It's happening lads, Reddit is redpilling itself. A thread about toxic liberalism has made the front page and people are just endlessly contributing to it.
Other urls found in this thread:
That's great and all but... you still have to go back.
the whole site should be shut down along with twitter its a cesspool of millenials who can't find themselves and have no place in the world
Go the fuck back OP you fucking plebbit faggot
Post more caps
And the very first comment is deleted. What a great web site
worldnews have started reverting back to have it was, pre-election. wtf is going on? They are even calling out the (((mods)))
>top comment with 500 responses deleted
every fucking time I hate these people
By itself that's probably as big a redpill as whatever the first comment said.
The ability to instantly wipe your comments and even your entire profile is the only good part of Reddit.
generation Zyklon is growing stronger, soon the millenial sheep will jump on the popular bandwagon and go right like the rest of the civilized people. the dirtbag hippie boomers all went conservative in the 1980's and the pathetic millenials are following the same trajectory
nobody fucking cares about reddit you leaf faggot, and yes i know youre a leaf even thoigh you tried to hide
Pretty much this. It doesn't matter if the ppl there get redpilled, the place is a circle-jerk cancer.
Fuck crossposting scum.
anyone know what that one said? I know they shut down any post that has "black" in it, regardless of racism or not.
There was a thread where some fat nigger bitch got a scholarship because she cut the ham for a person, at the restaurant she worked at. Everyone was calling bullshit, and that she essentially got it because she is black, and uplifting blacks is seen as trendy and hip. That thread got mass purged
You have to go back.
How do normies see shit like this and not have it raise red flags?
the only red flag they can see is the flag of communism
They wouldn't be normies if undoing the programming was that easy.
>be me
>white male millenial in Los Angeles
>no resources, shitty parents, psychologically a mess because the world is shit and I'm not as educated as I am intelligent
>can't find myself and have no place in the world
Should I just kill myself? Working minwage in Los Angeles with the above attributes is agony
A lot of the hardcore SJW input was probably paid for, honestly. By now it's not worth funding so what's left are the real people who were either getti drowned out or censored previously
Because those normies actually believe and say shit like,"Hitler created Nazi Germany because his painting career didn't take off."
Yes, pic related is just what one does when they are disapppinted about such a thing.
an hero on some CNN employees at least if your going to KYS
No faggot I'm a pajeet hiding behind the veil
Why are liberals so petty? Ive been banned from forums, group chats, and discords repeatedly by liberals who have any amount of power. The instant they suspect someone of being a conservative they outright ban them and silence them. Meanwhile I would never abuse my power as a moderator to ban people I disagree with who aren’t breaking rules. They do it out of pure pettiness and rabid hate. I rarely if ever see conservatives act this way. The pathetic thing is that in the real world they hold no social power, and can’t kick you out of your social group. But on the internet, they power trip hard and silence anyone who disagrees with then.
What the fuck happened to these people to make them act this way?
they're walking pussies, basically
Make Reddit a Sup Forums colony again
For me it is that their userbase is haughty and presumptuously smug. They are convinced that they are right about everything. Anyone who disagrees is conveniently a bigot/idiot/loser. Ironically, despite their unrestrained disdain for any religious subject, they treat their opinion as gospel and send out missionaries to convert (passive-aggressively lecture or make snide comments towards) any dissidents. Anyone they can't convert they begin campaigning to simply have banned from the site. There are even subreddits (often private) where users will post threads to target for re-education.
what do you mean by heh? imma brailet
sorry about your eyes
you did not increase my understanding :(
The very design of that website promotes such behaviour, dude. I hate when Sup Forums goes on off-topic rants on different boards, but here the ecosystem makes it easier to avoid that. Besides, they aren't always wrong and I say this as a person formerly identifying as left of centre.
Media, schools, laziness, weak self esteem so they follow the herd, etc. There has been an all out attack on our society for a while now, by subversive elements like George Soros and socialists, under the guise of "globalism", who only seek to destroy the United States and Europe, so it gets claimed by socialists.
Most liberals I've known, and I know a lot living in CA, can be reasoned with - sometimes - one on one - the biggest issue is they just accept what the media tells them, and don't think it through. But once they get into the vicinity they start reinforcing the thought control and they fall right back in line. Hardcore conservatives do it too, especially on trigger issues like abortion, but it's not as widespread and as vicious as liberals are now - and Hillary's people did more to polarize and demonize non-liberals than anyone I can remember. Growing up (I'm older) political discourse could get heated, but since Hillary and Bill showed up, it's been just nasty, mean spirited, and hateful. There is no discussion, it's their way or they will do everything they can to censor - and worse, punish you for disagreeing. There is no compromise. There is no co-existing.
It's fucking scary, honestly. For all of the mindless screetching about Trump being Hitler, the behavior of liberals is so Nazi-like it's not even funny. They're doing the equivalent of book burning, they censor constantly, and it's scary as fuck when you look at it from a non-partisan point of view. I don't like the religious right, but these days, the left scares me more. They have openly abandoned white males, just to get Hillary elected, and made white males into literal demons, for votes, and it's scary as fuck how far they've gotten.
