is there really not a single photograph or video of shkreli crying like a bitch in court
Is there really not a single photograph or video of shkreli crying like a bitch in court
i hope there will be video of him taking bbc up the bum in prison
He did nothing wrong you retarded faggot
If you believe he did then you're a brainlet zombie and no different to a lefty who relies on CNN to inform them on what their opinion should be
Why would there be? He has a clean conscience since he did nothing wrong, and he knows that he'll do his time in a pretty comfy prison.
There's a painting
>waaah he increased the price of the drug that cures AIDS by 951834%
>reddit told me that
Sinces hes not a little bitch i would not think so. There is probably a bunch of pictures of a crying zog machine not being allowed to steal money from the poor though. To bad you guys been so brainwashed you have no idea whats going on. "Muh CNN told me Shkreli is a bad man reeeeeeeeee"
Oh man that would be cool to see
Hes pharmabitch now
I don't entirely know what the deal is with Shkreli. Can I get a quick rundown?
You know what his medication helped to treat right?
That funny little cat brain parasite that (((somebody))) very likely managed to weaponize.
Rly makes you think, no?
he was nailed on securities fraud you fucking idiot lmao
Jewed the pharmaceutical jew and the central intelligence jew simultaneously. The rest is just fallout.
Really, it's just one protracted game of cat and mouse. Except the cat has an advantage because something is wrong with the mouse's brain. It has a parasite. The same parasite that will infect your community and community's offspring when the cat shits it out in your residence.
Crazy cat lady knows a thing or two about the process.
Albanian jewing jews that's jewing other jews etc.
I have it on good authority that Shkreli paid a lookalike to go to court for him, and is now paying him good money to do a few years in jail for him. He's currently living in Antigua and having Russian prostitutes flown in daily. He's too smart to go to prison.
I don't know why people here worship Shkreli
He's clearly a sociopath
Also, did anyone else notice how quickly they decided to go after him legally? He got famous for raising the price on a drug, and plebbit got all outraged about it. But instead of hiding from it, he stood up for himself. This angered the kikes, who try to hide their pharma shenanigans behind a veil of jewish media interference. They didn't want him spoiling the game. So they got the government to go on a fishing expedition to find a crime he broke.
he ran a ponzi scheme, made a boatload of money, took that money and made liberals mad, and then he got investigated and got put in jail for 7 years. Mind you he got nailed on security fraud even though Sup Forums is obsessed with the pills which was not part of the case
Yeo, that's the one, he got persecuted for security fraud. There was literally nothing wrong with the price increase.
>convince people to give him money so he could invest in the stock market and give them the profits
>lose a lot of the money
>took the losses and started a drug company
>make fat gains
>give them the profits and make them money
>still get done 7 years + 3 years probation because prosecutors thought he was dangerous
>while he was expecting 1 year max or house detention
>and his $7.4 million gets seized + a $75,000 fine
So this is what you get for shitposting to the extreme?
>lose a lot of the money
He made them more money than they gave him.
Fuck off.
Certainly has my respect. When I first saw news coverage, figured he was a total asshole. When I actually looked into the story, realized what actually went down. Kikes got trolled hard
I think the kicker is the medication itself. The fact they aired all this bullshit about him is gonna come back to bite them in the ass, I'd wager. Re: toxoplasmosis
Is this really what happened to him?
He got thoroughly raped by the zog.
No shit? I hope even you amerimutts would have raised the question if he was charged for helping the poor...
>He's clearly a sociopath
Who gives a shit what they actually nailed him on. It was clearly just a witchhunt at that point. Everybody knows him as the guy who raised the prices of that one drug so people suffering that one disease couldn't afford it. I'm just hoping the blanks start to get filled in for the general public. It's not a pretty picture. Especially so for cats.
he forged documents to defraud investors. nobody actually lost money as far as i know, since they seized the funds before any losses (i think), but he still broke the law.
They took his Wu-Tang album
>I'm just hoping the blanks start to get filled in for the general public
>the guy that the public hated is found to have committed federal crimes
any more blanks get filled in and they'll hate him even more
>securities fraud isn’t a crime!
T. Brainlets
His documents were stolen and provided to the government illegally, no due process or subpoenas.
His investors also didn't lose any money and they weren't part of the case other than having to testify, which is quite unusual in a securities fraud case. On top of that, the government took all his money and slapped him with a huge prison sentence for 3 out of 8 charges.
his lawyer cant keep getting away with it
those bastards
he got nailed because he was sued by the company he defrauded and left in the mid 2010s. it dosen't take even half a brain cells to realize defrauding your way into being ludicrously rich in a very short time span will get the attention of people who will send you to prison when they uncover what you did
lol the general public doesn't hate somebody for securities fraud unless they personally lose their life savings or similar.
People who sneakily infect the general public with a brain parasite using their proxy-child as the vector? 100% of people will hate that person, 100% of the time
He started second edge fund to acquire more investor money and used said money, along with funds from his pharma company to make up for the losses of the first.
He did caused losses of around 10mil.
>is there really not a single photograph or video of shkreli crying like a bitch in court
It's very likely that his lawyer instructed him cry and apologize for his actions to try and get a lighter sentence you stupid cunt.
>*a second
you're wrong, they made money. no one lost anything
Yeah, anytime anybody does anything remotely similar to what he did, not only are they prosecuted (go Justice System), the media (the loyal watchdog that it is) steps in to publicize this person's misdeeds. Totally.
Nothing going on here. Nothing at all. You and your wife's cat better get back to the apartment, I think he has to use the litterbox. I repeat, the cat needs to shit in the litterbox.
they made around 4x their money.
I heard it was 9x their money.
Or maybe that was the number of lives they have. You know, because they are cats. Cats have nine lives.
You might be thinking, Yes I know this, but what else do cats have? They have brain parasites. They give them to you.
Then you have to get on Daraprim.
No cameras in federal court
His lawyer is a notorious lawyer for the stars who is probably pissed he let this guy ruin his reputation with his retarded antics lol
If he wouldn't have been such a smug dumbass, it is very unlikely the sentence would have been seven years. He would have received a fraction of the sentence, maybe even house arrest or a huge probation sentence
All he did was lie to investors, they didn't lose any money over, in fact they gained money.
He doesn't deserve 7 fucking years, a few months maybe but not 7 years. This was clearly political. Either the judge took virtual signalling to the extreme or it's Insurance companies setting an example.
If he kept a low profile and didn't act like an arrogant prick during the ordeal, he would have gotten two years max. Probably house arrest
He'll be out in two anyway.
so will he read nonstop and rise from the ashes to take over the world or will he come out of it all broken and forever silenced?
>implying you can get out of fed before serving at least 85% the sentence
It's the unfair punishment he gets for both blatantly exposing problems with our healthcare industry while simultaneously fucking with the chosen one when it was Her Turn
>i have it on good authority
>pulled from the depths of my ass
you clearly don't know the proper usage of that euphemism.
being investigated for one thing, and also any subsequent crimes committed isn't a witchhunt, as the term implies there is no wrongdoing to be found.
you stupid people are what is wrong with our country
this webm is shit
wow it took you that long to get a proxy that isn't banned
He is on of us faggot fuck off
guys he literally suggested buying Sup Forums on one of his streams he couldn't be more of /ourguy/ if he tried
Hitler had to go to jail before being set free too.
who is shkreli and why are there so many threads about him?
>being this new