I am a Former CIA agent AMA
I am a Former CIA agent AMA
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Why former
Why haven't you gotten rid of Trump yet?
do ayys exist pls say yes
No you're not. This is VICTORY OF THE LARP back for another round of false bullshit info.
Watch as shills flood in and ask questions and don't care about any proof.
Why are you here on Saturday night at 10 PM?
Why do you lie about yourself on honduran potato growing forums for attention?
I had be fired because I knew too much about my bosses wife
I would think because there are still patriots in there
Not ayys trans dimensional entities that all I heard
Sounds like a bot note 1 reply
Fuck off Jew. Your worthless LARPs grow so tiresome and nobody buys your bullshit anymore.
I can confirm he's legit.
Only shills call RP threads LARPs because the people who write the bots have bad reading comprehension.
>thinks I’ve made a thread before
I didn’t
did he tell you that or did he just fire you
and what does his wife do for a living
>these are important questions
Too specific. You could be ID'd. LARP.
Did not bring up specifically. She was an OBGYN
LARPs are vague I worked during Obama’s first years
not true. good logic, but you don't know how many people work for the CIA
give this more time or leave
very interesting. can you say anything about the work you were doing?
will anime be real within the next 10 years y/n
Not a lie
oh, also how do you know you got fired because the reason you stated? did he at least tell you it was because you knew too much about his wife? or did you just kind of 'know'
>you're on a clock btw
It was related to stem cell black market
thought so.
we got a serious issue here guys
also no further questions about why you got fired. i have a good idea
Who buying who selling and for what?
Breach of confidentiality
you mean the black market selling of aborted babies within the US for illegal stem cell farming
(planned parenthood)
Spirit cooking types
Very (((planned))) parenthood
hm. you told someone?
What did they get you to do? How did they get you to do it?
Someone told someone else that I did for money
>4 surviving pizzas from last month's session, all are on sale at an extremely low price, as they are in poor health and not expected to survive so a requirement is that you "finish eating your pizza" after your session
pizzagate is fake goyim
Or a favor
True or not
Pedogate is real
ooh damn, workplace drama
sorry man. thanks for being candid
Goddamn what a faggot.
Sorry, the photo, not the poster. Talking about Trump's tiny black dick sucking face in the picture.
did you?
Bogpill is Rothschild slide meme
Did not but it doesn’t matter I have better job
Do you glow in the dark?
A slide meme
aaaaaand now the LARP is obvious
good for you, what is it?
Collateral effect
>people ITT actually believe this fucking faggot
fuck off you LARP'ing faggot. you are the reason this board has gone to shit with your shill shitpost threads.
nobody believes you, kike
Why did Frito-Lays discontinue Rollitos 15 years ago? They were the best Doritos.
>1 post
or is sliding the actual purpose and the 'collateral effect' is that it's also funny
Could be Macron
It would out sell original Doritos cause union tensions
What's the most important place you've taken a shit at?
How fucking rotten with cultural Marxists has the operations division become? Did everyone become a Brennan-tier faggot during Obama’s reign?
Obviously doing some creepy rituals with feotus
Pants, I hate clothes shopping
Everything you know about
>cord blood harvesting
NOW! Glownegro.
I appreciate you.
Yes basically she did boss didn’t know
>I am a Former CIA agent AMA
it is weird not telling your family what you do for a living?
true. i just always thought it was co-opted
>file under good questions
What the fuck.
Cord blood -> weed
Pineal gland blood -> Meth
anything we should keep an eye on?
What was your position? If Trump gets 2 terms will he finally get control of the IC or is the IC strictly leftists and bagmen?
Planned parenthood shut down in 2018
What are other agents like? Are most CIA niggers morally retarded/diddle little boys etc?
>that look before you regurgitate your probiscus and drink a puppy like a milkshake
...You mean "Officer" not "Agent" right?
I didn't recall CIA appointing Agents.
He’s already in control of IC just waiting for Air Force enlisted too cycle in two years
>Cord blood -> weed
wait what?
i know about pineal glands and even some about stem cell research but what the fuck are you saying weed stored in the blood of the umbilical cord gets people high on the black market?
>I didn't recall CIA appointing Agents.
CIA officers are the actual employees, "agents" are people that they have connections to and take information from
basically spies are agents, officers are actual CIA employees
if you don't know this you're retarded
Cord is to weed
Pineal is to meth
is it true the country is run by the rothschilds, or are we run by lizard men
Got any inside info on happenings past or present?
So you're not an Officer but you're former DO then?
Did Trump collude with Russia?
I anticipate planned parenthood crackdown
you mean they are planning on doing so or already have closed it?
they're still officers user
even if he was under deep cover (which he wasn't) he still wouldn't call himself a fucking agent
Replace collude with conspire
Agent as I said
i see. i had no idea there was a market for that, but it makes sense.
is trump getting impeached? Any information on ww3 and who will start the first shots?
does spirit cooking actually do anything? or is it all just larping faggotry?
is causal energy real?
Nice digits, am I on a list
WW2/Cold war aren’t necessarily over
OPs gets