The only good thing is a backlash is finally starting, and it's going to be fucking ugly for them.
Now I'm wondering, why does every freespeech space turns right wing anf why does every censored space turns batshit crazy leftwinig ?
They also selectively interpret events to support their pompous self-image. When somebody does disagree with them, they brigade them. Their posts are downvoted into the void and they find themselves locked in simul
taneously debate with a dozen people. When this individual realises that they aren't debating so much as being put on trial, and refuses to participate further, Reddit chalks it up as a personal victory! "We did it, Reddit!" "Hee hee love trumps hate, bigot!" "Fucking loser couldn't get laid if he crawled up a chicken's ass" "OMG lol I'm stealing this xD"
The joke is being exposed to Reddit made him not want to be a liberal anymore because of how poorly they act there.
>have no place in the world
You fucking make one- its your world, fool. You work hard at your job to put the beaner scum and hoodrats to shame and you persist until you take the next better position you can get and keep at it. Thats what you do, white man. Thats what we do and you have to show them the difference between them and you
braille is the language you use to read by touch
I know another site that you just described.
>513 children
yes, make them martyrs, that'll show 'em
deleting the comments makes a person retrospect his view
Libertarian wave when?
It's not a coincidence that free speech is the first amendment and the right wing are called republicans.
even if reddit became far right, it is still the antithesis to Sup Forums. they better stay there and don't come pollute this place.
The difference with the nazis/religion id that they were promoting healthy values like a stable family, hard work, being responsible... So that could have been sustainable.
"tope kek lol uz haz to go back"
For fucks sake shut the fuck up. It's useful to know what's going on in the cesspit from time to time.
LA is fucking expensive is it not?
You're overpaying to live among drug addict whores that spread their legs after 2 bong hits, niggers pushing drugs and wetbacks that cue at every hardware store there is to be found.
How have you not come to the conclusion that perhaps you should move out?
Pack your shit and start trucking North. The colder, the less non-whites. Just stay away from the Seattle area.
you did not increase my understanding :(
Thanks God there is no upvote/downvote systeme here. Only what is relevent survives
joke? I thought that was reality for anyone with a shred of sense left.
spread this around reddit
this is the propaganda that keeps the syrian ((civil war)) alive
Trust your intelligence over any education. Learn some trades. Apprentice. Be a legit contractor and work for rich folks. They're the only ones who won't be fleeing this shit state in the coming years. If that's not possible, move to the central valley. People are even bigger idiots but at least there's less libtards. Don't give up user.
>Look at this plebbitor with somewhat conservative views. FUCKING BASED!
Except it's not the poster deleting the comment, it is the mods.
XD you are right Sven! let's bring all the plebbitors to redpill them and do BASED stuff! like posting maymays and triggering libtards!
liberals have a herd-mentality
that's why they brigade and such - their arguments always stem from appeals to either authority or popularity. You always see them saying "we", "us", etc. They always claim "this study proves x", or "he's a government official so he knows what he's talking about".
I don't think they're redpilled.
dumb fuck the building can collapse
Marxists, friend. Not socialists.
Looking around though, it does seem as if the blue pill is weakening. Oh, and is such poor grammar common there? I know mine isn't the greatest, but a lot of faggots there look like they never finished high school.
>I'm older
>the behavior of liberals is so Nazi-like it's not even funny. They're doing the equivalent of book burning, they censor constantly
Dumbshit boomer confirmed
>Quoting Sartre
>Being redpilled
You're right
TL;DR Nazis have been shitposting and kikes and leftists have been getting butthurt about it since the beginning
Funny how this guy doesn't talk about the times they actually do sit down and argue
literally any other site that’s not dedicated to cooking recipes
its gonna go the way of digg soon.
Most people really don't like the idea of having their rights taken from them, and the more the fights and the arguments have gone on and the more the fasc-left enclaves have brigaded to quash dissent, the more they've been making people realize they really are gunning for their constitutional rights.
Meanwhile I was driven totally insane trying to fight them, and I doubt I'll ever properly recover from that.
Reddit has been popular for an incredibly long time in internet terms. Fark and digg were popular for a short time comparably
The site doesn't need to be shut down it needs to be conquered.
Instagram and facebook are worse than Reddit and twitter
could this post BE anymore reddit
The cycle is always the same, even if the time frame is different.
reddit is scared Trump will seize their servers and nationalize the company if they don't stop manipulating the votes and start honoring the first amendment
>implying that any site other than this horrible mongolian basket weaving forum wasn’t bought and used for shilling and marketing purposes.
Reddit is pure fucking cancer, the shilling on here is at least mitigated by the autism and happenings. Reddit is just one giant circlejerk of shariablue and other globalist retards.
>book burning was bad
Please look into what degenerate and subversive filth they got rid of before falling for the meme. Strange how they absulutely never discuss what was in those books in school is it?
>(100 children)
I haven't paid attention to plebit since that kike lady took over how many years ago. What is this "children" thing?
This is what can happen when you mix Consumer Politics with Cultural Marxism.