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(((Duda))) turned out to be a jewish puppet and he has been trying to put a stop to reforms in Poland for some time now.
I think these two are related.
I don't know, but he has a Jewish wife...
P.S. Both he and his father are weak cucks.
Fair enough
Someone explain Marzec 1968 to me, also are shops closing on the weekend part of some globalist conspiracy?
We won't apologise for russian puppets in polish government and their actions, unlike ukrainian bastards we have a thing called honor.
"For complex historical reasons, Jews held many positions of repressive authority under the post-war Polish communist administrations." What were these complex historical reasons? Was it that the globalists were the instigators of communism?
Ukraine and Poland should be like brothers, I don't get why they would ever hate each other more than they hate Germany, Russia, Sweden, the mongols...
>why they would ever hate each other
Ukrainians were commie bootlickers that greatly benefited from bolshevik rule. They were richer and more industralised in the 90s than us thanks to it yet still they fucked it up.
I think there were Ukrainian soldiers enforcing law in Poland and Poles in Ukraine, because the soldiers would be more willing to follow morally grey orders when they were carried out against show other countries civilians.
I thought Ukraine was constantly worse off than Poland after the end of ww2, didn't 60gorrilian starve during the holodomir?
I thought both Ukraine and Poland would hate commies for similar reasons, I don't get why they throw insults back and forth like "Ukraine is not really a country" "Poland's pierogi isn't as nice as Ukraines"
Jews are having a season, they've launched a smear campaign insinuating Putin is an antisemite. Jewish US Senator are on it. How stupid is this?
Well, it's kinda opposite, since even durring commie times, shops were closed on Sunday. I feel like it is a push against globalism, economy should be a tool for people, not the other way around, it's still fuckd that both parents need to work and don't have enough time to properly raise thier kids, but I believe it is good change.
At least this is how I hope it is. There is enough wealth in the world that there should be no problem with one parent working.
Also, things like gas stations, pharmacies and shops where the owner is working will be open.
About Marzec 1968 - ormowcy (pretty much the commie hands for dealing with people) attacked students who protested against commies not respecting constitution, it ended in a mess.
Anti semitic purge, I believe 1946 - soveit puppets using UB (commie's ppl for even dirtier job) and local bandits started killing jews in Kielce.
Oh and I probably forget to mention that shit loads of Jews were in charge of any kind of propaganda/armed forces used to throw to jail or beat civilians every time anyone pointed out thier bullshit.
nah when the cccp fell they were one of the richest republices while poland was the poorest of all. Poland literally existed only to transfer goods to russia. Even the warsaw pact anti-nato strategy was nuking us.
>fell they were one of the richest republices
Commies dragged everyone on the same level, with some exceptions to Georgia, Armenia and the Baltic states. Russia was a bit below others, and it was a serious argument in those that wanted to dismantle the Union.
Ukrainian heroes are butchers for Poles, they were so ruthless, that people begged to let them die.
> Volhynian massacre (for us) Volhynian slaughter
go down to methods 2.2.2
Everyone told Ukrainians to hate Poles, to the point of no return, and there was never a reason to start this hate, but what they did can not be forgotten, especially since they still praise thier "Heroes".
>poles cry about Germans
>poles cry about Ukrainians
>poles cry about Russians
>poles cry about Brits
>poles cry about EU
Will there ever be an end to the polish butthurt?
Interesting about the purge in 1946, I just read there was another purge after the 1968 business, and the big nazi germany deathcamps purge too. I agree on family too, getting women to work feels like a trick to find taxable income
Go fuck yourself.
Ukraine goofed by not holding on to a few of their nuclear warheads, they could be the current north Korea. Also nice trips
Butchers/heroes on both sides. I remember finding an old Polish coin with some communist hero who now everyone hates.
Give war repatriations Muhammed
The purge of communist jews by polish communist happened after Israel went to war with arabs, who were supported by Soviet Union and it's satelites. The conflict between jews (who were major force behind communism) and local poles of peasant background (who were lifted to high positions in communist system) was brewing for some time before that.
My god you people are dumb
Int your ass
Don't come back to poland when everything is fixed you traitor, we will manage without you
Good, good, let the butthurt flow through your krzszysknsky
>both parents need to work and don't have enough time to properly raise thier kids
The purpose of this is that they can be indoctrinated in pre-/school from earliest age possible.
West is already under heavy islamisation on one side, and jewery on the other.
There was article, kids made to pray like muslims in a kindergarten, as a "play" (can't find the link to that)
I used to deliver goods to a Catholil School in UK, where whole kitchen staff was muslims(!)
>Ukrainians: fight against Jews, welcomed Hitlers Wehrmacht, had a SS Division
>Poles: helped Jews, fought against Germany, attacked Germans during their occupation of German clay - wonder why Hitler marched into Poland
That pic is ironic because that monumemt is a huge source of butthurt for russian diaspora in the US.
