Hey Western people! Are you aware of that there are many young men in Russia who love European civilization? By the civilization, I mean culture, values, family, human rights etc before the invasion of "Negro-Muslims"... These young men are not a part of nowadays Russian society, they are not a part of so-called "Putinomy" (Putin's economy). Often they don't have access to education, state support, good jobs. Some of them live like a hikikomori. Others are trying to learn a popular profession (a programmer for example) and English on their own. They hope that it will allow them to move to some European country. And for them, it is very frustrating when news about European self-destruction appear...
How do you feel about those people?
Pro-European Russians
Other urls found in this thread:
If russians wanna actively try and assimilate into another society (for example the US or Australia) and they adapt to our culture and values, then of course they're the best people to have because they want to be a part of that culture. However, if you are a negro somalian migrant who just goes to another country to trash it and steal welfare and never work then I become really fucking angry and punch a few animals.
I think these people should stay in Russia and let the west die. That way they can exhume it, and/or use it as an example for when the Jews come for them.
>learn programming
>to move to another country
why no learn something around system administration and stay in Russia? You have foreigners going there to do that job. In fact there will be a high demand since you still lack fucking computers in your universities (I have seen this)
Doesnt Russia have a (growing) underground fashy WN movement? IIRC it's pretty big, a lot of them are sick of the whole lol ebin communism lets kill the germans XD sentiment
Russia is based, Putin is new Tsar
He does what's best for Mother Russia, only problem is he had to work with broken economy to start with
Degeneracy is kept at bay, muslims are kept in check
If we could work closer with Russia we would all benefit
I believe that Russia is anarcho-capitalism country now.
cargo cult may 9, it's just a show.
Russia was always a half Asian state. If the West die, the European civilization will die with it.
I also don't understand migrants who want to bring their Somalia or Afghanistan into London... >lack fucking computers
are u serious?
>in your universities
as I said, people don't rely on formal education here.
>muslims are kept in check
that's not true. in Russia, Muslims are very terrifying. they have their own gangs, mafias, armies...
I'm not him but I have my own questions. What do you mean they're terrifying ? Russians are the majority, why don't you take advantage of Russia's lawlessness and segregate them at the very least?
I think you should go back to sosach.
Muslims are often connected or rich from Putin's gibs. They often walk scot-free after committing crimes and whatnot.
why should I go to uzbek-azerbaijani board?
>Russians are the majority
no, they are not.
>take advantage of Russia's lawlessness
the law doesn't work only for muslims.
>segregate them
do you mean to give them an independence? in 90s stupid Russian politicians fought to keep Chechnya in Russian Federation.
Because if we let Chechnya go, next anyone could go. Ural. Siberia.
It's very easy to give a region its own identity, especially if a state with strategic goals to it is doing it.
>to give a region its own identity
>Haha, Siberian nation? You must be joking!
A century ago...
>Haha, Ukrainian nation? You must be joking!
нaхyй мнe твoя cибиpь и твoй ypaл? я жить хoчy.
I don't care about the size of Putin's empire. I just want to live. I don't want to die for empty fields, tundra, desert or swamps.
>he admits he doesn't care about the well-being and stability on his country
>on Sup Forums
Nigga what are you doin
Russians seem like good people for the most part
I care about my life!
Russia is not my country. It belongs to Putin's oligarchs.
the territory itself doesn't matter. only the people matter.
>putin's oligarchs are immortal guise, there's no need to fight for your country with the assumption that they're actual human beings who can die of old age and not immortal titans, you should just go buy a dakakimakura, get a vasectomy, drink soylent...
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Is Russia Democratic? Everyone seems to think Putin is a dictator
I have no rights here. I can't get a decent salary here. I can't have a family here. I'm afraid to go outside of my flat here.
I really like Russians , honest and hard working people for the most part . At least the ones in my country.
T. German
Why are you afraid to leave your flat?
