would you marry this japanese ghost schoolgirl?
Would you marry this japanese ghost schoolgirl?
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Yes, I love her so much
That shouldn't even be a question.
Duh. Yuuko is one of the finest.
Glad there are people who STILL like her
I so loved the whole Dusk Maiden visual theme.
Why are ghosts touchable?
Only if she grabbed my hand and asked me to.
Same, it was really something else.
I'd have to agree
aawwwww yea titties i watch anime for the TITTTIES
I watch it for the pure white skin and soft smiles behind the tiddies
Daily reminder that Teiichi was literally 12 in the story. When he's a little older he's going to win an Olympic gold medal in ghost pussy pounding.
Teichii is a dumbass.
Anata no dare?
Beautiful old-fashioned woman
Where the fuck can I find a ghost girlfriend
Maybe hang around a cemetery a night?
Or like a cancer patient hospital, you can help fulfill the wishes of ghost girls who died in the hospital and couldn't move on because they regret never getting a boyfriend.
Also school toilets.
The original Houki.
I don't know if the chemistry between the two of us would be alright.
Is she a shotacon
No, but he's the only source of attention she will ever get. That's why she likes him.
Don't ghosts tend to move on after they've been fulfilled? Teichii is going to shove his cock into her and she'll disappear on the spot.
she feels more attractive in the LN but thats just my opinion...
>ut he's the only source of attention she will ever get.
Typical female
She's a teichiicon
No, he's a shy 12 year old.
I wish I had a hot ghost nee-san when I was 12 too
We all do, user.
I wish getting there was as easy as the noose meme. But even if I got there I'd probably be a side character, fuck I made myself depressed.
Life is too short to be a side character, breh. Be your own MC.
Dude my show is a boring slice of life filled with mediocre chicks and an infinite WORKING!!! grind, without the shenanigans. My show sucks.
>a yuuko thread
>on Sup Forums
Men of cultue exist here after all.
It happens once a month or so I think
Change it. Do stuff you normally wouldn't do. Start with your free time.
I don't come to Sup Forums to get encouraged, I come to Sup Forums to stare at nice ghost titties.
Do it. You'll regret it otherwise and remember the lyrics.
Trust me.
It's not as if I'll change my life enough to have nice ghost titties
Anyway I have money and whatnot, I'm just so bored
>tfw tried going to the local cemetary to use ritual to summon ghost to marry
>tfw accidentally turn a corpse into a ghoul/zombie
pic related is my new gf
t-thanks Sup Forums
You might find another pair of nice tiddies or a bro to hang out with.
Zombie chicks can be pretty hot
Just be glad you didn't get a Wight or something.
3D titties are not the same as, and inherently inferior to, 2D ones. Let's stop talking about ebin 3D stuff on Sup Forums.
Kyrie was best girl, go suck it Yuuko.
i hop a gang of nigers put knife in pusy and rap her to death. slash jher face wit razors and rap her in front of her moters eyes whore cunt slut . thro hr bloodd in mother face then fuck her mom corp
At this point my standards are
>Not fat
>Girlish and cute
Already dropped "Not trying to rob or kill me; and "female". Still no luck so might as well desu
she's fine too
Kanoe genes are god tier
She's easily the best Yomi.
>bare legs
What a terrifying ghost.
I'm into necrophilia
Is it possible to impregnate a ghost?
I'm willing to try.
Under yin-yang theory, a ghost is just a mass of yin-energy, while semen is almost pure yang energy. At the same time, a womb is a basin of yin energy. This means that a ghost is always starving for cock because she lacks yang energy immensely, and her entire body is basically a floating womb.
Fucking yes
>i hop a gang...
I hope you can get help and get better user.
I still think narrative-wise Yuko should go to heaven and MC should get together with Kyrie. I prefer a bittersweet ending to last-minute happy ending. Though that may be too similar to ghost bride.
That would've been the best ending.
Simply because it narratively shows that Yuuko had a lasting impact on the people who directly interacted with her.
Bonus points for Kyrie starting to try looking more like Yuuko.
>tfw all this desire in anime is how the writer feels about life
>tfw all those experiences are real in someones head and heart
>tfw I will never experience a real life love like this
>go to cemetery every day for a month
>eventually find a ghost
>it's just some old spanish guy who won't stop talking about yaks and going to Sbarro.
But you're right. Manga also way spookier.
The camera has to follow you breh, make it a good show.
>i hop a gang of nigers put knife in pusy and rap her to death
>rap her to death
Now I'm imagining like a whole bunch of black exorcists trying to banish her with rap versions of budhist chants or somethibg
she can kill me if she want
Jesus God
This ghost is the perfect fuckin mix of cool, cute, lewd, innocent, mysterious, funloving, and so possessive and supportive of her man.
Ultimate girlfriend material.
The ending was a cop-out asspull but I still loved it
That anime was garbage, though. The manga was better, especially with a better artstyle. Manga Yuuko is the only true softest.
Only her manga self. Because the anime was shit compared to the manga.
What do you mean, there's nothing spooky about this ghost. Just look at that lovely smile.
mother of lord jesus in his heaven
How hard?
Agreeable thread.
Alright so this happened to me when I was younger in my teens, I lived in this really old house that my dad made additions to. I remember for years I would hear sounds at night, things like footsteps, creaks, and moaning, but I always assumed it was people in my family in the night. Sometimes I would see a shadowy figure around, but once again I assumed it was just something else, like my sleep deprived mind playing tricks on me. (I routinely stayed up until 2 or 3 a.m. playing video games). Anyways one night its like around 5 a.m. and im just about to get a glass of water before I go to bed, then I see this pale girl in a dress. At first I think its one of my sisters trying to scare me, so I try to call her out on it, but I got no response the woman just stared at me, then I reasoned that I just had to go to bed, because im seeing things. Then she opened her mouth and let out a blood curdling scream, I was completely paralyzed with fear, then she approached me slowly, then she grabbed my arm and started pulling at me. At this point I dont even know what happened, whether it was pure animal instinct, or I was just a sexually deprived teenage boy. But I grabbed her and tore off her long dress and inserted myself in her. I dont even know how I maintained an erection, she felt as cold as ice but I kept going. She let me I dont think the spirit or whatever she was expected this. When I was done she looked at me with the saddest and most broken face ive ever seen in my life, then she vanished. To this day whenever I visit my home I think he still hear her, but instead the sound of footsteps, and the creaking of wood, I hear a soft crying, but the strangest thing is whenever I hear that tortured cry, my penis tingles in excitement.
TL;DR: I raped a ghost.
>you will never jog with a ghost Yomi
>Actually popped a boner to hand holding
gonna have a hard time sleeping tonight.
>12 year old.
I fucked two of my cousins from 12 to 13. He really dont deserve her
no one cares