Its like you people are too retarded to recognise the obvious problem or too hopeful there is another way to fix it than taking away women's rights completely.
At this point, MGTOW is no longer an option or luxury, it's the bare minimum we men need to restore society to order.
All these threads getting angsty about white women
Don't give up on women completely, just wait for a new generation or look outside the west.
GenY women are complete shit.
It aint gay to start fucking guys
sage and look for important threads
If my rights are taken away completely I'd refuse to breed. Treat me like a child? Fine. No adult responsibilities at all. You'd never get a piece of my genetics.
It's less about giving up on them, more about putting the roast back in it's place through removing their rights.
I agree, the name has become somewhat of a misnomer these days, but it's the one true banner we can unite under. All the others are cucked, MRAs, anti-femenists, tradcucks, incels, neomasculinity, ALL are cucked because they refuse to see the damage that giving roasts the vote has done.
You'd be killed with impunity if you refused to breed, what part of not having rights is difficult to grasp?
And then a woman who knows her place would simply assume the job.
Also, if any anons need to see the mind of a roast, take a look at the post I'm replying to.
Have you heard of GUNS brainlet? Have you also heard of the wall? Why should I know my place? What would you give me in return other than a life of terror? I'd have nothing to lose.
Mgtow in 2018 basically translates to delete tinder, stay on your nofap discipline and no casual sex, only give attention to wife material girls (which are rare.)
Every GF I've ever had I found when I was doing nofap and mgtow. I feel like as soon as you stop wanting a girlfriend/relationship, they fall in your lap.
If you treat me as subhuman why should I care about your society and not want it burned down to a crisp?
MGTOW is for faggots
There is nothing wrong with women, only f*minism due to the fact that it is caused by an incurable virus
basic gestalt:
>its a virus
>strains of it have existed forever
>ancient ruins and mythology depict it as a warning of what it is, how it manifests, who it effects, and how destructive it is
>it seems to start to naturally show itself when a civilization starts to build dense cities/industrialize
>women stop wanting to have kids, only want foreign men, hate males
>everyone turns degenerate/pedo/gay/trans
>society collapses everyone goes down with it
>cia/paperclipped gnatzis figured out what it was and identified a strain
>it was weaponized
>it was released in the nigger ghettos of america and poorer areas of western europe in the 70's
>today whites are infected as shit
>it is sometimes being administered in soyboy food products like starbucks drinks
>all feminists have it
>the only cure is lead
Further reading:
>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression
>Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the femin virus on American black communities
>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a femin outbreak
You would never win any fight with men, with guns or otherwise.
>whore brings up wall thinking it's relevant to this argument
Typical low-IQ whore.
It doesn't matter to anyone if you care or not, dumb cunt. Do you think a horse rider gives a fuck if the horse is mad about being ridden on? You couldn't burn down society any worse than you and your Jew allies already have, we have our backs and nothing to lose. We will take it all back, not if but when.
>the tradcuck joins the thread
The Feminist is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a nationwrecker, whore, roastie, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But tell her that she has an incurable virus and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>demographic most in favor of abortion: liberal women
>least in favor: conservative women
>Even Women Didn't Want To Give Women the Vote
>"If women achieve the feministic idea and live as men do," wrote a male doctor who opposed female suffrage, "they would incur the risk of 25% more insanity than they have now."
>If women got the vote, they would have to serve in the army and on juries. There would be fewer children but more divorce. Men would become less chivalrous and reverent of womanhood.
>Women would take up men's occupations, and men would take up women's occupations; the result, according to an antisuffrage booster, would be a "race of masculine women and effeminate men and the mating of these would result in the procreation of a race of degenerates."
>Of the 535 members of the 108th Congress, only 73, or less than 14%, are women. All but six of America's 50 governors are men.
Don't worry cuck sex doll technology will remove you betas from the pool so there's more uninfected women to go around
I have kids, retard. I plan to have more BTW. Not sure you understand the point of mgtow.
>You would never win any fight with men, with guns or otherwise.
Lower chances are better than no chances especially since guns equalize.
