I can definitely understand why people want to own assault rifles. However, civilians don't need to be able to own them and the second amendment simply does not apply to assault rifles. When the second amendment was written in 1776, we only had muskets. Now, the founders were alright with civilians owning muskets, but do you really think they would feel the same way about a gun that can kill dozens of people in a matter of seconds? The answer is most certainly no.
Now before you start getting angry, I should mention that I am a future former marine and an avid hunter, so I am no stranger to guns. However, I believe that the second amendment has been taken out of context in the past few years. You don't need an assault rifle to hunt and having them around has only made our country more divided than ever.
People want to talk about patriots and patriotism. The real patriots are those who will give up something, guns in this case, if it means bettering the nation as a whole.
>When the second amendment was written in 1776, we only had muskets Irrelevant The SCOTUS ruled that a private citien could own a naval vessel when the founding fathers were still around If the Founding Fathers meant muskets, why didn't they specify muskets in the amendment. OP is a fag sage
Jace Smith
Rulings can be overturned.
Xavier Perry
>future former marine Once a Marine always a Marine faggot
"The second amendment doesn't mention 'need' because it's meant as an affirmation of our *God-given* right to defend our way of life, and a reminder that our rights SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED by retards like OP." - HTH
i could easily say that the first amendment doesnt apply to digital communications because there was no way the founders could have conceived the internet.....see the problem fuckwit?
Alexander Wilson
Henry Rollins was robbed by niggers Also, he can't fight, he's not strong, he's a manlet
Oliver Rodriguez
stupid argument
Elijah Ramirez
He had two identical threads up at the same time yesterday. Savoury herbs in all fields
>When the second amendment was written in 1776, we only had muskets. >do you really think they would feel the same way about a gun that can kill dozens of people in a matter of seconds?
They had them and they felt comfortable with it. Pic related
>Now, the founders were alright with civilians owning muskets, but do you really think they would feel the same way about a gun that can kill dozens of people in a matter of seconds? The answer is most certainly no.
>be founding father >live in times of war >infant morality rate over 50% >life expectancy late 30s >murder rate 20x that of today >ruling monarchies breathing down their throats >create constitution for free society w/ right to arms >society never gets invaded >society influences the world >"b-but, user, 17 kids died" >get slapped by George Washington >get shot by Madison's musket >die faggot OP
Ryan Morris
>Jesus even the leaf gets it >kys OP
Nathan Robinson
>i don't need assault rifles
>you don't need to have authority over my personal possessions
Leo Cook
I was never sure if I was retarded and people responded to these threads as some type of inside joke I wasn't getting, or if they are actually the ones who are retarded.
So because we can can do something means we should now. BRB getting my zyclonB and conductors hat.
Cameron Gutierrez
The second amendment was never about hunting. Even I know that. Also, hunting with semi automatic rifles is much more effective than bolt action rifles, so even if it was just about hunting, trying to ban weapons like this would make it more difficult to hunt. So you're wrong either way you look at it.
Isnt most hunting in austrslia more of a culling. Otherwise hunting in NA is a little more geared towards giving the game a fair chance. Closer to fair at least.
Dylan Long
You are a Jew
Jacob Myers
Second amendment even applied to CANNONS.
Dylan Nguyen
More importantly, the Second Amendment applied to MODERN MILITARY ARMS with Congressional and presidential approval.
Cooper Morris
Jace Roberts
Restricting guns solves one problem. It makes mass killing slightly more difficult for you're average nutcase . Will it stop terrorism , no. Will it stop a determined person from inflicting harm at a school... no. Do I have the answers.. no. Just saying it's not a cure for the problem its a band-aid.