Balkan hate thread

Hate on these 3rd world shitholes in this thread

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they need to stop hating each other

Bulgaria and Slovenia are okay but the rest need to go. Turkish niggers with white skin.

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Were not balkan you fat fuck

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Why not add Greece

how to fix balkans:
-reunite Yugosolavia
-drown all albanians in the see and give territory to greeks

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I see 7 shit holes to hate on?


About time someone took off the discount mountainniggers from the map.

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>-reunite Yugosolavia
when pigs fly

You forgot about Romania, the greatest among shitholes.

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didn't said it will happen, even if it will happen ever
just said it would fix all your problems

We should be in this time to balance the serbs.

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>reunite Yugosolavia
why does everyone think this is a good idea? It's fucking stupid. We do not belong together. Why don't Sweden and Norway join together? add Finland

We're southern Mediterranean Europeans, not "balkanese", thank you very much.

Yeah sure Stavros.

No it won't. Yugoslavia was only good for one thing: so that we were able to get our own countries. That's it.

Where's that from, Tybor-Khan?

To be fair, i'd say most people look at the Balkans as a region more so than all the individual countries. Cultures are pretty similar, only a few languages are spoken across the whole area, all have Turkish genes...

Retard. It was good for you so that you weren't proper commie shithole like the rest of us.

The Balkans are full of white niggers

Yep, you are
This kind of olive oil slurping garlic heads like the shitalians, you Gayreeks are the same negroid wogs
Gayditerraneans BTFO

Not even white.

Yugoslavia's socialism totally fucked up our economy faggot.

Could've been worse, belive me.

You know the more you push the idea that couple of thousands of turks fucked all women in balkans from hungary to greece, people start believing it.

Did you get cucked by a balkanite, Matjaz?

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>below red line: niggers
>above red line: whites
>romanians: niggers

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Get raked.

Historical records on the creation of the state of Yugoslavia.

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t. rice nigger

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Hand over Kosova now

We will drive all Serbs out

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paki education.Greece is a Med nation you twat

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How cold is it up there chang?

Sure. And how is that different? The only actual difference I can see is that you weren't commie, despite really wanting it for no apparent reason.

*laughs in not balkan, but is a shithole nevertheless*

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You forgot about Romania and Greece

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I'm just shitting on Gypsies and Serbskanks. Bulgarians are absolutely bro tier, surrounded by morons.

I cannot even watch this video. fuck.

You will not divide us.

I just realised who the fuck would notice if these countries disappeared overnight??

This is hard to watch. Leaf King is such a faggot holy shit.

If you prefer those balkan scum to Hungarians you should die a slow death.

They are similair to coastal Yugoslavs
Eat shitty sea food, being lazy, olive oil in their slicked back hair, little mustaches and leather jackets on
Ex-Yu received this traditions from them and the Italians, we hate Dalmatians to the core in Slavonia


just left them be and they will genocide each-other

>the eternal mountain jew

Bulgaria, Serbia, and Croatia seem nice though. Why do you hate your fellow Southern Slavs?

>Bulgaria, Serbia, and Croatia seem nice though
Forgot to add Montenegro

Greece and Rromania are Balkan

If Greece is counted in Balkans then Slovenia and Romania should too because the Balkan Peninsula goes trough their countries.

Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia should be annexed by Serbia. Slovenia should be Part of Austria (Krain) and then this would look much better


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Europeans i guess. And for croatia 18 mil yearly tourists specifically.

Don't forget Istria returning to Italy, but yeah, pretty much this.

>meme flag
You know slavonia is empty so you're not fooling anyone.

It's the truth, Kubrat.
Well, at least we're not "balkanese", nor a subcreature of your race.

To Italy? I would rather have it returned to Austria as well (Burgenland) and when we are on this topic, South Tirol as well

We can't and won't return something that was never theirs.
Also Trst je naš!

You are after paying debt, malaka

I like you too, mongol brother from another Attila.
The only problem I have with you is your spastic language.

Not as long as the sun shines

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end yourself retard

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I just peeked into the thread to express my love for Serb brothers.

>ywn live in Big Yugoslavia again

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>tfw u crush an entire crusade with turkbros

Stay mad Boris

I agree on South Tirol, but not Istria.

t. butthurt gayditerraneanized Dalmatian detected
sto siješ, to ceš i žeti

* slurps in olive oil *

>thread was made by a mountain jew

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You have no say in this South Mutt.

>decides who is white and who is not

This is embarrassing, how can someone lose to Turks when you are outnumbering them? Eurocucks are weaklings

I know what it's like to be trod on, spat on and devalued by other countries, Balkbros. You might think I'm full of shit looking at Norway today, but we were in forced unions with Sweden and Denmark for 500 years and they continue to treat us as the "little brother" even today.
You're not alone friends




>you will never witness when the Serbian knights btfod all the Crusaders and Tatars in a singe charge
I'm starting to get depressed now

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Bulgaria is the most turked balkan country, you moron.

You should be bulldozed into the adriatic.

mashallah mashallah wh*Te dogs btfo

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They have illyrian blood in them.That's why some have black hair and have a darker skin tone and some have blond hair.

No. That's Bosnia hohol.


stop embarrassing us pls

id take our worst enemies croats, albos and bulgarians (actual europeans) over steppe nigger anatolian balkanoids (turks)

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And why is this?

>this fixes all of our problems

backstabbing niggers (serbs)
at least 3 times in history they have done this, look at them in the thread, they are celebrating their turk blood

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No Romania and Hungary ?


kill the Vlach in the name off Allah

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Family is from slavonia, live in dalmatia mr. memeflag cancerovich. Great people, hardly different and feels bad slavonians would rather leave the country than work the land they have.

Novi Pazar shitskin detected.

To who?
Hello my Germanfied, Gothic-Illyrian friend.

>literal Bulgar calling Serbs Turks

>Kebab """""""""Removers""""""""""

There are no eternal allies and enemies in politics, only interests. Rememeber this my young friend.

Your original language was probably much closer to Magyar than you think. Shame you adopted that tongue of our former slaves.
Does Magyar sound that goofy? I can't tell because I speak it, but I find finnish nice.