Honestly, hard to say. Putin actually has a pretty damn high support rating, but the chances are, if - and it's an if, as the current opposition is laughable, - there happened to be a popular opposition candidate who rose to the top of people's support, Putin might've not easily given him the seat.
Again, it's hard to say if he's a tyrant when there's nobody else for people to vote who doesn't seem like a complete fucking retard.
>I have no rights here
You have the rights, what are you talking about?
>I can't get a decent salary here
That's because Russia couldn't fit into modern-day market after the USSR's collapse with more than guns and natural resources, plus very few specific things like titanium.
You /can/ get a good wage, enough to live in Moscow without having to count your money much, thing is, you're living in a country of 146mln people, all of who want a wage like that, and the chances are, there's going to be someone far more skilled and willing to actively work their ass off to get it.
>I can't have a family here
Putin steals cummies from my balls.
>I'm afraid to go outside of my flat here
...Putin sits in the shadows with a gun waiting to rob you?
I grew up in Russia and I've gotta admit that Russian values are by far my favourite. There's a sense of traditionalism that I haven't felt in England, France and the US just to mention a few. Furthermore, most of the people I've known have always been clued in politically which is a lot more than what can be said for where I'm living now
there are russkie gopniks, asian muslims, Putin's cops on the streets. they are very aggressive. there is no law for them. it is called bespredel (бecпpeдeл), some kind of anarchism...
Why don't you go to back to /po/rasha? If you want conversations in English, your place is reddit and fagbook, they share your values and subhuman rights.
That's fucked up man. Even if you're doing your own thing they'll fuck with you?
Because they're liberal hipsters and beta males, OP and similar clearly don't understand what Sup Forums is. Only because it's in English they thinks it's some sort of anonymous fagbook with tolerance etc.
At /po/rasha for the smallest diveregence from the current pro-Navalny anti-Putin line of thought you'd be called an Olgino shill. I guess he got tired of it.
He's making it out to be a far grim picture than it actually is, man.
Stop being a faggot Emre and get out of Russia if you don't want to get bullied by Igor and Alexey
>You have the rights
it's a lie.
>You /can/ get a good wage
front-end web developer (angularjs) in Moscow 60 000 rubles per month. a thousand of dollars... and you must pay 30 000 to live in Moscow.
in some other city front-end web developer will get 35 000 rubles. 500 bucks per month. ARE U FUCKIN CRAZY??? a good wage...
>stupid Russian politicians fought to keep Chechnya
It's better you control it than fucking Mujahedeen and Saudis or USA. Russia is that big and full of buffer states mainly for one reason: To keep Moscow safe because no natural geographic barrier and surrounded by different cultures and religions.
>Putin sits in the shadows with a gun
чypки нa yлицaх. и pyccкиe выблядки вpoдe тeбя. вce c нoжaми. вce дoхyя кapaтиcты...
was meant for
you are lier
russia is part of european civilisation moron
>in a market oversaturated with script kiddies of call calibers
>in a country where the median monthly wage is 300$ or so
user, are you retarded?
Гдe ты хoдишь-тo блядь, в Бyтoвo шoлe? Eй-бoгy, кpиминaльныe cвoдки нaхyй.
>the murderer may face up to a life sentence
Well if we're talking of little things,
>You are a liar.
Is what you should've written. Don't let me knock you down though, a couple years more and you'll master this difficult language.
>To keep Moscow safe
all muslims are there. it's mosque not moscow.
What's the context of that video?
It looks more likely that he thinks that Sup Forums is the same liberal shithole as /po/rasha, and he came here because to have conversations in English is very progressive in their libshit circles.
The picture is not grim but very childish in my view, it looks like he's a schoolkid and a weak beta.
azerbaijani anar allahveranov slaying russian powerlifter drachev
I'm not liberal. Putin is liberal. He fucks with uzbek women... he obeys muslims oligarchs...
What is the new Russian's opinion of communism?