Polish butthurt is what carried us through the ages, through out thoguhest moments, and it will not stop untill nigger tier countries like yours start minding thier own fucking buisness and leave Poland the fuck alone.
> A germ saying that poles are butthurt about germany
I am tired as fuck of hearing it, YOU LOST WW1 AND WW2, we are not crying nor butthurt about it, not anymore, almoste everyone who took part in or remmembers it IS D E A D. It is only your Krautarded wet dream that we would still be crying over it.
> crying about russia
You'd have to describe to me why should I be butthurt about russia. We've been enemies for so long that we just finally got along, since many Russian say that they were enslaved by communism just like Poles, and they couldn't do shit.
> crying about Brits
How long have you been here newfag? on almsot every thread including Poland there are brits that try thier hardest to shit on Poland, it is one sided hate.
> crying about EU
You are officially retarded to point that out as I've yet to see somebody who isn't on welfare who is pro EU. The only reason we are still in that shit that export into EU is very beneficial to us.
> Ukrainians
kys krautarded faggot
Since when we're butthurt about Katyn? Russian Orthodox Church used to make a thorough processions on the sites of Stalin's repressions, and where I live the Catholics did it too.
In the recent times Ukrainians started to politicize this and the Church distanced itself from an obviously slanderous intentions.
>Germans:trying to ruin europe at every point in history
>muh gr8 ally
I think we all figured out where (((Duda)))'s real allegiance lies when he got involved in crowning a Jew as the King of Poland.
>3rd Reich would be the white Utopia everyone dreams about
>subhuman anglos and poles ruin it for everyone
All that is happening right now is because anglos attacked Germany and then imposed their wicked globalism on every country of the world, THANK YOU
There were no Polish butchers. Except if you count polish-jewish soveit puppets, then yea they tortured a lot of Poles.
I hear that a lot here that Poles are the biggest didndunuttin besides niggers, the truth is, we really didn't do anything of that kind or magnitude, and when attacks on civilians happend, those were soviet organised incidents durring the communist era. Before that, nothing. We didn't have our own Wandea.
Yea it was the Poles and anglos that were responsible for Germany loosing, not the bankers
Nice pics Gunther
Who's that lovely chap on the left?
The events of 68 inside the Soviet Block only confirm that Stalinism was a Nationalist-Racialist counter-revolution.
He's talking about Russian diaspora
Yes they were, if the british proxy government in Pooland would let Hitler build a supply road to Danzig (which is actually German) and if the poolish subhumans wouldn't attack Germans constantly for no reason in the occupied territory, then maybe we wouldn't have a WW2.
>Funny picture of a stereotype about a certain group
Wow I sure showed you!
>Greatly benefitted form commie rule
>Probably largest Nazi collaborator nation against commies
>Got colonised by the Russians following WW2
You sound delusional
Thanks for the history run down
Thanks for pig cartoon
Is been good for me to learn a little about this
Cuz polish scum is gay
> commie natives kicking commit Jews on order of Russian commies
Painting it doesn't mean it really happened.
I know polich scum had 100 artists who was instructed to paint tons of this shit to create a fake history. but all is fake and funny.
>Anno Lenini 1968
>old WWII commies get ousted by nucommies
>old commies were mostly jews
>get told to gtfo
>50 years later
>oy vey polacks holocausted us!
Such was life.
Germany is a fake nation.
> Yes they were, if the british proxy government in Pooland
Autistic statement of retarded Kraut, as pretty much everyone in the west were against Piłsudski, and after he died, dumbasses took over, far from british proxy.
> would let Hitler build a supply road to Danzig (which is actually German)
Another retarded statement of autistic Kraut, explained and memed into non existance, since Gdańsk was Polish for longer than twice the time, that it was German.
> the poolish subhumans wouldn't attack Germans constantly for no reason in the occupied territory
You are like a fucking Jew talking about freedom of speach about holocaust being attacked by anti "polish" death camp bill. How more hypocritical can you get Larpfag?
> then maybe we wouldn't have a WW2.
Kys nigger of Europe. You would have waged a war because of your ideology and because you were running out of cash.
Die or fuck off to any leftarded site where "your feelings" of why EVIL poles defended themselves against PURE BLOOD God gift to humanity Nazi will not be "harrased or offended", and there you'll find your safe space from the truth of how fucking worthless you are.
Wow I think Germany is a fake nation now!
thx for the redpill!
>Who's that lovely chap on the left?
Someone who never washed his hands.
>Ukrainian talking about fake history
Give this man a medal!
Yet still had greater population, gdp and industralisation than 80% of soviet states. They literally had a space industry thanks to russia. Now look at them when they were left on their own. Would they achieve that growth without soviets.
It literally is a prussian scam to gain clay.
