Sup Forums doesn't seem to realize something. Your pseudo-science on race is nice but it's totally wrong. Black people are more prone to violence due to their culture, broken families, and the fact that they are generally poor. Imagine this. You're born to a single mother in the hood and you grow up being told gangs and crime and drugs are all cool. And you think it's because of race? You completely ignore the environmental and financial factors that play into it.
The actual reason black people are more violent
Also, before someone tells me poor whites have less crime than rich blacks, the whites tend to live in rural areas where there's less crime and blacks in cities where there's more
Who cares about whites? Indians in densely-packed slums have way lower murder rates than vastly wealthier and more privileged black Americans.
Well the problem is when half the country doesn't understand that and then Drumpf comes along. Wew lad. White trash is worse I hate to say it.
>due to their culture, broken families, and the fact that they are generally poor.
yeah, and those are a result of the genetics of black racial behavior
You’ve almost got it right.
That would be correct if Africa wasn't also a complete shithole.
No. They are inherently drawn to these behaviors, which is why they exist.
In Africa (and in the rural South) the Blacks have neither the means, the spirit nor the tools to be of service to the Jewish schemers. They are so closely akin to unthinking animals, and they are so childishly satisfied and lethargic that there is no hope of making any successful mutiny with them. Voodoo, chicken-stealing, watermelon, razor-waving, dusky-sex, singing and dancing and other primitive pastimes keep the rural and forest Negro sufficiently satisfied (or at least unthinking about his lot) so that it is quite impossible to turn any significant number of such black men into a raging mob with any staying power for a revolution.
To make a revolutionary animal of the Negro, you must first force him into a situation where he loses his normal ability to enjoy his primitive releases and pleasures, teach him to know and enjoy the luxurious pleasures and vices of urban civilization, (such as heroin and White women) teach him that he has a right to those pleasures, force him into competition with White men for those pleasures, and then, when he fails, whisper to him that he is not really failing in that competition, but that "WHITE EXPLOITERS" ARE KEEPING HIM DOWN!
The millions of primitive African blacks brought into our big cities as voting cattle by Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, and by all liberal leaders since then, are incapable of competing with the White Man. They can't make it in the schools; they can't make it in complex jobs; they can't make it in intellectual competition. The fact that a few mixed bloods can and do make it does not disprove the fact that the mass of Negroes is congenitally incompetent and inferior - any more than the fact that some chimpanzees can be taught to ride bicycles disproves the fact that chimpanzees aren't even as smart as the blacks.
MAOA and CH13.
stop making excuses for niggers.
We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And the Murder Of Black, Brown & All Oppressed People
Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States. Other communities are also criminalized, targeted, attacked and brutalized. We want an immediate end to state sanctioned violence against our communities
We Want Full Employment For Our People
Every individual has the human right to employment and a living wage. Inability to access employment and fair pay continues to marginalize our communities, ready us for imprisonment, and deny us of our right to a life with dignity
We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings
Our communities have a human right to access quality housing that protects our families and allows for our children to be free from harm.
We Want an End to the School to Prison Pipeline & Quality Education for All
We want an end to policies that criminalize our young people as well as discriminatory discipline practices that bar access to quality education. Furthermore, we want all children to be able to access free, quality education. Including free or affordable public university.
We Want Freedom from Mass Incarceration and an End to the Prison Industrial Complex
We want an end to the over policing and surveillance of our communities. This will hasten an end to the criminalization of black and brown people and hyper incarceration everywhere. Policing in the United States has historically helped to enforce racist laws, policies and norms. The result is a massive prison industrial complex built on the warehousing of black people. We call for the cessation of mass incarceration and the eradication of the prison industrial complex all together. In its place we will address harm and conflict in our communities through community based, restorative solutions
And if one day, for demographics reason, blacks start living more in the country side:
> Also, before someone tells me poor whites have less crime than rich blacks, the whites tend to live in urban areas where there's less crime and blacks in the countryside where there's more
You can blame the culture but at the end of the day it is blacks who are perpetuating the violence, drugs, neighborhood filth, and whoreish gynocentrism. Any other race would have stomped this shit out before it even began.
t. black man
explain all of africa then nigger
>every 28 hours a black is killed
fuck i disagree with this too, we should lower that hour count to every a black every hour
....because of shitty genetics
theme of this
>we dindu nuffin, we good bois: the post
Look at fbi violent crime and rape fine black gentlemen
Interesting theory. But what if they have a culture of violence, poor family values, addictive personalities, and end up poor because of their low intelligence because of their race? African-Americans have a really hard time planning for tomorrow. If you give them their annual salary in 1 day and tell them they need to survive for a year, how long until they starve?