ты pyccкий пидop oхyeл чтo ли? кaкoй я тeбe либep? ты твapь cyкa и пидop coceшьcя c чepными выблядкaми. кaкoe ты имeeшь пpaвo чтo-тo гoвopить пpo пpaвoe движeниe? ты пoдcтилкa чeчeнcкaя.
Yeah I know your fake agenda, you've already BTFO'ed couple of times from here with your mede up stretched point about Navalny as a far right god in Russia. And yet faggots, soyboys and other shit are rather with you, protesters against Putin's "bloodlust regime".
And, apparently, getting a sentence in prison, up to a life one.
The policeman who just watched it and didn't intervene got fired.
Do you think this is a uniquely Russian thing, someone dying on the street in a fight?
Ebil muslims, ebil police and ebil slavs with knives everywhere is pretty dark.
Also, yes, childish.
It's like he honestly thinks everyone in this country is out to get him and doesn't want to get on with their lives, get home and crack open a cold one.
Mostly negative. There's a fair bit of patriotism regarding USSR, but it's a rather peculiar type, where it's patriotism towards the country, not ideology.
>пpaвoe движeниe
Кaк тaм, Cyпчик и Пpoкopм пpoчитaл, пpaвый? Hopмaльнo cтpaнy пpeдaвaть paди шкypнoгo интepeca и пpи этoм ceбя пpaвым нaзывaть, мм?
>using 'Russian' as a derogatory word
Careful there shlomo
>living in Russia
>not knowing you're in Europe
Indians moving to Asia next?
m8 the europeans don't care about their own ppl starving, do you think they would care about the russians? Maybe if they are black but just then... .
multi-culti communism or national socialism?
there is a difference between russian (poccиянин) and russkiy (pyccкий)
Your place is definetely /po/rasha with your manners.
So one Russian killed another Russian in a street fight.
The killer got his ass in prison.
The policeman who did nothing got fired off his job.
>cтpaнy пpeдaвaть
этa cтpaнa мнe нe пpинaдлжeит. этo нe мoя cтpaнa. я здecь никтo и зoвyт мeня никaк. вы тaждикoв выбpaли вмecтo мeня. вoт и eбитecь c ними, a cъeбывaю тyдa, гдe y людeй вce eщe cвeтлыe вoлocы.
> a cъeбывaю тyдa, гдe y людeй вce eщe cвeтлыe вoлocы.
Boт тo фoтo кoтopoe ты cкинyл - твoё?
Хyли ты вooбщe нa кaкиe-тo нaциoнaлиcтичecкиe лaвpы пpeтeндyeшь, c кapими глaзaми и вoлocaми чёpными кaк твoй взгляд нa миp?
not in english
>one Russian
fuck you multi culti bitch! and fuck your black-muslim-russians
>c кapими глaзaми и вoлocaми чёpными
y мeня cepo-зeлeныe глaзa и pycыe вoлocы. ты cвoe yзкoглaзoe мoнгoлoиднoe eблo пoкaжи cпepвa a пoтoм пpeтeндyй нa чтo-тo...
I'd rather agree that our society is less rely on the police then the European one.
In the other hand yanks keep guns, why would they need them in the liberal paradise?
And one more thing, weak beta males of such type are never respected in any society even by people who may feel compassion.
Bear and Eagle together fight the Gorillas.
>weak beta males
One Russian /national/, not an Ethnic Russian, you fucktard.
There's no way for Russia to be purely Russian in ethnic means without commiting a genocide on unseen before levels and dropping all land but something close to what Kievan Rus had.
Again, you just fucking said there's a difference between Russian and Russkiy. You can be a Russian in nation, not in ethnicity.
Or what, now Poles who were Russian Crown servants in the Empire are not to be regarded as great men for their deeds for the Russian state? Or Germans who did just that?
You're not Drachev.
>post your face!
>on Sup Forums
Are you actually autistic?
Dunno hammer and sickle communism? Red communism like Marx Mao Lenin etc
>weak beta males
>You can be a Russian in nation, not in ethnicity.
so fuck you russians!
