Asians of Sup Forums, how should we deal with Asian underrepresentation in the media?

Asians of Sup Forums, how should we deal with Asian underrepresentation in the media?

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I believe Asians are represented just fine in Chinese and Japanese media, why would you expect to be represented in American media?

We don't we have representation in Asia, the US is not Asian. we have over representation where it matters

Are you sure it's a bad thing? Not being represented means not having degenerate role models pushed on your kids.

go back to china

Who's this qt

I can garanutee you lot aren't actually Asian

watch tv tokyo

Unironically me

OPs pic proves that mixing with asians is bestiality. It's about as bad as fucking dolphins. Not saying they're animals, just they're so different that fucking them is really weird.

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Who gives a shit about the media? Just dominate STEM and businesses. Then, once you're rich, buy the whole media outlet.

I hope OP doesn't take offense at my statement. It would be racist of her to prefer sex with white men anyway. Every race should be loyal to their own

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Go to journalism school. Do squats and wear short skirts. Learn to suck the dick of the network owners better than your peers. Problem solved.

Why would Asians want to be in media anyway? Only the top anchors get paid well, and most of you have high enough iqs to do something better.

mosquitoes or GTFO

Post feet for proof

Nobody on Sup Forums gives a fuck about "taking offense" and that lot.

by always voting conservative

Marry me. I'm in MD.

what are you implying? That I'm a pimplefaced neckbeard who can't get layed? I've had sex with two asian girls, both from good families and who weren't ugly or unpopular

be my gf

You should deal with it by having sex with me.

Asian's aren't in media because they all look the same and are not very good at expressing emotions physically and w/ the face

I LOVE U OP UR SO PRETTY t. hot white boi

Unironically kill yourself you faggot larping as an Asian girl.

Watch Kpop

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don't talk to a beautiful lady like that

If we treat each other with respect we can make a lot of progress with basic persuasion. If someone is offended they're less likely to listen to you

Sell yourself to the Jewish demons you fucking stupid whore.

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>who is Jackie chan
>who is Bruce lee
>who is Michelle phan

Why do decent looking Asian girls post on sites like pol, play video games, and show interest in other autistic internet activities? In our culture only angry, disillusioned men do that.

Serious question. You could be out trolling for dick or a husband, or just being social in general. Just curious.

The simplest thing would be for scumbags (media) to just extrapolate from the most recent census. The thing is, that would not serve the scumbag (media) agenda. So it will never happen.

Post tits

Asians here, honestly we don't give much fuck.
Hollywood with white? We love it, lot of classic before SJW ruined it.
Hollywood with nigger? Some are okay.
Hollywood with asians? Like Jackie 'the nose' Chan? Use to like him, but he become dog of China now.

Then we'd have way too many mexicans in the media. Sam hyde says never put a mexican behind a camera. And judging by shows starring mexicans so far, I don't like watching them on TV much.

It's what I do on my free time, sadly

This is an anime/video games message board friendo, not stormfront. Peeps of all kinds come here for vastly different reasons

How you like them mosquito bumps?

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Because Blacks bring more viewership, just like the gorilla exhibit at the zoo.

Are you speaking about starring rolls or the Asian community as a whole. Houston has a very large Asian population and i think its fine.

If more niggers mean more viewer, Black Panther will break the record simply because it is darker.

Some of us come here to vent and shitpost. Not necessarily to pursuade anyone of anything. That being said, you are wrong. Uncivil, offensive discourse that is spouted anonymously and without self censorship has its place in moving people toward the truth. There are plenty of places for civil discourse. You are welcome to visit those places instead of pol. This is the place for uncensored, unself-conscious brainstorming and expression of anger and passionate feeling, occasionally with an intellectual flavor.

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By sending you back to Asia til your numbers reflect your media representation.

You’ve obviously never seen the women on tv in Latin America.

We all agreed years ago that Jin on Lost was more than enough. He even got to kiss a girl. Every Asian was fine with this deal. Are you intentionally not remembering?

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It's terrible in Australia. If you watch any ads on tv, all of them will have asian women but no asian men (unless the asian man is the woman's old dad or some joke weak asian character for example selling tech). Every time, every fcking time...
Seriously, I see it all the time if I watch tv during dinner.

I wasn’t insulting her. There is a saying “there are no women on the internet.” That is pretty much true with the exception of Asian girls. I was just curious as to why.

And stormfront? Fuck off. I am a Jew with a doctorate.

asians are white

And pol hasn’t been much about anime and vidya for a long time.

You also for get Glen from walking dead. 7 seasons until white man beat his eye balls out with a bat.

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I would unironically fuck you while you lay beside my girlfriend.

Plz be my Sup Forumsfu


Your eyes are hideous. Terrible looking creature.

No one wants you represented anywhere.

The biggest problem for Asians in America is that there aren't enough Asian guys banging white pussy. That's their main issue. The Asian American men want better media representation, because they think it will even the gap between wmaf vs amwf. It also reinforces why multiculturalism is not an asset to the west. There is no problem if Asian men bang white pussy but white women don't like them because they're always short. I'm black btw.

Roles to be specific. Most Asian American actors see few lead roles, and pay discrepancies when they land one. So it's a lose/lose situation overall

That's not mean at all.