>It doesn't matter to anyone if you care or not, dumb cunt. Do you think a horse rider gives a fuck if the horse is mad about being ridden on? You couldn't burn down society any worse than you and your Jew allies already have, we have our backs and nothing to lose. We will take it all back, not if but when.
I couldn't? hahahahaahaha
I'd have nothing to lose to try. Also if I die I'm not of use to you so I won. I know you don't give a fuck. This is why I have ZERO empathy to men like you NONE. I laugh at all the idiot girls who automatically side with guys like you and aren't aware of what's coming.
Lul fuck off mgnigger. Fucking embarrassing human beings.
MGTOW yet you can't help but all you do is talk about women,quite ironic.
Yeah you couldn't. You whores are already not breeding at replacement rates, so you/we are already on the way out, collectively speaking.
You don't understand that those women who side with us realise they are ensuring their own survival and humanity's survival.
MGTOWfags generally hate all women, maybe we are actually on a similar page
There's nothing wrong with wanting traditional females btw
If humanity will treat me like garbage why should I care about it? Why should I want to survive in a land I am a raped slave. I don't see the motive to care about my life or other peoples lives in that
The name probably could do with an update. The community in it's latest iteration is calling for the removal of women's rights which is what I'm 100% onboard with.
Legit question, are you LARPing?
Literally kys cunt
You can't change western women and your view of western society isn't shared by most people living in it today.
You just need to move on if you don't like it and find another culture that better fits with your view of women. If you don't follow this path you are going to have a miserable, lonely life.
Whining and bitching about women endlessly but refusing to move on makes you no better than some nigger who lives in a white country who wants everything to change when the simplest path for him is to just go back to Africa. Don't be a nigger, OP.
>let me tell you about what things you hate
go cure that virus if you are so enlightened you double faggot
Fuckin rape kids wut mate gday
I have no motive to knowing you don't run things.
I'd gleefully slit ya throat
U focking what
Let me pull my dick outta this 10yo first
more like men sent their own way because they're ugly.
I don't care about changing women, just putting then back in their place. You may think men don't agree with me on that, but more are waking up every day. Beta orbiting cuck manginas are going to weigh down the lampposts soon enough.
MGTOW is a jewish psyop to drive down birth rates. The second half is convincing men that negresses are the real way to go, being more loyal and traditional than white women, while having more soul than asian women in the MGTOW racist narrative, which runs like this
>I want a White gf!
>a white european woman is a masculine whore who does not know loyalty
>Can I have an Italian gf?
>i thought you wanted to preserve the white race? Mediterranean women are not white.
>I want a mexican gf? I'm a mutt too, I swear.
>hispanic women are unintelligent and barbaric, you know
>Hmm, I like these IQ statistics. How about a Japanese gf.
>Oh no, they are all soulless monsters. Just look at how these poor people in China. No Japanese gf for you. And your sons will hate you!
>Jungle asian?
>Elliot. Rodger.
>Well huh, I guess all women are shit. I'll go my own way
>well, goyim, there is another option..
You can't slit my throat if I shoot first
nice try shill
I'm still into white and supresses his likes for asian woman
t. yellow fever repressor father of 2 white kids and has white wife
also i'm a chad.
being forever alone is for beta's
fuck off MGTOW Beta shill.
Most mgtow *want* kids, just not under the current legal system that gives women absolute power over men. Hence, taking their rights away fixes everything.
>men are waking up
No, they are not.
If you truly believe what you say, don't make a thread like this in an echo chamber of these kinds of ideas like Sup Forums make it on Reddit or some other place full of beta males and soyboys who need to know this shit.
Penis envy already ensures you rot in hell
Haha checkmate ugly sow
MGTOW is being actively attacked as one of the last bastions
It is the highest realm of masculinist philosophical thought with wisdom of the greatest free thinking men of history
>he pays with his time for extension of his dna
haha plebeian subhuman
Man nigress woman must be good wifes.
>the thot cries in pain as it strikes you
That's exactly what they want you to think.
