bad as blacks. But I treat both of them normal to avoid any confrontation.
In my head I'm thinking nigger.

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Sh' b'avin' a bit'o'fun, really.

I don't acknowledge my black neighbors.

Maisy needs a good seeing to with the old willy

This lmao

of course, stereotypes exist for a reason - if an individual from a minority proves via consecutive actions he or she is to be trusted then so be it, otherwise treat them with cold disdain and move on

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I live in Toronto, which is arguably the most diverse city in Canada and I take the TTC everyday. It's a nightmare. Usually it's bums and druggies that bother me, but some of the minorities there man. Oof.

Yes, I bring a bigger gun and more armor to answer my door when the figure aint white/asian.

I don't know, since I live in a heterogeneous society.

No such things as "minorities" you retard. Africans make up more than ~15% of the world's population, I can go on and on about how much of the asian population isn't a minority.

wtf is arya stark doing in that photo

Melbourne trains, especially the ones that go to the eastern suburbs demonstrate just how bad the immigration problem really is

i dont acknowledge them


Sup Forums


I feel sorry for the current status of your country. But you must understand this.. Niggers gonna nig...It's their culture and another 200 years can't change that

Don't trust mexicans..they are only nice because they have a bussines to run..

Remember, almost everyone of them goes democrat, wich means, a less whiter america, and more closer to becoming brazil 2.0

Yes. I'm a racist and I feel offended by your question.

Pretty much nailed it user

asking some muzzie to pull her finger, obvi

And all your bums and druggies are white, blonde and blue eyed?
inb4: thought so

she's a massive liberal tho. Is she not maisie williams or am I dumb?

idk, could just be fucking with him by hitting on him

Hi islandfag

I live in Oregon. I'll go 3-4 days without seeing a minority sometimes. Treat them just like everyone else.

Depends on the race. If they're black, you better believe I'm on the alert and waiting for them to chimp out.

t. Mexishit 56%'er

>do you treat minorities differently?
Yes, I fuck them.
t. white woman

no, what's the point?

Open bob

>Work at host in restraunt
>Sit all the white customers in the front with the nice view
>Sit all black customers in the back near the bathroom with no windows.
>I sit coal burners as far back as I possibly can
>Nobody has yet to noticed in the 3 years I've been working there

Also something I've noticed is I've never seen a white mother with mix kids EVER come in with the father. Like you'll see 3 little mud babies and a fat mother and a friend of hers but you'd never see the father. The only mud babies I've ever seen the father present was when the dad was white.

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I'm very very white.
There isn't a single brown in my family or any of my distant family. All blue eyes.
Nice try though

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As humans


appreciate it m8

pls show bobs

>i treat them like cheap labour for the jews.

what the fuck is a maldive

I knew I can get a fanbase with a single thread that gets deported after 40 posts.

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It's rude to take pictures of 3rd world midgets as if they're wildlife. Don't be rude.

If you ever see a polac from a questionable country like the maldives he is probably not a nativ.

whites are a global minority

i get that, i just never even heard of it.

That's strange, it's a nice touristic location. Think the Caribbean but south of India.

I use chain gun to chop down newly arrived migrants at airports. Been doing it for 20 years. Airport guards get rid of the bodies

Thats a screenshot of my security camera footage. When I spot minorities I start recording, so when the time comes and I get shot by a nigger the footage will help to get him the chair.

will avoid them whenever possible. treat them as reasonably equal individuals but remain suspicious of them on the off chance i
have to interact with them. no point making my day to day more of a hassle than it needs to be.

yeah looks fun from the pictures i'm seeing

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>my security camera footage
is it expensive to own property out there?

they have some nigging going on in male right now. there are travel warnings out and all that stuff.

No, because I play it smart. I'm not going to make a fool of myself and have a faggot record me and put it on youtube, forever ruining my life.


This sounds like Houston.

Can you explain to me how so many people can live on such a small island in the middle of the fucking Indian Ocean?

My collection gets two flags bigger.

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there's probably less muslims there than in sweden sven, despite it being a muslim country; ship on over.

And I don't know, how the fuck should I know.

Kek. This is really true.

I have a terrible time telling black people apart. Seriously, it's a problem. I can have full conversations with a black and the next day I won't remember their face at all.

I also refuse to make eye contact with black babies. I don't know why but I can't pretend they are cute.

I refuse to patronize businesses that hire hijabis. I have turned around and walked out of restaurants and stores at the sight of hijabs.

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I know, I used as a excuse and the police can't lock me away

Idk you're there. Probably know more about it then I do.

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How can I treat myself differently?


Probably not.

I mean I didn't need to know since your special flag shows it all

This is a Mexican with a Black girlfriend

North Texas.

I walked out of a restaurant once because chinks were working there as the only reason. I felt bad but meh. I would most certainly walk out of anywhere where hijabs are working and not feel bad though.

Checked and rared

Sad, you are not as privileged as I am


They don't actually enjoy it you retard. They just have the decency to pretend.
This is why nobody likes white people

I like how it's a rare occurrence that white women mix but its a common thing to see white men with asian/arab/indian/latino women and you guys get so happy when a white women lets one of you even come near her when its common place for white men to fuck shitskin women

I'm from Moroccan Sahara, add me.

You've never heard of the Maldives? Poorfag.

Also remove that border in the middle of my country.

>american getting good at geography.

based on the position shes sitting in im assuming she wants that muslim dick shes a big strong feminist who needs no white man only niggers and muslims

thanks user now my collection is as big as yours by stealing your image

Tbqh all the black women I've worked with have been nice and professional, albeit hard to understand sometimes with their accents, whereas a Black dude hasn't lasted a week at my workplace (I'm at a restaurant).
I don't know why this is.
I treat them the same, other than sometimes having to ask what they meant because of their accents.


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It's true. If you set aside the ooga booga trash, black women are usually pretty fundamentally decent people regardless of whether they're highly capable or not.


My boy, this is what happens to me.

no that's gay dude wtf

poor lad is visibly angry at being harassed by dumb roasties

Most of the black women I've worked with have kids or other familial obligations, so they don't have time to fuck around. They gotta make money.
It's different for black men, which might be why you see so much single motherhood in black communities.

>i can smell fishy period
>i can smell fishy period
poor bastard
written all over his face

>see a jew irl
>almost laugh because this

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Yeah. It's so evident. And when you do find a good black father figure that dude is baddest ass on the block. Breaking up the black family was like setting off a self-replicating cluster bomb.

Easy to see why (((they))) are so fixated on doing the same to whites.

I was waiting outside a shop and noticed two young heebs running out from a cafeteria. First thign that rushed me was "OY VEY, WE HAVE TO SHUT IT DOWN!"

Nice try Mohammed.

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