Hey Sup Forums, what is the differences between christianity and Catholicism?
Why do I see a lot of people say that Catholicism is very similar to Paganism?
Any good vids about this would be much appreciated.
Hey Sup Forums, what is the differences between christianity and Catholicism?
Why do I see a lot of people say that Catholicism is very similar to Paganism?
Any good vids about this would be much appreciated.
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catholicism is cucked dude. it's cuz we follow a pope.
i'm converting to protestantism bc protestants are smart, have large families, and always vote republican
check this out brah
it's slightly because of immigrants who are catholic, but still.
>jew cuck religion vs. offshoot of a jew cuck religion
Catholicism is Christianity.
People sometimes say that praying to saints is pagan, but that's mistaken since it's a Biblical practice. I myself pray to St. Francis Xavier and a small number of other saints. Here's a nice short video (less than 30 minutes) defending the practice:
Why do Europeans ignore their native religion and choose to follow a Middle Eastern one created by Jews?
Thanks man. I'll check it out. Are there reasons why people say Catholicism is similar to Paganism?
catholic server /bkXHBgq
Christians love their countries, Catholics hate them and want to sell them out to a foreign king
As far as I am aware it's primarily because we Catholics pray to saints and venerate their relics (veneration of relics is also a Biblical practice, here's anoter ~15 minute video from that same channel on that subject youtube.com
It's also true that Muslims claim that Catholics (and by extension other branches of Christians) are pagans because we believe in the Trinitarian nature of God, which they consider to be a form of polytheism, i.e. paganism. But this is mistaken since the Trinity is much like water. Water has 3 forms, ice, liquid water, and water vapour. All three are still water, but different states (or, if you will, different "persons") of water. The Muslim claim that God is only one person is analogous to claiming that ONLY liquid water is H20.
constantine took paganism, sugar coated it a little bit, slapped the label "christian" on it, and catholicism is what you got out it
he could never hope to declare it the official religion of all of rome without keeping MOST of the core trappings of paganism, the majority of the people would tear him apart and install someone new
hi aussie cunt.
both are literal MENTALLY ILL "RELIGIONS"
please consider getting eaten by a crocodile and stop shitting up this board with literal retarded nonsense. thanks. signed, the entire fucking planet.
Is there anything that divides Sup Forums more than religion?
What independent are the jehovas witnesses voting for?
Jehovah's Witnesses believe voting and being involved in governance in any way is immoral. I once asked a JW how a society made up 100% of JWs would be governed and he got upset
that's just protestant heresy
Hello my fellow enlightened citizen of the world. Did you happen to listen to NPR tonight?
that was a weak minded person
i could answer that easily
and please be serious
>Hey Sup Forums, what is the differences between christianity and Catholicism?
Catholicism is founded on doing everything the Pharisees did.
Christianity is based on the teachings of Christ.
>Catholicism is founded on doing everything the Pharisees did.
oh ho ho
its far worse than that
far worse
catholics dont even follow all 10 commandments