Whites are whores. Hispanics and meds aren't white and therefore bad (doublethink). Asians have no souls. Oy vey, aren't black people so traditional and rich in culture?
This is a good write up and I support removing women's right to vote, all you really need to do is distract them with some social justice bullshit when you do it and they'll forget about it in no time because they didn't really care to begin with
Women's suffrage was a huge mistake
Stay mad losers
>Women's suffrage was a huge mistake
I think all of Sup Forums recognizes this basic fact
I thought this was another cucked thread but it turns out you are pretty based OP have another bump
hahahahaha does me defending myself trigger you? I'm acting like a man hahaha
if feminism is virus as you claim, and not innate state of unchecked woman mind, then you surely can find this virus in alive cells of bio women, can you?
no, you cannot because what you call virus is nature of women you gay faggot
Because your very nature is subhuman and you will end up happier when treated as such?
If possible, we should work to relabel mgtow to focusing on removing women's rights, and that does seem to be what many mgtow people ate moving towards, even molymeme is realising that thots having options is not a good thing.
I don't hate women, and I'm not some childless beta loser. I just don't want to see my kids grow up in a world completely destroyed by Marxist feminism.
This is drilled into the heads of MGTOW racists by ZOG shills:
White women are terrible
You MUST want a white woman and white children, simply because you must
But white women are terrible
White women are the best
White women are terrible
The only winning move is not to play
The state of doublethink causes confusion, depression, and sexual dysfunction.
my wife is polish too how fucking ironic!
fucking beta males i swear on me mum.
Now gimme your lunch money. NOW beta!
*bullies you*
This should be your life goal + 2 more white Sons, your MGTOW shit is cringey as fuck, oh no, the 350 lb runescape playing faggot isn't going to pursue relationships with women, oh no, you really showed them.
This. And then you realize the ur still in college and can't give the 10/10 girl you'd never get in a million more years the kids she wanted because ur poor and she breaks up with you because she said she can't wait and needs to look for a father before she turns 30 so you get depressed but then start nofap and /sig so ur feeling better but sexually frustrated so u start playing with ur butthole and realize you need a male mentor to show you how to bw a man so u finally decide to be a faggot at least until you can afford to provide for a woman and 4 children. When you will get rebabtized and Jesus will forgive you so u can get unhappily married and hope she don't take the kids.
Yeah because I should magically feel better after being treated like garbage because of your manosphere science. Right.
Not falling for your insults or concern trolling. My IQ is too high for that.
You'd destroy the world of your female children for the sake of your male children. I don't care if you hate me or not. You're still a threat.
Not at all. It'd be preserving it for both.
Wrong dumbass normal women want to have children and don't run around like insane whores, feminists actually have altered maternal/breeding habits which is not normal and not something mere ideology can cause
Go study what oxytocin is, feminists don't produce enough of it/don't react properly to it and it's one of the big reasons they act the way they do - it's caused by a virus
That is something I can get behind, men need to take back control instead of remove themselves from society and hating all women so rebranding is a good idea
A couple of us anons have been running an anti-feminist general called /fag/ recently if you ever see us stop by we hate marxists/feminists and are definitely about pushing the revocation of women's suffrage to get roasties under control
Because rape is good right? Please
Pic related.
It's my ass ready to take ur mgtow cock when you finally swallow the #faggotpill
Why else would women orgasm so much from if it wasn't
Then I'll remove myself from your society. I won't pass on any genes whatsoever. If I'm left homeless by your society I'd have no choice but to become a criminal or revolutionary.
Keep crying you nasty slut we're trying to get the West back on track for everybody here
>hates blacks
>hates hispanics
>hates jews
>hates women
>hates gays
>basically want to enslave or outright murder anyone who isn't a straight white male
When you're burning alive in a napalm airstrike during your failed attempt to set up a misogynist 'white republic' you'll still believe that you're the victim and wonder why everyone hates your psychopathic guts, won't you sick boy?
