Asians who aren't Yamato Japanese are just another variety of nigger, including and especially Han Chinese and Koreans.
Asians who aren't Yamato Japanese are just another variety of nigger, including and especially Han Chinese and Koreans
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redpill me on Japanese sub-ethnicities
Japs have smallest peanuts weanuts!
Whatever, that's their cross to bear. They have the only acceptably embiggened souls out of all Asian ethnicities not to be considered niggers.
but their peanuts weanuts!!! is tiny!!
haha faggot. i'm japanese and i don't even fucking know what the fuck a yamato is. fucking weeaboos i swear
Ainu are at least nominally Caucasian but they've lost most of their land in the north. Now they have the same dynamic with the rest of the Japanese as the Indians in America, including some government protection.
Korean nationalists say that the Japanese monarchy is Korean, but they say the same thing about Confucius.
Okinawans are a different people, think Mr. Miyagi.
Zainichi Koreans are of Korean descent from the Colonial era.
Yamato is supposedly the original name of Japan. I think "Japan" comes from a Malay word and "Nihon" comes from Chinese but you can look it up. During World War II their version of the Aryan master race was the Yamato-damashii or Japanese spirit.
What a faggot. Being that happy after someone got head from you.
Cool I didn't know about the Korean groups there. Pretty funny they're claiming the Japanese monarchy as theirs. Wasn't the original settlers from an exiled Chinese prince in the 800's AD?
I lost
Naps are loyal and prideful when it comes to their country, make good allies in war. A lot of American soliders are females and soy boys.
Your fixation on someone else’s dick makes me question you more then anything
I didn't say anything about dicks I was replying to someone saying something about dicks.
you're still a weeaboo fag
you're still a weeaboo faggot
No idea, but I read a long time ago that historians speculate a connection between the Japanese and other islanders throughout the Pacific. You can imagine how emotional some of them are about it.
Japan is currently cucked nation. They used to have spirit.. but it was beaten out of them. They could rise again.. maybe we should hope that they don't.... the Japanese are a people of Focus
But what about all the slavs?
I only left the nips out of the generalization because they have some redeeming attributes culturally and genetically. I live in CA and there are asians of all varieties here, and the Japanese are the only ones who aren't hollow pseudohumans
Koreans aren’t claiming that the emperor is Korean but rather that intermarriage were clearly common, despite what claims Japanese makes about how pure they are.
The Yamato people are mutts from the East Asian Yayoi conquerors that subjugated and annexed the native jomon Australasian? populace.
That's interesting. If you look at Jomon artifacts it's a totally different culture, Japan does seem to have changed dramatically in a very short amount of time.
Yea, sucks that it isn’t more known other than Ainu mutts larping as them and screaming free gibs.
Korean + Jomon made what we mostly know of as the Japanese look
The japs are not a muttrace but more like a pedigree
A created race much like the Hispanic but one that is actually better than it is worse of its 2 races
They have more of the old hunter-gatherer ancestry going than for example the Han bug people and that is their redeeming factor.
Fuck off. Absolutely not true. Japanese culture is merely an inferior derivative of Chinese culture. For most of world leader, China has been on top, in Asia especially. Japan was only top dog in the region for a period of 100 years, 1890s-1990s. Your post just reveals how utterly ignorant of history you truly are. China was brought down due to western imperialism, warlordism and communism, but now that it has the chance it's quickly rising back to the top again. Japan was only temporarily superior due to a huge number of flukes.
Yeah bit China also brought upon itself a cultural stasis that allowed the rise of Japan. My theory would be that this was due to a slow shift in Chinese population genetics towards DRD4-2R allele carriers. Check out the study done on Han in Singapore and how DRD4 correlates with political views. Explains a lot...
I don't believe it was a genetic factor, just cultural factors. The Qing Dynasty were incompetent, and unable to respond to the challenges that the rise of Europe brought. You can basically blame the Empress Dowager Cixi and Yuan Shikai for the problems that China faced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which in turn allowed for the rise of Mao and the subsequent destruction of traditional Chinese culture.
What about Hokkaido Natives and Ryukyus?
The head looks happy
I can't agree with you... I like the lolis around me... they can only be created with Vietnamese gene. I want to protect the Vietnamese race because they make attractive lolis.
I believe a race's worth is measured by how attractive their female children are.
attractiveness is normally defined as the average face of the race you belong to. if this isn't the case, then the blame is on the media and society in which one grew up.
Anecdotal but I live in NE Los Angeles where there are huge swathes of Asian immigrant populations from China, Thailand. Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Philippines, etc. I went to magnet elementary and high school that was >50% Asians due to a combination of Asian parents prioritizing academics and weak competition from the majority NELA population of Mexicans (myself being white which is a very small minority in this part of the town). I had Asian friends whose families came from all over Asia in my youth and I went to a UC for college, so I've probably known a wider variety of Asians than most people who didn't grow up in Asia, and possible more than some who did. My above statement bears out in reality, Chinese and Koreans are quintessential bugmen, Japanese can often hang in there with whites in terms of "soul size," followed by Southeast Asians and Filipinos with Chinese and Koreans being dead-eyed uninquisitive mongs
addendum that my facetious use of "soul size" has nothing to do with IQ and that I've known plenty of Chinese who are competent rote memory learners and STEM students, they just don't have a real spark of humanity as a general rule. The exceptions are a minuscule minority and even then they only get points for trying
LA native here. I can confirm that this is true.