What 3rd world country is she talking about anyways?
What 3rd world country is she talking about anyways?
Obviously Kazakhstan.
The Islamic Caliphate of Bongistan
Why can't Japanese appreciate toast with Marmite and blood pudding? Are their palates so uncultured that they cannot appreciate anything that does not trigger the responses "oishii desu" (like Nipponese sweets) or "UMAI" (like miso soup and Japanese curry)?
>inb4 everyone starts slagging off British cuisine that they have never tried
I invite all of you to come over and have some quality fish n chips with gravy, then we'll go out drinking British ales in pubs all night and get a full English breakfast to cure the hangover next morning. It's good shit, m8s.
>british cuisine
no one likes kebabs
>He gets hangovers ever
Drink 4-5 pints of water before you go to bed dummy.
Marmite tastes like fucking shit
I'm actually going to bongland on business in two weeks and am spending an extra week to explore and be as American as possible
I always drink a shit ton of water with my alcohol, doesn't help that much. I think I just have a poor constitution. I also have chronic migraines which probably doesn't help.
Because literally garbage.
I've been there and the food is garbage. Especially fish and chips. I don't know how you brits manage to eat that every other day.
"""British cuisine"""
Someone post toast sandwich
>Chronic migraines
Go see a doctor, no seriously that could be cancer.
That was supposed to be marmite? Marmite has made a cameo in anime? What a time to be alive.
>be french
>go to UK to improve my english
>rent a room at an old woman's home
>she only cooks britbong food
>have to force myself to eat her shit every evening
I'll always remember her dried grapes pudding. It was basically pure cinnamon
I had a CAT scan done in... 2014 I think at an ER and thankfully they didn't find anything unusual in my brain scan. My physician said I should probably see a neurologist but I've been so lazy about it
You know what I hate about your fucking country? Mixing tomato juice with my breakfast and using vinegar, yes FUCKING VINEGAR in my french fries without even asking.
Fuck you
>burnt egg
>rotten potatoes
>burnt toast covered in mashed eggplant
why are the british so disgusting?
Literally just a meme meal that no one here has ever eaten. We just invent loads of shit for the banter.
I hear you senpai. My brother married a brit. Fortunately they live by a restaurant run by Sicilian immigrants or I would have starved while I was there.
Burnt egg and Blood sausage, why oh why, thats south german
I recognize that doujin
>too pussy to ask not to have that stuff
sasuga foreigners
Chise's whole character was to be a giant stereotype. It's nice to see the Japanese making fun of themselves
We do that too, just to fuck with people at state fairs. Like deep fried Snickers/butter/etc. I actually tried the deep fried Snickers once. Wasn't as vomit inducing as I expected but I felt awful afterward.
>Are their palates so uncultured
Yes. They think plain white rice is the greatest thing ever.
Why did they put shit on her toast
10/10 post
>even nowadays Britbongs still eat that shit for breakfast
So basically English cuisine hasn't evolved since Victorian age?
I almost had one of them once but the machine broke when they were trying to deep fry mine and I couldn't have one. Did I get lucky and dodge a bullet?
This is true. The Japanese think their food is the greatest in the world but the vast majority of it is overwhelmingly meh.
They have kebab now.
Most traditional dishes don't evolve much.
I think it was worth it just to satisfy my curiosity but seriously, I'm a big, fit guy and it still made me feel sick for an hour or so. I imagine if you're small or don't have much tolerance for junk-food you might actually puke. And obviously it'll kill you if you're diabetic.
>implying there's any real difference between Irish food, which America jizzes their pants over, and British food
>implying our desserts aren't world-class
>implying roast dinner isn't the heartiest meal in the universe
>implying we don't do every other cuisine fucking amazingly if you're that much of a puss about it
>judging a nation's cuisine based on how well the typical pleb cooks it
The Brits of today aren't the Brits of yesteryear, so no one eats traditional food
I'd agree, but you guys do the same shit to the yanks
>>judging a nation's cuisine based on how well the typical pleb cooks it
Well what else can you judge ? You can be good at other kinds of food, but it just means you don't have anything of your own
Its' ok. Britain is good at other things. Im sorry your food is so world renown awful, but don't let that get you down.
