One of the events that made me hate the negro was Hurricane Katrina...

One of the events that made me hate the negro was Hurricane Katrina. Something reminded me of it today and I went to AmRen to search for that article about how niggerish behavior was rampant during the aftermath and it caught my attention again.


>Some time later, a milk truck from the local dairy processor near my house came careening down the flooded street with another black teenager at the wheel. He managed to steer the truck through the front of the convenience store. It was like someone busted open a piñata — there was a mad frenzy of black folks fighting each other to get into that store. The winners came out with garbage bags full of cigarettes, booze, chips, candy, and, most precious of all, ice. Remember, the power had been out for almost three days, and the heat was unbearable. Everyone needed a cold drink. Cold was like gold.

Is anybody as interested in this as I am? It literally confirms everything that reasonable whites suspect about blacks, and it's fascinating to see what happens during literal societal collapse. Where can I find more red-pilled accounts/articles/books about Katrina and it's aftermath?

Pic related, it was like the apocalypse

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Other urls found in this thread:

But blacks and whites acted very differently, that's what makes it so interesting and red pilling.

Clearly they jus' nee' mo' moneh fo' dem programmes

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Interesting read, thanks for sharing.

>Hurricane Katrina

That was an early major redpill for me.

Hearing about the animalistic insanity inside the arena, raping infants, murder, looting.. Fucking crazy niggers are always on the verge of going full chimpout.

I need to read more into this. I was a young man at the time with little to no interest in news/politics. Do you have any good reads?

If niggers are so bad, why don't you just kill them or send them back to Africa? Americans have no problem invading countries and killing sandniggers. Why not clear your own country?

Bump for certain interest


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I'm from Europe. It's different here. I've been in the US many times as well. There is no nations here. These are states. There is no commonality. People rarely even know their neighbors name. We are all worker bees with no self awareness let alone world awareness. People here don't know what humanity is capable of. Canada specifically is extremely blue pilled. They think every "human" on earth just wants to get along and provide for their family.

Search for the country of Liberia.
We wish we could do it with the rest of our population.

San Antonio got significantly more dangerous after the Katrina Africans came here.

Huntsville as well

Who cares brah. This is Louisana and niggers afterall. Do you expect Japaneae level of civility during a catastrophe.

Most of that shit they stole and tore up is covered by insurance.

None of this shit effected me nor you.

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Here's the other AmRen article that's really good.


>Australian tourists stuck in the Superdome had the same experience. Bud Hopes, a 32-year-old man from Kangaroo Point, Brisbane, took control and may have saved many lives. As the stadium reverted to anarchy, he realized whites were in danger, and gathered tourists together for safety. “There were 65 of us altogether so we were able to look after each other, especially the girls who were being grabbed and threatened,” said Mr. Hopes. They organized escorts for women who had to go to the toilet or for food, and set up a roster of men to stand guard while others slept. “We sat through the night just watching each other, not knowing if we would be alive in the morning,” Mr. Hopes said. “Ninety-eight percent of the people around the world are good,” he said; “in that place 98 per cent of the people were bad.”

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>“Ninety-eight percent of the people around the world are good,” he said
He didn't learn a single fucking thing.

Eh.. I reada version of that account written by a turquoise haired foreign feminist backpacker. Absolutely disgusted. Give them to the niggers.

Don't worry senpai, the rest of the article is much better. Remember that Aussies literally are unable to refrain from shitposting

> (OP) #
>Most of that shit they stole and tore up is covered by insurance.
>None of this shit effected me nor you.
low iq individual detected

Atlanta, too.

Back in the days of the LATOC forum, a guy called Megadoom--an EMT--published his Katrina Diary.

LATOC got taken down by the guy who started it. I always figured it was a PR/intel operation, kind of a complex open ended focus group taking the temp of participants on all things doomtastic and prepperific.

Anyway, Megadoom's diary of the days he was stuck in NOLA disappeared. He put them up at a personal blog a few years later, but that went away too.

Sounds juicy

>Our rulers and media executives will try to turn the story of Hurricane Katrina into yet another morality tale of downtrodden blacks and heartless whites, but pandering of this kind fools fewer and fewer people.

He said this in 2005. Is Jared Taylor Q?

Appears only Day 1 is still online anywhere.

It gets a lot worse after that. No idea where Mega is today. LATOC is long gone.


most of that shit is covered by public funds, as always. Insurance companies only cover a fraction

Post more Katrina stories


>Do you expect Japaneae level of civility during a catastrophe.

Crime happened after the Fukishima disaster too and the disaster victims weren't treated with kindness either when they moved to other places.

>Ninety-eight percent of the people around the world are good,

If that was true, humanity would be a utopia.

Government resettled a bunch of those niggers in surprise, Arizona. Starting to look like Detroit. Sister retiring from traching there next year. Says you cant teach niggers to be civilized. Sister is petite blond hair blue eyed. Went from softy liberal to full 1488 in 5 years.

We experienced that on a smaller scale in SF, with the Loma Prieta. There was widespread looting and chimping out in Oakland and the city after that - the media didn't cover it, because "They didn't want to encourage copycats". It's bullshit, they just don't want to cover how the niggers are complete fucking animals.
I knew someone who was an early responder to the freeway that collapsed in Oakland, and they had to fight to keep the niggers from inside the collapse, they were climbing in and looting dead bodies in the crushed cars. One nigger robbed a dead guy, with the guy's kid alive and trapped in the back seat, and the nigger ignored the kid. It's fucking heartbreaking how lacking in any humanity niggers have in emergencies. Same thing happened in LA in the Northridge quake, my buddy had to patrol their neighborhood to keep the packs of niggers roaming around looking for houses to loot.
Remember the collapsed buildings in the Marina? Same thing, firefighters had to throw niggers out of collapsed buildings. The Berkeley fires, same - they were going into areas evacuated and looting houses.

I lost all my concern for niggers when I saw shit like that. The more they shoot each other, the better. They're a plague on the planet. There isn't a single area with a large population of blacks where there isn't issues like this.

one Carrington event away from this happening USA wide

Yeah dude that’s complete crap. It was bad but you’re totally wrong there.