How dare Donald Trump impose steel tariffs! It won't work and will hurt everyone. It's only OK when we do it.
How dare Donald Trump impose steel tariffs! It won't work and will hurt everyone. It's only OK when we do it
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>tfw when we lowballed the tariff
Canada is still going to flood us with their second hand chink wares.
bump for yuro hypocrisy
the fact people still go to the chinese for "steel" is disgusting
Imposing such tariffs only hurts your own citizens and manufacturing industry, while benefituing only short-term goverment gains and steel producers.
Why? American steel melts when jumbo jets hit em
Unlike EU, Trump imposed tariffs on everyone. EU targeted one country that is dumping cheap steel into everyone's market.
Nice bait though, Sup Forums will gladyl take it.
how does china dump so much cheap steel
is this steel actually worse than our own?
or only seems so because it says "cheap" and "china"?
Jet fuel cant melt steel.
Top kek.
Trump's dumb moves are targeting his allies a lot more than those he said are hurting USA, i.e. China. If this will turn Europe away from those Zionist faggots from across the ocean, so much better. It's about time we say fuck off to Yankies.
Also this
They import scrap steel for recycling then sell it back to whoever
You're completely wrong. EU imposes tariffs all over the place. OP image is just one example.
More examples for steel alone:
>The European Union has decided to set duties on hot-rolled steel from Brazil, Iran, Russia and Ukraine
And Trump's steel tariffs ARE on a country by country basis for those that agree to play nice. That's the whole fucking point.
u cheeky lil shit
There's nothing wrong with the steel. The EU impose tariffs to prop up it's own shitty steel companies who are unable to compete with the Chinks.
indeed it doesn't affect Australia.
Oh fuck lel
Cheap labor and no environmental regs means they can force their workers to smelt steel 80 hrs a week using the quickest and dirtiest methods. Doesn't even matter if 60% of all residents in nearby villages start developing lung and stomach cancer. Pay off the local governor and he'll send in the chengguan to make sure that anyone who dares to speaks up gets their face smashed with a brick.
Apart from a German here and there, I haven’t seen many posts defending EU from European flags. Not only that, we always cheer for parties that try to dismantle it and everyone here heavily backed brexit. Have you been here for a week now only maybe?
literally nothing wrong with this
I don't want to lose european jobs to soulless gooks
>dirt poor
Nobody going to listen to a Russians advice on economy. You where always poor as fuck.
>dirt poort
Jeff Bezos has twice as much money as your entire GDP. Poor fuck trying to teach anybody about economy? bitch please.
This shit feels like a homeless person telling me how to manage money. Not buying it.
>There's nothing wrong with the steel
We’re in top 3% of gdppp in the world. I don’t think that constitutes as dirt poor. I guess your problem with us is we’re actually smaller than a major city in the usa.
Hurr, let's insult people based on their geographical location. Ex commie countries have the best education, especially in natural sciences field. Go fuck yourself Burger, the only thing your'e capabable is getting deeper in dept. Petrodollar will end some day. Enjoy your ever so shittier life, soon-to-be-Brasil.
that is one of the result from trumps tariffs on steel, eu fear that countries like brazil, india and china will now send there cheap steel to europe.
Chinese steel is pure garbage. If you ask for a specific type of steel, they'll deliver something that might resemble it, or not, and you are stuck with it because of Chinese trade laws.
At least we fought for our independence
EU did this years ago, long before Trump even dreamt about China.
this must be bait
Yes it is. I suspect much of what they export is seconds, and only the most common alloy steels. Their stainless steel is all substandard, but their carbon steels are fine.
Actually there is shitton of ultimate garbage steel that comes from china. The specs almost never match up with what is actually ordered.
The reason behind import duties is the chinese government, they subvent the companies selling steel for cheap trying to establish position on the markets.
Fucking lol, do you know how many people they sacrifice to pull steel out of the ground?
>Import tonnes of steel
>Sell it back
Get back to making plastic knives.
from what i know eu wants to rise it now more
Let me put it to you this way. I was looking at second hand cars recently and there was visible rust on chinese vehicles less than 5 years old. Cars typically don't rust here. You might start looking for rust when you're buying a car that's 25+ years old. Atleast with Japanese imports, that's the case.
They are trying to play 4Dchess with Donald, but instead are throwing tic-tac-toe pieces all over the board like autists. Read:
>They are trying to distract and/or prove to Donald that they are on his side and China is a worthwhile target
They are floundering about trying to save their economy so the millions of niggers and "refugees" don't destroy half of Europe when the EU runs out of gibs for them.
Fuck off cunts.. not like we sell them ultra cheap iron ore.
You could have used that cheap steel to make all kinds of cool shit.
You suck, fuck you nigger.
That sux Chinese may be insectiles but I don't even like to burn ants with magnifying glass makes me feel bad. How can we help your average tumor ridden chink? I guess by not buying the cheap steel?
the quality is pretty shit. at my company for certain products we are not allowed to use steel from china because the quality is so bad
This is the same as all Europeans being butthurt about the wall when there's a wall at the southern border of Europe for keeping out the hordes of Africans
>Westerm Europeans
ftfy cuck
You can use steel imported from China, but you need to run your own Kt tests and have a high level of inspection. Microstructural analysis + depth scan. The thing is, I don’t think it’s still financially viable at this point. Not for high level application at least. It’s good enough to make home fences out of it, I suppose.
What pedes fail to realize is that there are far more businesses that use steel as input than the number of steel industries.
She has more respect than to molestation from a dinky doodle dong
Fair enough
They also imposed tariffs on Ukraine, despite the supposed "free trade agreement".
Its ok.