I wonder what the Japs would think of the all Canadian POUTINE?
>Britain is good at other things.
Like having their population replaced by foreigners? That's all I can think of right now
>Britain is good at other things
Like soccer? oh wait
Everyone should know that the only relevant foods in Europe are Italian food and to some extent French cuisine.
The rest never heard of something called seasoning unfortunately.
why are europoors so afraid of spicy food?
>it's a bongs and burgers discuss which country is more cucked thread
>go to France
>stay with some retard
>he can't cook
>makes me a fucked up Duck l'Orange or whatever the fuck
>"wow I guess the entirety of French cuisine isn't what it's cracked up to be because this one stupid faggot can't cook"
>Britain is good at other things
Like negociating ? Oh wait
>it's a 3rd worlder talks shit while keeping his shithole a mystery thread
>Duck l'orange
sshh....guys, Im trying to make our resident bong feel better about his dying culture.
Italian is god tier, I know its not really Europe, but Turkey has some good hearty meals too surprisingly.
Honestly I thought French cuisine was a bit overrated. I honestly enjoyed the foods with a french influence more, Cajun, Vietnamese, etc.
its mostly europoors pissed at the brits because they btfo via brexit
>Largest empire the world has EVER seen
>Had worlds best navy, total dominance over the seas.
Brexit is going fine, the EU were always going to be cunts during negotiations, the negotiations could move onto trade talks next week if we just caved and accepted the divorce bill and their other demands for the ECJ, but we won't, so for now we're deadlocked and as May herself says, no deal is better than a bad deal. I'd rather take a financial hit than get fucked in the ass by a shitty EU deal.
As a Tunisian sandnigger who has tried most food from across north africa , middle east and europe, I can tell you most eurofags don't know how to cook aside from Italians. The more north you go, the shittier it becomes.
It only developed in areas like France because some fat kings wanted something original and the cooks had their heads on the line.
>I invite all of you to come over and have some quality fish n chips with gravy,
That's the best you can come up with? Its just another form of fried fish with french fries. Literally every country in the world has some variation of this.
At least the Americans mix many cultural foods and come up with something good and creative.
It's been over for 60 years now, user
>Brexit is going fine
>we have no idea of what we are doing now but it's probably better to keep running or else we'll trip for sure
God I cannot wait
South Italy is basically Africa anyway so i guess that's why you feel right at home with the cooking.
>sshh....guys, Im trying to make our resident bong feel better about his dying culture.
There's no one left who cares, the war is over. They're dancing in the streets of London at the land they conquered.
>At least the Americans mix many cultural foods and come up with something good and creative.
Such as?
user go to bed, i know it's hard with your beer but you're drunk
Longer than that really, They lost Naval supremacy after the Washington Naval treaty of 1922...
Spanish empire was better
Where are you from? Please god don't say America or this whole thing is too funny.
portuguese here, wanna talk about it?
also yeah we don't cook well, we just cook a lot
On a serious note, this saddens me. The seemed like such a outstanding power for a long time. And within 50 years they pissed it all away.
Please don't insult me, user.
We have a clear idea what we're doing and the plan grows clearer by the day. The only people that say otherwise are the pro-remain MP's and the liberal media that both want Brexit to fail or want some half deal so they can stay half in the EU anyway.
German scum
>t. Ahmed
Dumb Frogposter
Started handing back the colonies. Worst thing they ever did.
>I've only had shit rice
Next you'll tell me raw food and eggs taste bad too.
Good food is good food, Anons. What does it matter where it comes from as long as it tastes good and sates your hunger?
Pretty sure when it concerns scanning the brain, MRI is much more ideal than a CT scan.
