This man could cure cancer, end world hunger and stop poverty and leftists would still hate him.
This man could cure cancer, end world hunger and stop poverty and leftists would still hate him
yeah we already know
You don't goddamn it.
Are those necrophages?
We knew it before we even backed him. That's half the reason we backed him, we want to destroy their party.
He is literally unlikeable, and hasn't done or said a single selfless thing that I can remember.
As far as I can tell, he seems too busy with golf and social media to ever be effective
well. he did ruin their party after all.
For some strange reason, I wanna fuck her bad..
That man is is a blend of ignorance and populist self aggrandising lies. I think he actually has so little empathy and insight that he believes what he says is true. The world is kind of scared of him.. in the same way you might be scared of a trucker high on meth behind the wheel of a big rig. Maybe that might work. Never thought I would be wishing for the good old days when intelligent George Bush was in power.
That reminds me of someone.
We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And the Murder Of Black, Brown & All Oppressed People
Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States. Other communities are also criminalized, targeted, attacked and brutalized. We want an immediate end to state sanctioned violence against our communities
We Want Full Employment For Our People
Every individual has the human right to employment and a living wage. Inability to access employment and fair pay continues to marginalize our communities, ready us for imprisonment, and deny us of our right to a life with dignity
We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings
Our communities have a human right to access quality housing that protects our families and allows for our children to be free from harm.
We Want an End to the School to Prison Pipeline & Quality Education for All
We want an end to policies that criminalize our young people as well as discriminatory discipline practices that bar access to quality education. Furthermore, we want all children to be able to access free, quality education. Including free or affordable public university.
We Want Freedom from Mass Incarceration and an End to the Prison Industrial Complex
We want an end to the over policing and surveillance of our communities. This will hasten an end to the criminalization of black and brown people and hyper incarceration everywhere. Policing in the United States has historically helped to enforce racist laws, policies and norms. The result is a massive prison industrial complex built on the warehousing of black people. We call for the cessation of mass incarceration and the eradication of the prison industrial complex all together. In its place we will address harm and conflict in our communities through community based, restorative solutions
I wish he would legalize weed
>wtf I hate weed now
Obama negotiated a deal with Iran but Republicans hate him. So fairs fair.
Fuck off idiot, traitors are first in line for DOTR
>implying you're even white
in which case you'll wait til the traitors hang.
We want niggers to stop doing crimes that make them legible to get shot and for them to stop raping white women
that hated him because he spoke the truth.
It's absolutely hilarious that leftists are now siding with North Korea over the US just to spite Trump.
If you actually think this is true, you have very poor social intelligence.
Umm, obama financed Iranian terrorists by paying ransom. He didn't negotiate shit.
>Trump will cause the nuclear apocalypse
>implying the shadow cabal doesn't surgically implant a device in the POTUS's skull so in the event he steps out of line they beam a signal via satellite and render his brain into bubbling slush
Or they just poison him, but my idea is cooler
>This man could cure cancer, end world hunger and stop poverty
he could not
but if he was raping and eating babies his supporters would still vote for him
>666 in the pic number
>just a "coincidence" when you use Jesus for political gain
>doesn't even know the true meaning of 666
Trump could shit golden turds and (((they))) would still hate him. (((They))) hate him because they fucked up their master grand plan that has been in the works since 1880.
Only citing that part. What a fucking dishonest schill.