Chinks have no personality or charisma. That's why Hollywood doesn't like you Chang.

The biggest problem for your race is that Asian men can't get bang white pussy. There are more Asian women with white guys than Asian men with white women. Us black guys do better than you when it comes to getting pussy of all kinds. Despite us being poorer haha.

Then make a movie and hire asians for it. No one is stopping you. I

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Here OP, try using this pic next time, she is way cuter than the one you have. You'll get more replies.

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go back to Asia

I'm not looking for beta orbiters

Asians just have more techy interests I guess? The "no girls thing" on here hasn't been true for awhile (there were some site analytics awhile back that showed a lot of female posters on places like /cgl/ and /soc/). Why there are more lurkers than posters is anyone's guess tho

No, but the site is still a weeby one overall. I guess you could just visit Sup Forums just for Sup Forums, but that'd be like going to a food court and visiting the same restaurant every time

If you want to watch Koreans in movies, watch Korean movies, you fucking idiot.

Leave my country chink.

Bigger version

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>in the media

you really give that much of a fuck?

Asians especially the men are the most weird of all races. They come all the way to the west, to wagecel and bang Asian women. They don't even want to bang white women. Why would travel all the way from Asia to bang Chink women when white women are in the west. They're autistic.

Hello white English teacher.


Fake topic. Why else would there be a horribly doctored photo

Asians are fucking disgusting...

Dog eating sociopaths....

Stay underrepresented.

Im glad my ancestors oppressed you. They had good sense and should have kept you insects out of our lands.. now you locusts are swarming and will rape everything in sight.. fuck asians.

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Well using a azn girl pic is pretty much utilizing the yellow fever that half of 4chin has to get more replies.

It's useless now but just for the sake of it:
Tits or GTFO

Asian men are too busy doing what mommy and daddy Tell them too. Acting isn't one of those things IE:engineer, doctor or running family shop.

Also Big fat Jews like wienstien like asian girls...its legal pedophilia to them, so they get rolls.

They're just mad because they don't see Asian guys with white women on Hollywood. But they see Asian women with white men on screen and in real life all the time. They're cucks the Asian men. They deserve it for bending their ass to other races in the west.

t. very toasty roastie

that's just the chinks

like any time someone points to subhuman whties it's probably the slavs

You live in NY? Can RP IRL

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this is the third time ive seen you post this. are you that proud. who cares

I think we're doing fine at the moment, we're securing high paying jobs in different sectors of the economy and have done well with encouraging an academic and rule abiding mentality from within and outside the asian community.

Give it some time, money and positions matter in any society and we're slowly but surely gaining ground. I think we also need to grow our populations.

One thing I notice that non-asian americans and even asian-americans themselves have a problem with is the perception of racial stereotypes concerning our affinity to our homelands and the cultures of our first generation parents. I grew up in the US largely ignoring my heritages and found it annoying that other Americans kept bringing it up when I didn't give a fuck.

Fuck off you chink filth, get your gook ass back to the fucking sweatshop wear your entire race belongs you degenerate worthless piece of shit. Fuck off.

You're right no one is keeping track of these deals on either side! Race relations don't ever get better for that reason I bet

Nah it's actually me. I was having a selfie session spree just yesterday.

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Are you a chink, Viet, jap or gook?

thoughts on unfair chinese trade practices?


This thread again...

Just a tiny minority of Asians actually eat dog, they're mostly the poor Chinese who live in the villages.

What are you and your family doing in my white country?

Okay then. You're like 13-14 years old. You shoudn't be posting your face on the internet if you dont want people stalking you online.

And why are you getting into politics at such a young age to begin with without having the maturity to understand peoples' cognitive biases?

This thread needs to be deleted to protect your identity.

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Who gives a fuck. Back to r/asianmasculinity you degenerate. You want asian films? Watch asian films stop forcing racial quotas in entertainment.

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What % of your ancestry is African?

Asians have almost 100% representation in Asian media. You should go there.

If this globalization game is gonna continue, you rather your non-white compatriots be shitskins with victim complexes?

This tired. I literally went on a date with a Chinese girl who came here when she was 18. She was middle to upper class type and admitted to eating dog before. Tried to blame it on Korea for some reason but why eat it?

DO NOT POST YOU FULL FACE. Perverts will find you... they will stalk you .. and they will try to fuck you life up for lulz.

If you post in Sup Forums tits ..sharpie in the butt but never your face.

Too bad you Asian guys can't bang white pussy. God gifted you with small dicks and nerdy characteristics.

Uhhh what is KPop and Anime? Shit is everywhere now.

Also, we dont you owe representation in OUR media. If you dont like it, go the fuck back to where your family came from.

hey chink bitch. how much do you love white cock and gookdom?

Then they'll be posting child porn which is also illegal. Good job moron.

I'm generally shocked that a good looking girl is on Sup Forums.
why waste your life here?

Alright back to your question.

No i don't know why american hollywood likes jews and whites more then other races iot could be because therre is more relevant subjects for white and jewish americans.

asians get some representation in cinema
with movies that are relevent for them aka starwars, DOA, killbill etc

Us greeks get bugger all or nothing faltering. same with itatains.
(yellow fever repressor user)

By going back to Asia, you stupid fucking gook.