Let me elaborate my kraut nofriend. There was Austria and Prussia-Brandenburg. The former real the latter fake (composed of Slavs and Baltic’s). Then Prussia won a war with Austria by its traditional way (treason and Muslim like subhuman automatons). Then to justify it they invented “Germany”.
>Danzig was polish longer than twice the time
Yeah but I didn't talk about how long Danzig was polish, I talked about how you subhumans didn't allow German citiziens to live in peace and massacred them
>You are like a fucking Jew talking about freedom of speach about holocaust being attacked by anti "polish" death camp bill.
Well, but it happened and it is well documented that you attacked German civilians in the post-treaty of versaill territories.
>You would have waged a war because of your ideology and because you were running out of cash.
Nope, we would have our third reich jew free nation
>talks about how I am offended
>reacts in the most offended way possible
Ok, this looks very plausible! Thanks again for redpilling me about my country friend!
> I talked about how you subhumans didn't allow German citiziens to live in peace and massacred them
>you attacked German civilians in the post-treaty of versaill territories.
Exacly when subnigger? After you Invaded Poland? You talking about those few bearly trained and equipped germs that attacked from inside and were swiftly taken care of by military?
> Nope, we would have our third reich jew free nation
Is that a argument or what because I don't get it.
>Exactly when
The German invasion was Sep 1939, but it's important to understand that many of the outrages had preceded the German invasion. This was proved by the amount of decomposition of the bodies. Thus, these atrocities cannot be excused simply as reprisals for the German invasion (which would be wrong anyway). They included 19 year-old girls with their faces smashed, amputations, disembowelments, shot thru' the eye, death-trauma births, you name it. Poles had been merrily slaughtering anything or anybody German since at least as early as April 1939, with smaller incidents stretching back to the close of WW I
From YOUR link
Bloody Sunday (German: Bromberger Blutsonntag; Polish: Krwawa niedziela) was a sequence of events that took place in Bydgoszcz (German: Bromberg), a Polish city with a sizable German minority, between 3 and 4 September 1939, immediately after the German invasion of Poland.
>between 3 and 4 September 1939, immediately after the German invasion of Poland.
And that is why you are retarded subnigger with NO PROOFS what so ever.
Source is: "Die polnischen Greueltaten an den Volksdeutschen in Polen. Im Auftrage des Auswärtigen Amtes auf Grund urkundlichen Beweismaterials zusammengestellt, bearbeitet und herausgegeben"
Fuck you, for acting like a nog and saying "we dindu nuffin, da poles were gud boys we 'bout to become a superpowa" yeah nice Poland.
Nice Kraut, give a random pdf in Old Eurabian, because EVERYONE knows your trash language.
We act like we didndunuttin because, SPOLIERS, WE DIDN'T, you won't find anything on us except for Goebbels tier propagand for good Junge.
You are so fucking deep in shame that you can't bear the truth, that meybe, those dumb evil undermench poles actually did not commint genocides like your nation did?
I already told you and you ignored the quads god >YOU LOST WW1 AND WW2, we are not crying nor butthurt about it, not anymore, almoste everyone who took part in or remmembers it IS D E A D.
Stop fucking acting like you were the good guys, it is old HISTORY. It happend 70 fucking years ago, and we all feel the power that YOU gave kikes by FUCKING UP. Just stop trying to pretend that we were responsible for it. Accept the truth, and just go do something productive (meybe something else than hanging yourself). Idk. how about go get the power back to people of your country insted of avenging your wermacht grandpa on Sup Forums.
There were 2 important events in marzec 68. first one was student protests againt commie government and second was internal fights in communist party that btfo jews from Poland and this is why jooos are so but blasted.
Btw, those jews were commies so nothing wrong here.
When you all finnaly fuck off.
Also you must apologize for what youtube just plaied to me randomly. What the fuck is this hans!?!!?!?!?!
Oh shut up, Just shut up.
Just kys hohol.
And oh btw.
>0 years with Hitler
>5 years with Hitler
>70 years after Hitler
>Will there ever be an end to the polish butthurt?
When Russia finally takes its clay back.
The Jews did this
Fucking newspeak.
>local bandits started killing jews in Kielce
fucking based
This time with hope Russia will settle Kalmyks in Poland so they can turn that land of butthurt into a buddhist mellow paradise.
lvl 13 larper and hohol met thier limits
tell your fammilies to hide cutlery or you might fork yourself to death
You make no sense, well im not surprised, after all, youre polish.
What are you even implying?
>kys krautarded faggot
Holy shit you're retarded.
>Painting it doesn't mean it really happened.I know polich scum had 100 artists who was instructed to paint tons of this shit to create a fake history. but all is fake and funny.
>t. hohol
No, you are just a nigger with white colored skin, it's no surprise you don't understand written language
If you didnt realised I pointed HIM to you, and called him krautarded faggot.
Oh sorry then, but it kinda looked like you said that to me for some reason.
> Ukraine giving advice on anything
I yuo so wise why so poor?