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come happy bombs fall on slough
What have they been charged with? As far as I gather, they've been refused entry to the UK under a clause of the free movement act, and are being held at an immigration detention centre.
acts aren't laws and our police literally do whatever they want
uk statists are truly in for the rope
this big brother shit is so fucked to me. if I'm in London and tweet out "nigger" or something would I get arrested?
Good. Duginist commies should get used to prison.
if they noticed and if you could be located easily i'm almost certain you would be
This is a war. Whether any of us want it or not. Buy a gun now. There is only one way this ends.
Pettibone is Yoko
is this for real?
I'm kinda jealous of them. They're going to have killer reunited sex after they get out. Brittany is going to pop out white babies in no time.
Do you know if the other countries in Europe are like this too?
mfw in my country if you are against mass illegal immigration from muzzie shitholes, you are a FAR-RIGHT EXTREMIST and will be targetted for ILLEGAL HATE SPEECH.
mfw if you express discontent with the capital city being minority British, you are a RADICAL EXTREMIST RACIST.
I have been caled homophobic because I don't agree with gay marriage.
Islamophobic because I have simply stated that Islam is incompatible with our culture. And that muslims don't integrate.
Transphobic because I think trannies are mentally ill and should be treated as such (actually helped with their mental illness).
Mysoginist because I'm against abortion.
A 'little Englander', because I voted for brexit.
I have been openly mocked because I attend church.
It's fucking 1984.
What are the latest news? Any contact with Sellner? Are they getting relesed?
It's the masons knocking
>moarpheus subhuman shills arrive on queue
They will almost certainly be fine and released within a few days
The real event will be whatever takes place in Hyde Park in their absence, in 3 hours
its time to find a way to actively combat this right? at what point would we see protesting? ive never been to a protest but damn what do ya do about that ? you cant just let that shit happen right? am i overreacting?
Hello Peter.
You are a crypto-Duginist yourself. Prove me wrong (you can't)
F*ing hell
Its ok if we lose Brittany then her twin sister can take her place
this from an amerimutt. pettibone is pure, the last stand of implicit white identity
they just wear too much makeup. it's obscene and makes them look very weirdly doll like
I like her sister better, the smart one of the family.
I have a friend in the Northern Ireland, he is a cop and YES, they are actually TRACKING DOWN people.
"Political dissident " is the noun given to those who "Break the law" in matters of "hate speech" in politics, inciting others.
SO if you have 100K followers and say DEATH TO ISLAM, GOAT FUCKER, yup they will use the LOCATION DATA OF THE POST, to look your ISP , hence YOUR NAME.
Very simple said this cop.
THE Republicans are way too SOFT.
nah but there aint much we can do for bongs besides meme on the net, they gotta find their own balls
distributed denial of safe space- 1 million offensive twitter accounts of every cultural and political alignment all being offensive intentionally and offended by each other and simultaneously reported
they are. but foreigners usually get a free pass.
My Irish friends said this is like when the Irish TRIED to make a political party in Northern Ireland(part of UK) for unification with Ireland.
People were "charged" as POLITICAL DISSIDENTS and let root in jail.
The problem, you can be held without charges pending so no lawyer or nothing to help you.
The more 'moderate' right wingers are starting to echo your sentiment. Anecdotally I would say we are reaching a tipping point
This, the Brits can and have to take care of themselves. You yanks are better served protecting your 2A rights
Germany and Sweden are worse than UK. I'm not sure about France, about tha same, I think.
UK countries cucked ratings are like this: (1 being most cucked)
1. Scotland. Almost beyond any hope.
2. England and Wales. Severely cucked.
3. Northern Ireland. NI is not cucked.
'Holocaust denial' is not a criminal offence in UK, but it is a very serious criminal offence in most European countries.
Free speech does not exist in UK. UK is the worst developed country in the world for state surveillance (most CCTV cameras per capita).
>People were "charged" as POLITICAL DISSIDENTS and let root in jail.
>The problem, you can be held without charges pending so no lawyer or nothing to help you.
I think this is a big part of the problem, in the 21st century we're all soft cunts afraid of being personally persecuted by the establishment, god forbid we have to give up our consoles, pornhub and torrents. People need to put their balls on the chopping block like many of the e-celebs do, risk getting targeted, doxxed, assaulted or imprisoned
Next time dude, buy a VPN with a cryptocurrency and to buy that use a gift card that you got from a kid in a corner.
Set VPN and buy a Proxy server, then after that use TOR and on top, use Linux in a USB and SPOOF YOUR MAC.