Hes afraid
>Imposing such tariffs only hurts your own citizens and manufacturing industry
steel producers are part of the manufacturing industry
steel workers are citizens
I'm amazed this has to be spelled out to you
And what are you gonna do about it fuckboi? Nobody except US can tariff us and even then we will hit the party states in the gut
Spread your cheeks and take off that proxy mutt
By putting tariffs on them until they adopt environmental standards and worker protection laws so they're on a level playing field.
Outside of regular S235 steel, the one where your the quality of your construction is irrelevant, they are absolutely terrible. They have no standards about the composition and process of manufacturing. If you need something calibrated or for a certain use, never buy chinese
She's almost objectively ugly but I'm still so attracted to her, odd.
Premium zozzle
Chink steel is terrible low quality. Any cheapskate company willing to buy it should be paying extra
wtf is a slovak
There is a difference. For one you have a natural ratio of alloying elements in the ore. Sweden and Canada can produce strong steel types cheaply due to this, China have to add alloying elements manually to replicate ratios naturally found in say Sweden.
Cheap Chinese steel is a weaker steel, and since it is cheap we can expect no effort has been made to strengthen the alloy. Just like Iberico, its just a pig.
A Slovak is not Slovenian.
What is Catalonia again? A wine mixer?
Those Jewish caskets are missing their Star of David emblem... Is that to avoid customs?
Chinese are seriously nigger tier only that they are smarter.
Pfff, Why are we locking out the chinese. Are these people retarded or what? WTF are they doing in brussels?
i wan to dress her like a school girl and sodomize her
and she complains no one thinks she is sexy
"Please sir spank me bum.
>Just like Iberico, its just a pig.
puzzled by this last bit
you do know some pigs taste much better than others depending on their race, environment and care don't you? I expect at least this level of understanding from a nordic despite their shit cuisine
i guess sweden has to take up this cup of steel production for the EU. let's get crackin sven.
>British genetics
you need to get outside
it's crap allow mixed with cheaper metals that resembles steel
just try buying Chinese steel hammers or screw drivers or knives and watch how fast they break
watch how fast chinese "stainless steel" rusts and stains
You buy chinese cars? Not even mexicans buy chinese cars. Why would you risk your life?
didnt adjust their production to the declining demand from the chinese building sector due to the slowing down of their economy growth.
so they dump their overproduced steel for cheap AF prices on the world markets. EU put on those tariffs to save their own Steel sector, which is a huge part of the european economy. Thing is back then steel from china was shit but nowadays those basic steel grades are nearly or on the same level as the EU steel, which hurts the economy a lot, especially if china using dumping prices.
So all in all those tariffs are a good thing. unlike the ones trump want to put up. The EU steelsector is highly specialized and the EU got the knowledge and means unlike the US to create highly specialized steel for the manufacturing industry. This shit still needs to be imported by the US and unfortunately the US will feel it that they fucked up, because the EU will also impose Tariffs and US continuously lose soft power
Canada's steel mills are going ONLINE!
Rotten Egg Smell ALL Over Southern Ontario
Oh Fucking YEEEAH!
I work in the field of chemical transportation on inland waterways and we are not allowed to outfit our barges with Chinese steel. We have had deaths due to stress fractures on the mooring bits and incidents where cavels have lept off the deck under tension and taken people's heads off. The Chinese are a horrible people and deserve to be eradicated, almost as much as the jews.
The problem is not America nor is it the EU. The problem is China running everybody out of business by dumping their prices.
If this happened in a country and not internationally, you'd call it an "illegal cartel" and move to destroy it.
upper middle kek
You talk like a bit of a bitch I'm afraid
A) We buy their cheap steel, use their cheep steel to build shit, sell shit.
B) We make our own steel at great expense, we use it build less shit, sell less shit at a far less competitive price.
Which do you think is better for the economy?
if you just want to maximize profit its clearly A)
but you have to think about the hundred of thousands if not million jobs that are in the EU steel industry.
Its way more important to give these people salaries for their spending capacity than to give them social benefits.
this, we need jobs for the low-IQ class, we lose out much worse if we have to keep them on welfare
Quality post
We used to have rust issues with the jap cars when they'd send them over on boats. Now they're built here and don't see the ocean salt. To counter this we dump shit tons of salt on the road every winter so everyone's cars start to rust. Win win win, so tired of winning
>Give these people salaries for their spending capacity than to give them social benefits.
Not really. If these people were worth the price of subsidising an entire industry and hampering many others with high steel prices they'd be starting their own businesses rather than relying on less than minimum wage as gibs.
Asian steel is shi....
thank god you arent in a leading economic position.
how about reading about the european and world steel industry first?
Acting like americans know how to do business with the rest of the world.
Trump ain't going to fix shit. NEWSFLASH
Not an argument.
well its obvious that you simply dont know what you are talking about...
first of all, not everyone can start their own business or even want to start their own business, due to reasons like missing IQ or dont want to have the responsability.
furthermore relying 100% on foreign steel makes you dependent... what will happen if china suddenly need that overproduced steel again because they have a growth boom?
your suggestion will only lead to a wider wealth gap, the higher ups earn more money because they dont have to pay western wages and for the production + safety and the workers will lose their jobs and face existential problems which leads to general dissatisfication among the population maybe a rise in crime and expenses due to welfare
You understand that this is literally a country where a company was willing to poison infants to push their profit margins slightly, right?
There have been a lot of fraud problems when it comes to Chinese steel, mostly revolving around companies selling shit with a lot more impurities than it's supposed to have.
There are some things you can buy form China and be relatively sure that you're getting something that's good quality. DJI makes some of the best drones on the market. Building materials and food, however, are not on that list.
You lose them when someone who could be using his money to create jobs has to pay overpriced metals instead.