So blacks have a shitty culture.
Am I any less racist for saying this?
You are aware that this type of science is still in its infancy and shouldn't be taken seriously due to the high likelyhood of it being false, correct?
Prove it
At least white trash don't shoot each other in record numbers and stay in their containment areas. Niggers are a blight on this earth.
Gee its almost like niggers living around niggers results in more crime than whites living around whites, guess that's just because of how the buildings are shaped though.
go back to africa then, and you'll never have to deal with whitey again.
>Culture, broken families, poor.
All related to genetics. Cultures didn't spring up out of thin air, they were developed by the people in their society. Same with everything else.
>told gangs and crime and drugs are all cool.
Blasted everywhere in the nation, somehow blacks are more susceptible.
>whites tend to live in rural areas where there's less crime and blacks in cities where there's more
Crime correlates with the racial demographics than population density. The crime rate is higher in cities because there are more black and Hispanics living there as a percentage of the population.
>every 28 hours
You're right, we can do better. Let's get it down to 1 per second
what are the socio-economic reasons for why black women are so loud and obnoxious
2 months
>Black people are more prone to violence due to their culture, broken families, and the fact that they are generally poor
And that is their own fault, you niggerlover. BTW google blacks warrior gene
but wypipo dont have a culture and blacks do
>poverty is linked to crime
Disproved time and time again
Yes, because there's more black people in the cities lmao
Double allele mutatation of the 'warrior gene'
Literally genetically more likely to be violent and exhibit criminal behavior
that's one thing the spic invasion gave us, it showed niggers for what they are and forced them out of their own housing projects, yet they still blame us. Lol at an entire race essentially being a ward of the state their entire life. Sorry ass shit bags.
Black people are typically more aggressive to the suburban white, because black people grow up in poverty which is naturally a far more competitive and desperate way of life. This is the same reason why black athletes are incredibly successful, because they have hardened resolve and the perfectly tempered competitive spirit.
Explains why i went to jail and am rich. My moms side is fuckin mick. White nigger
>culture is a product of race
I would have guessed something similar as well. I feel like 1/4th would be spent in the first week.
100% agreed. If you fixed the black family unit and stopped shoving thug culture down their throats I'd be willing to bet things would be a lot different
>Human right to employment
Maybe in the USSR, but that was more of a "Work or Die" scenario
>Human right to access quality housing
Get fucked
>Free or affordable public university
I can see the taxes blowing up faster than the Challenger
>End over policing and surveillance
Why don't you ask post-Freddie Gray Baltimore how cutting down on policing goes?
no, it's a combination of things, but the main factor is genetics, the other is culture.
think about this,
everywhere in the world were there are minority groups or large groups of africans, there is disease, crime, decay and disorder. All their countries are shitholes, they can't do anything without outside support, both intellectually and physically.
Charities have been teaching sub saharan africans how to farm etc for decades, it hasn't worked. thats why white famers in south africa are so successful, because they have brains.
so thats about .8 blacks a day. That makes about 311 a year. You live in a country of 330,000,000. Thats a 1/100,000,000 chance of getting shot. You have a higher chance of getting hit by lightning. You are a fucking retard.
The environmental and financial factors are caused by race, retard.
there already are blacks in rural areas, and yeah, they commit way way way more crime than the whites in neighboring rural areas
>are more prone to violence due to their culture, broken families, and the fact that they are generally poor
It's that AND their DNA, they objectively do have very low average IQ, a much higher prevalence of the "warrior-gene", poorer impulse control and crazy hormone levels. Pointing out biological reality is not hating on them, I like Kangz.