Cops ever show, smash the USB and TOSS IT IN THE TOILET.
On top be sure you don't write online because how you write, can be also tracked.
All this, I saw it on a Chinese site on how to escape Communist China, sad the UK fell as a totalitarian pseudo democracy.
>meme on the net
heard. will do
this also just sounds like fun
do you think it will take a massive happening or a series of small cuts?
imagine if Enoch Powell and Oswald Mosley were politically active at the same time and worked together
this is people are doin a great job exposing the orwealian state in we are living but they lack the rage to lead us to a better future ,they are little burgese in disguise
Topkek, the UK is so fucking butthurt right now that Putin's men could assassinate yet another traitor living in the UK.
UK reminds me of 1984.
Fucking kek
For what its worth, I think the only people getting visited for voicing opinions online are those who can be easily identified - as they are posting under their real names often with real photos of themselves
I don't think any twitter troll accounts with false or ridiculous screen names have been affected by this. But the suggestions you made are worthwhile from an infosec perspective nevertheless
Don't participate. Don't buy into eating halal meat. You go to a restaurant and says we serve "halal", ask for the manager and politely say, You are a shame to the Old Queen, better serve Allah and tell them you will take your business elsewhere.
The problem, cuckservatives, keep buying the leftist PROPAGANDA, buying the new movie, following Ariana Grande, and then when an Islamic attack happens, first enforcement, the THOUGHT POLICE.
I feel sorry for the kids that live in the UK, being brainwashed and going to the grinder of the Totalitarian regime.
Sadly China has probably overtaken the UK now for CCTV surveillance. It's only a matter of time before this happens all over the world.
How the fuck is this happening in a first-world country? It's like your police are simultaneously tyrannic and hilariously pathetic.
My cop friend gets off going after what he calls "trolls" in Twitter. He works in Northern Ireland and YES, they are KEKED. THEY BENT OVER AND TAKE IT.
Post more awful memes though, subhuman sperg shill.
>do you think it will take a massive happening or a series of small cuts?
I think the twitter/youtube purge in the past few weeks has spooked a lot of moderate-right wingers, if they themselves were not purged, its clear that they are next in line. Somewhat related, today's event could potentially be the UKs charlottesville depending on how many leftists show up
>Import literal terrorists by the millions
>Arrest public speakers for wrongthink
Fuuuuck the UK! Deus Vult NOW!
uk can refuse entry to anyone including europeans. not at all uncommon.
Yes, but in the current climate, if you are doing this without obfuscating your identity with a VPN or something more sophisticated you're playing with fire.
>My cop friend gets off going after what he calls "trolls" in Twitter
Sounds like the exact type of treasonous, subhuman thug trash who deserves the rope, honestly.
Holocaust denial is not illegal here, But speaking out against the regime here can lead to you losing your job or maybe get assaulted after you walk home from work or something, But then again Sweden has never been a democracy but rather a semi-dictatorship where you can vote.
>d/c jew calls others a jew
Neat angle.
>People need to put their balls on the chopping block like many of the e-celebs do, risk getting targeted, doxxed, assaulted or imprisoned
at a glance, to me, we are such pussies compared to the men from history. i am so afraid to answer honestly in political disscussion in the real world talking to real faces. i lie everyday and i carry around shame like a permanent scar
Fuck, is Peter the next to go? I would fucking rage if that happened.
I've felt the same way, my fucks given have reduced sharply recently, i'm thinking about doing it (just casually bringing up race/IQ/crime stats for instance) and act as thought it's obviously true information that everyone should know, to see how they react.
Its 1984
Martin is wearing that face cage with the rats, they're going to break up afterwards
Americans NEED TO LEARN.
Democrats use the LABEL as RUSSIAN operative to make BOGUS charges, and if you want to avoid jail, you will have to say their side of the history.
Soon we will see charges on Trump and probably Pence too.
Basically this will happen if the DEMOCRATS TAKE CONGRESS, the leader of the House will be your NEXT DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT.
Shills in the UK know this.
tide pods?
Good argument
massive jew.
God what a fucking shitshow. What is the endgame here? How long before the government starts rounding up white males for “toxic masculinity and white oppression of minorities”? And why is Prince Harry officially sanctioning cuckoldry as a government policy? Is it divide and rule? Are they being MKUltra’d?
>Sweden has never been a democracy
Nor has UK.
UK is technically a 'constitutional monarchy'.
Most first world nations are like that now. It's not a meme. We're pretty much the only first world nation left where you'll just get banned from a website for saying "Fuck niggers and kikes" and that's only because of our founding papers. If the kikes and their commie pets have their way, we'll be just like modern western Europe.