I hate the "MGTOW" label and all of whiney faggoty that goes with it however I do acknowledge that what most if not everything the mgtows preach is true. Moder western white women are objectively the worst women in human history by every conceivable measurement and they're collectively hostile to white men and are using institutional power to discriminate against and disenfranchise them in most facets of society. To be a white nationalist at this point requires willfull ignorance to this and borderline cuckoldry.
tits or GTFO
You must know rapist pig. You all talk about how horrible rape is and how rape culture doesn't exist then you go on and defend rape. Two faced pigs.
If I was raped I'd happily abort the offspring and celebrate purging his genes from the world. :)
>ignoring the only solution
That's good f*minists and roasties need to be removed from the gene pool entirely
There is only one way that the West will save itself - removing the right of women to vote and getting a grip on cultural progressivism and feminists before our entire civilization collapses as has happened many times before
Sounds good to me, I'll check it out. If we agree on that basic tenet, removing their right to vote, then that's certainly a step in the right direction.
Try to contact the big name mgtows on YouTube like Turd Flinging Monkey (he's the one promoting the idea of removing their rights) and Sandman to get them onboard. This could go places.
MGTOW is part B of the hegelian dialect. Part A is feminism.
Confront men against women so they don't fight your pedophilic rings, artificial crisis making banks and corrupt politicians.
Keep focusing on the minimum common denominator, goy, those who have zero power over you and no influence to shape society.
Women who actually want to murder their own offspring are 100% infected with the virus
You need to be culled and your remains glassed and salted
As you can see we have a belief that there's a very dark medical reason for feminism but we also want to promote the voting issue so drop by, I will look into how to contact those TY people
Fuck, I wish you had got here earlier
>Angry dyke spends time angrily shitposting on the Internet, insisting that behaving more like a woman wouldn't make her happy
Fascinating. I'm convinced this is top tier bait.
This is his latest video
MGTOW is a joke.
how can you unironically call yourself MGTOW? you may as well call yourself a proponent of male feminism.
Not quite
If it's forced on me and it's rape it's the horrible rapist's genes. It's not unnatural to want to cull his genetics. The offspring is half rapist and is inside you against your will.
you tradcucks are delusional as always
>Treat me like a child
Everything you've said indicates that you deserve to be treated like one. Giving you the responsibility of an adult is a mistake. What, exactly, do you contribute to society at large aside from 'muh childbirth'? I'd wager you've gone your entire life believing that was 'good 'nuff' and left it at that.
>You'd never get a piece of my genetics.
Why do you assume you're more desirable than other women? You seem particularly dimwitted compared to your peers, I can't see your genetics as being at all valuable, much less in an era with rapid technological growth.
Yeah because saying someone is subhuman goes well with them in real life doesn't it brainlet?
Also since you define females as subhuman there's no logical advantage to behaving like one under your definitions. It's like accepting to be prey.
>when the roastie keeps posting
Ok I tried to reach out to Roosh once but no luck I will hammer away at some of the other guys
Roosh is aligned with us but is a bit retarded
In what ways am I'm dimwitted? I see what's up ahead wheras many peers don't.
Hmmm alright all we really need is a few guys to start the dialogue and get it rolling the rest will follow if it becomes a topic they think will get attention from viewers
Holy crap a nigress is this loyal
>accepting to be prey
You can always try to pointlessly resist and fight against your deep-seated biological inclinations to be dominated and led by a strong male presence: that tends to work out well for most women.
Now stfu sugartits, men are talking.
This what your suggestions lead to
>go men going their own way
>muh empowerment
Belive it or not but GenZ women are not going to be any better
I know your trick. People are openly talking about taking away my rights but then expect me to act like it's no big deal. I'm not one of the stupid girls who say "Poor Menz we need to stop being bitches".
I take that as a compliment from someone like you.
I fail to see the problem desu. You probably get off on that kek.
Why are they all wearing Meg's hat from family guy? Do they think she is relatable?
Then await your replacement,
Probably even worse than the current state of feminism.
The main role of a man is to build a family a.k.a get a wife and have kids.
If you can't do that and STILL complain about western women (per say) then you're arguably less manly than a woman who fucks niggers and makes nigglets just because she can.