Poor broken families are the problem
Too bad loser dads create poor broken families just so they can bust a nut
>poor argument
debunked years ago, I can merely point to jews who had worse history but still managed to come out on top, other poor ethnicities also doesn¨t seem to have these problems, sage
Is that why they're violent everywhere in the world? Nope, that's just because of genetics, they are more prone to violence is all. Like savage beasts.
No they literally have higher percentages of the the "warrior gene" MAOA.
Its genetic, they were raised to be more aggressive
Central Americans are far worse
These dumbass rich basketball players that shoplifted in China are the perfect example. Millionaires shoplifting pointless inexpensive stuff.
shit genetics make for shit parents, of whom proceed to birth shit children. Race is real regardless of whether or not you accept it.
Where is the picture on the left from
white, poor people from broken homes are statistically less violent than nigges.
>they're born stupid.
I was raised by a single mother in a poor neighborhood.
But I'm not a fucking nigger. I can use my brain to realize that this isn't the way. I went and got an education at an elite academic institution. Again...I am smart and realized the lib Bullshit they pander isn't the way. I became better. I trained myself to become eventually become a senior lead developer.
You see..whites see a situation and very often try to make it better. They try to improve on things.
Can we say the same things about blacks? Asians integrated pretty quickly and do much better than most whites even. Mexicans are still shit...but even they're doing better than blacks and they're literally running from cartel wars like refugees.
Just fucking admit it...your dumb as Fuck. You are not as intelligent as other sub species of homo sapien. You, generally speaking, lack the ability to understand complex concepts.
*cue pointless chimpout*
Wrong, those are factors but also the reason they are like that is because they are more aggressive and violent for biological reasons due to having a more frequent MAO-A allele associated with violence and having much lower impulse control and ability to consider future consequences of their actions.
These facts are also the main reason why they form violent, thuggish, criminal cultures and remain the underclass of any country they immigrate to.
If you raise a black person in a white family they’ll become less violent but if you do that to every black person then let them start raising their own young, before long they’ll be back to being violent thugs with a criminal culture.
Glad you figured it out, now take the next step and figure out who is the blame for those circumstances. I'll give you a hint, it's not white people.
>Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed
but a new niglet is born every 3 seconds, we need to try harder to restore balance
This is all that needs to be said.
They know it's wrong and they refuse to change. They cave into peer pressure because they have the mental capacity of a 12 year old.
>reddit spacing
>elite academic institution
>your dumb as fuck
>You completely ignore the environmental and financial factors that play into it.
You think race has nothing to do with creating said environment??
>the whites tend to live in rural areas where there's less crime and blacks in cities where there's more
a retard you are. rural areas have less crime exactly _because_ whites live there.
there are some environmental factors at play, also some indirect genetic influences (culture in the household) along with some social epistasis and of course bad luck. But, probably half the problem is that they have violent tendencies which are in born. This is evident when looking at the brutality, sadism and aggression of africans who have incredible murder rates only rivaled by hispanics and the piss poor iq scores.
Stale argument.
No one is ignoring it,faggot.
stop embracing degeneracy and it and calling it (((culture)))
Hey Jews. How many nigger threads are you going to put up a day?
We want more
>We want more
We want more
>We want more
We want more
I have never killed a black person. Neither has anyone in my family. Can you say the same?
"Warrior gene" lol nice pseudo science
Dog is smarter than most liberals
false, poor whites aren't as violent as niggers.
>Imagine this. You're born to a single mother in the hood and you grow up being told gangs and crime and drugs are all cool
I don't need to imagine this, I lived it and I haven't ever assaulted anyone
> OP's Argument in the Inverse:
> These conditions are not restricted to blacks.
> These conditions are not restricted to urban areas.
> Poor people tend to act like poor people regardless.
> Somehow blacks account for more arrest and crime data, while other studies show declines in the actual enforcement against blacks ever since BLM started being a thing.
So, given all these things which are also true.... Why are urban blacks more likely to participate in higher rates than similar other groups in similar situations?
Sociology doesn't have answers yet, but there's a question if geographic closeness plays a role. Which is funny since that's literally how culture worked prior to instant global communication.
This dog is smarter than most whites
fuck off destiny
You know black people exist outside of the USA right?
Google 'Africa'
affica rayciss!
Oh yeah, Hillary would definitely solve the black problem.
>t. olympic-level mental gymnast