Remember the British guy who couldn't stop hiccuping and British doctors couldn't determine why even with a CT scan?
Well, if the British doctors had ordered a MRI scan, they would have been able to cure his hiccups years earlier.
So I really think you should demand for a MRI scan this time and if you can, combine it with a MRA as well.
MRI scans your brain while MRA scans and focuses more closely on the blood vessels in your brain.
Seriously, its been 3 years since your CT scan of your brain and you still get headaches.
Time to get a better scan this time. Remember, say to your doctor that you want a MRI and a MRA together at the same time.
Here's the hiccup man youtube video.
Here's a BBC article about it:
This is what the Japanese doctors said.
>The man who diagnosed Mr Sands in Japan, Dr Condo, said: "CT scans are extremely poor at detecting in this area - unless you use an MRI scan you won't be able to detect it.
>"If they had done an MRI scan in England, they probably would have found it."
>But Chris is not angry about the way he way was treated.
>In fact, despite being offered the opportunity to have the operation in Japan, he chose to return to England.
>"Everyone else seems to mean harm to the NHS for various reasons but I really don't.
>"They probably should have done [an MRI exam] but it just never happened.
>"I don't blame anyone and I got treated well no matter where I went."
Seriously, remember to demand that you want a MRI plus a MRA
>We have a clear idea what we're doing
Lie, the british intelligentsia didn't want the brexit. All pro brexit populists vanished, and the current ones just want power by riding the wave
>the plan grows clearer by the day
Well, easy when you're coming from nowhere
Oh God France? No wonder you're so butthurt. You and the bongs should stop fighting, you're both shit places. Atleast i guess, they are trying to fix their migrant problem. I'm so sorry friend. Your future is dark.
>What does it matter where it comes from
The answer to this and many many other questions is
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>they are trying to fix their migrant problem
At least poles are whiter than pakis.
Yeah, you're right, but still, compared to southern Europe for the most part, the north have tasteless shit, maybe it's because of their ecosystem but still it's bland. The only thing going for them is the booze, I guess.
"Mexican" or tex mex is far superior to anything you can get in Mexico. Real Cajun food is wonderfully spicy and good. They have wonderful French, Asian, and Caribbean foods (and blends of these) too. You can go to New York city and find world class examples of virtually every food on earth. The problem with america is that everyone just assumes its just fast food, (which is terrible) but they do have good shit.
Im not a burger either.
Yes but could they have really held on to them? I mean they were broke after 2 world wars.
I may be drunk, but in the morning I will be sober. You on the other hand will still be a top cunt.
>Next you'll tell me raw food and eggs taste bad too.
It's disgusting.
It's not the poles people are worried about, apart from one or two incidents. It's all the peaceful women and children coming from the middle-east. You know? All those hard working doctors fleeing Syria that Merkel invited to stay in Europe.
actually that's a good point
still, i'm sorry i just can't mix fish and chips
If you want user to feel at home among his fellow African brothers I believe that he should visit North Italy instead.
Britian will always be the greatest nation on the earth and no amount of shitposting can change that.
But it's true. Plain white rice by itself is awfully dull unless you put sauce on it, make tamago kake gohan etc.
There were hardly any syrian people passing to UK before the Brexit despite the flooding. And poles are the biggest minority in the UK and were targeted the most since the referendum.
Brexit won't fix the influx of pakis though, don't count on that
You mean like Anglo-Indian food? Or the heavy Caribbean influences? Have you ever been to Britain and actually tried any of the ethnic food?
the handwriting is surely showing iTT
It's alright matey, I'll make you some bangers and mash, see if you like that shit. We can be top cunts together.
Okay Muhammad, whatever you say
No, because Britain is not (or least it wasnt) a melting pot.
There is no "American Ethic group" or "American" Food because the nation is a giant melting pot, its a giant blend of everything. Comparing the two is not quite accurate.
Honestly, brown edges can be tasty as long as you preserve the yolk
Get some real British food in you, lads.