If it were 1984 you'd have had your brains blown out by now. It's only 1983 :^)
No one gives a fuck, sperg-tard. We don't care. Drown in shit already.
>The people who are in authority have been boiling us slowly to death for so long that they are probably experts by now on how to do that.
Don't give them too much credit, the whole thing is unstable and they make bad blunders. They've done well to get this far but there is a lot of incompetence
Yeah, he used to be a normal guy then in college BECAME brainwashed.
Last time I visited NI he was a total douche bag with his badge, but all of them are like that.
He was pissed that I voted Trump after following Bernie , but we need to keep America safe from Globalists.
>d/c jew still calling others a jew
Pretty boring.
Sellner is zionist
Pettibone is an eceleb roastie
Tommy Robinson is also pro Israel
why would Sup Forums care about those degens?
Same as us then, But we have been both a fascist state and a socialist state which has severely severed our freedom of speech, Basically freedom of speech only exists on paper but in reality it does not.
Sucks to live in a commieshithole to be honest.
the climate of my immediate work culture would end in my public execution. at the same time i cant look at myself in the mirror. there is an actual psychological toll after a while of having to maintain a fraudulent character like this. but there are men taking that brave and correct step i fear i may be constitutionally incapable and thus unworthy of reproduction
>d/c jew calls others a jew
What the actual fuck? This is malicious persecution and I'm pretty sure goes against the European convention on human rights.
Starts with " STOP resisting the arrest".
And actually works in a court of law, douche bag NI cop told me.
She’s saving herself for marriage. But her viewer count is going to go through the roof.
Now you understand the purpose of the 2nd amendment.
Between a goat fucker and a kike, I would keep alive the kike.
Americans can not say much as most Republicans are cuckservatives.
>britain in a nutshell
God save the queen
The fascist regime
They made you a moron
A potential H bomb
>the climate of my immediate work culture
Ah, don't do that shit at work, bro. I mean in casual conversation with friends (pref ones you can afford to lose) or extended family. Or school if you're in there still.
>there is an actual psychological toll after a while of having to maintain a fraudulent character like this
I've found this to be completely true for me as well. It's the real part of the struggle with seeing past the curtain.
>but there are men taking that brave and correct step i fear i may be constitutionally incapable and thus unworthy of reproduction
It's not that deep man. Just get to a good place with career and find a decent chick. By being capable and willing to see the truth rather than accepting a warm lie, you're exactly the kind of person who should reproduce. You are, whether you know it or not, the elite.
The stranglehold that this has over people is very strong. The problem is that a person will not have revolt until their pacifism is threatened enough to put them in crisis and then other people need be in the same crisis or else there wont be enough revolt. The people who are in authority have been boiling us slowly to death for so long that they are probably experts by now on how to do that. If it moves slowly enough, noone who has revolt will be able to coordinate with others who had revolt before because these people feel they must conform to the system. Very unlikely that we arent fucked. I hope to god something happens and there is an effective revolt formed. These people doing this to us are evil scum and shame on anyone who has ever given them credit otherwise or assumed they were innocent. Absolutely rotten people. None of what is happening right now is remotely necessary, it is like someone throwing a tantrum because they get a pebble in their shoe. These arent even their countries.. Fucking vile parasites. The most evil of all evil. None of these people should even be in our countries let alone subverting them. They are too manic and greedy to create anything, just destroy. They feel like they have been wronged yet dont understand the stability and intelligence necessary to build such a civilization as the one they are destroying. Why the fuck are the even in our countries? Because we were conned? These people deserve a bloody war against them and their kind, i am sick of them.. all of them.
>jew posts irrelevant guy no one cares about as a response/meme/insult
It's really baffling.
Fucking disgusting. You deserve to have your face smashed with a sledgehammer
>International Womens Day
>freelance female journalist gets locked up and strip searched by british male guards
>nobody cares bc she's conservative
>they are probably experts by now
that special nausea when i realize evil is the most advanced its ever been
>Very unlikely that we arent fucked.
This battle was fought and lost 70 years ago. I see more white women with Africans and Pajeets than white men. If we tried to start a revolt today we’d be hounded off the streets by our own. At this point there’s more openly traitorous whites than not. We might as well declare ourselves an Islamic nation at this point.
funny how only dugin is called a satanist.
This is really going to piss off a lot of Americans. The typical US dude think the UK is a BBC special with queens and stuff. They have no idea what is going on. The US will be forced to issue travel warnings, and the whole thing could turn ugly. The left can't possibly be this stupid.