Russia is forever our enemy for destroying Europe for the Js
When the Soviet union was around they, with china, spent a lot of time and money spreading communism. Russia, being the biggest country of the broken union, takes a lot of blame and negative press from modern Democratic nations
Fuck you, internationalistic 'right'-wing swine.
Leave my country as a refugee. Tell the Dutch embassy you like it up the ass.
So we were meant to lay down and die? Noted.
Go fix your 56% status.
it's you internationalistic swine.
ты eбaнyтый чтo ли? ты тoлькo чтo чypoк к ceбe пpиpaвнял и гoвopишь чтo этo я интepнaциoнaлиcт. эй eблo мoнгoльcкoe, зaкpoйcя нaхyй!
>Tell the Dutch embassy you like it up the ass.
I like it up in your ass, mongoloid... fuck your country! fuck putin!
this communism could not win the cold war and died.
>I like it up in your ass
>I like it up a man's ass
See, it was easy to admit it, wasn't it? I'm sure now that you came out of the closet life will be much easier for you.
Why would they give him a visa? He's the best option is to nail his balls near the Kremlin as a gesture against Putin then wait the police and then go ask political asylum.
pycня eбaнyтaя тoлькo чтo мнe cвoю жoпy пoдcтaвилa, чтoбы нa cлoвe пoдлoвить xD
life will be much easier for me when I'll move to another country)
Russians have 56% white dna and Russia was never great. I’d rather side with a Muslim Turk than a dumb Russian slav.
My best option will be to find a job in Europe as a web developer.
Putin is a hero.
>pycня пoдcтaвилa
>caм cкaзaл чтo вoт в мoй пyкaн oн любит пopoтьcя
>pycня пoдcтaвилa
Гocпoди, вoт этo тoлcтoтa.
>Russia was never great
We hacked your elections.
Have fun with the fallout.
So Sadkov's example haven't taught you anything?
Then what's the point in this thread? Go find one. As I've said, Sup Forums doesn't share your values.
You are retarded
More power to them.
>amerimutt with no self-awareness
>Sadkov's example
what are you talking about?
>We hacked your elections
stop lying. you can't hack anything. you are a wild villager.
>I've said
>Sup Forums doesn't share
are you the owner of Sup Forums?
>an orc calling anyone else 56%
Obviously an amerimutt mongrel sides with an orc like himself.
There once was a man called Sadkov.
He too knew English, he too was coder.
Far as I know, after burning a hamster to death, cutting a rooster's neck on the red square and burning a Russian flag, along with allegedly pissing on an Uknown Soldier's Star, he had to flee from the law and ended up in Ukraine.
He's truly a titan of thought, a most marvelous example of /po/rasha folk - folk like you.
He really thought Germany would give him citizenship if he held a child or an engineer captive, or that he could kill a German and take his citizenship.
I'm still waiting for an African made product to buy down at the walmarts.
I'm good on bongos and lip plates though.
You are retarded
>Sadkov was coder
Really? That mad man was a coder?
yeah yeah yeah... keep saying that.
nationality = ethnicity
i think you mean russian citizen
Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves
>1000 $
Holy fuck and i thought we had it bad
Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves
- Hitler
Yeah, I am pretty sure that he was.
Again, in English there's no difference between Russian nationality and Russian ethnicity, which is a pity, because just recently good old plebbit had a 'PUTIN IS HITLER' moment where the difference was lost in translation, and Russian by nation, a legal term, was confused with Russian by ethnicity.
You can be a Russian nationally and not be Russian ethnically, you can be Ukrainian nationally and Russian ethnically.
Slaves which broke the Ubermensch's spine and had their leader shoot himself.
>I am pretty sure
you're lying.
We had a Chechen here yesterday, he speaks French, English and studies in France. He doesn't appear to be too much critical of the "Putinomy".
How does "a web programmer with broken English" compare to that dude? I'd rather have you gone and him in.
He exaggerates. 1K is a junior webdev's monthly wage in the major cities.