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That's fake news, immigrants are permanent, like leprosy damage.
If welfare was restricted to only those with a grandparent born in the country, global 'migration' would end overnight.
America NOO!
If those beautiful wakandans starve them how Will they Ever fill the IT and Automobile sector?
>1 year and a half in
>still talking about where the wall money could come from
admit it, ((pol)), you got jewed by Trump
100% truth.
>everyone I don't like is a jew
Go to bed, monkey. It's late.
>jewish nepotism is fake, don't look behind the curtain goy
So Mexicans will be paying for the wall after all. . .
>Sweden literally destroying it's history
>Ordered from essentially "the Ministry of truth"
>Jokes about uk bring 1984
>Sweden's been 1984 since 1984
>he still believes Trump isn't a jewish puppet
How many jewish grandchildren will it take for you to stop sucking his dick? Well, anyway, it's pretty obvious the wall isn't happening and anyone who doesn't think so is a deluded faggot.
>to illegals
McFucking what now? Burgers, what are you doing?
>prototypes tested and chosen
>foundations being dug
>funds being allocated
There's still 2 and a half years to go faggot.
I literally can't even
so, same shit that's been happening since a week after he got in? sure buddy, Trump's gonna save Western civilization
It's already being built.
So basically win-win
I thought you had to be a citizen to get welfare, how do they do it?
In the real world its called "logical".
Illegals can't get welfare though.
No Social Security.
Why is that racist? Doesn't it apply to white illegals to? Why is that fascist? I don't think you know what those words mean
trump isn't going to build the wall
we got bamboozled
I could masturbate to how awesome this is.
We tried to ban it in the 90's but Grey Davis and his kike army overturned the vote in the courts and kept the gibs me dats flowing. By the time we impeached him it was too late.
Read the article- they get welfare through their anchor babbies.
basic welfare and food stamps are state DSHS not federal social security
SSI/SSD is for the permanently disabled or old
Just limiting it to citizens would be a massive help.
Total bullshit. Undocumented Immigrants can't receive welfare.
Ooohhhh. I see.
how can an illegal alien even get welfare?
wouldn't someone in the welfare office look at the application and say "hey, there's no social security number here?"
You do. It's just a bullshit fake talking point to rile up right wing retards. At worst their LEGAL, US born children might qualify for some assistance.
Its fake news desu
Stolen SNN from dead babies
Even just parents born in the country
I think they actually chose the company and it's going to start soon.
It's going to be Fisher from Arizona who gets the deal, and when it's starts it'll be at least 1 mile a day.
A ton of them DO receive some sort of welfare benefits as well as niggers that can't hold a job and white people who are disabled because they use to have a job but got hurt. Benefits vary by state. Many states don't require a SS number, just proof that you have a need. Illegals can't get a lot of federal benefits like SSI/SSDI but they can get others like a free ride to college through grants. Plus there are ways to manipulate the system which not most white people won't do because they'll go to jail. However, a sweaty wetback will jump all over that shit. Student loans that they'll never pay back, etc.
Don't fucking argue. I know this shit like the back of my hand.
California in fact even has a fast-track program for illegal immigrants to get them food stamps as quickly as possible.
Also, their children usually go to American schools for free, i.e. at the cost of the American taxpayer.
These are both state-level things though, and good luck getting Commiefornians to stop handouts to illegals and instead to donate funds to the wall.
On the federal level there isn't that much he can do. Would be a lot easier if he had a few loyal governors who cooperate with him.
I thought illegal immigrants didn't collect welfare? I love how leftists continually change their story
But I thought mexico was going to pay for it?
>illegals getting welfare
We need need them to go back now more than ever. How do I join ice?
Their American born children are technically the ones that receive the welfare.
>break country's law
>they reward you
Didn't anyone see this coming?
Where do states get the funds?
Its fine but also inhumane, ethically this is the correct thing to do, but morally i have qualms about leaving retarded humans out in the cold no matter how disgusting of subhumans they may be
Nice try, snowflake.
That’s really not a bad idea. Something that could actually be pushed into law.
They could of put those items for auction and tons of people would be fighting for them
>lefty Burgers keep complaining about crappy welfare programs
>Give every illegal access to those programs
They aren't really smart over there, are they?
When I was in 3rd grade I had a female teacher who would get this far off look and talk about stacking the Japs like fire wood outside the medical tent like sand bags to protect the wounded from mortar fire
Doh meant to add they can make the wall from the bodies of Illegals caught crossing the border
Wait wut? Illegals get welfare? Didn't the dems try
to deny this for months during the first few months of Trumps presidency? kek
I swear it seems like any improvement with the way our government operates lately is just common sense stuff that would be taken as granted by any serious nation.
Well not really since illegal immigrants shouldn't even be receiving welfare. It's essentially free money they should have never received to begin with. Americans are still paying for the wall in the literal taxes that went into that money pool to begin with.
You dumbass illegals dont get welfare
Going to be really cool seeing who commiefornia tries to get to pay for all that when half the bay area is leaving due to overpriced cost of living to support hobos and illegals and SALT deductions die a well deserved death.
>use the same two words to describe someone who doesn't agree with them
>Throw the word fascist in there but they probably don't even know what that is
Why do the left think they are so "intelligent" when they can't come up with a better way of showing their hatred for us.
illegals in california can receive school, college grants and drivers license. they most definitely can receive ebt as well
illegals give more to the system than they get out of it. They don't go to hospitals for regular free checkups which if you dont know its never free, maybe 8% have children. Driver licenses dont cost a thing infact they have to pay a lot into the system to drive. Ive worked in a grocery and the only foodstamp users ive seen are white and black. The illegals all seem have jobs and use cash
They still pay taxes and get no social security or any other benifits that come with that taxpayout.
Stop being ignorant
Ummm, yes they do. Hospitals legally can't turn patients away, so they flood the ER. On average, giving birth in a hospital costs about $6,000. So every anchor baby is costing MediCare 6k....
AND, once you've popped out your anchor baby spawn, you can legally apply for food stamps in order to feed the bastard child, and since you know...ILLEGAL - you will qualify for the most amount of benefits since there is no proof you have income.
Either you are a troll, or a lying fucking shill. Every anchor baby born costs Medicare $6,000....Hospitals cant turn away patients, so illegals get free healthcare...AND once they have children, they qualify for food stamps, and subsidized housing.
And in cali fucking fornia they have dem programz for undocumented shitheads.
O-oy vey?