Alt Right bends the knee
first Charlottesville, then Black Panther, now this
the AR can't stop losing
Alt Right bends the knee
first Charlottesville, then Black Panther, now this
the AR can't stop losing
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What a damn shame.
who the fuck is this faggot
looks like an actor playing a role
alt-right is pigment of imagination and you op should kys for giving it a thread
>4 surviving pizzas from last month's session, all are on sale at an extremely low price, as they are in poor health and not expected to survive so a requirement is that you "finish eating your pizza" after your session.
It's called controlled opposition. The CIA is trying to marginalize all right wingers into one box and authorized Richard Spencer to try and do so, hence why he only showed up after the election and declared himself a leader of a group called "alt-right".
His job is to act as a pet Nazi so the mainstream media can put him in there headlines when they need to.
They already tried this tactic on a massive scale, it just made more red pilled people because the only people that fall for this shit is low test males and low test females.
>muh CIA
Shut the fuck up Muhammed.
>only people that fall for this shit is low test males and low test females.
pic related.
Are they CIA, low test, controlled op, or just retarded?
Spencer is CIA, therefore controlled position, his followers are retards because they can't see the bloody obvious.
You don't even know what the CIA does shitskin, you're just like every other dumbfuck who thinks being "skeptical" of everything is indicative of intelligence. You're just a naive faggot in reality.
Right on the money
meanwhile the stepfather is taking heads
>pol attacks him for the event, saying it's bad optics and makes us look weak
>he listens to criticism and adjusts his strategy
>still complain
Kys shills. Hope you both die.
>Alt Right bends the knee
Shut up Air strip 1 and enjoy the child grooming
>he listens to criticism and adjusts his strategy
The speaking events were worth a trial. It got us publicity, but unless Potus acts in favour of political freedom and free speech. It will be fruitless.
The alt right started on the internet, we belong on the internet. Why not stay here and grow. Kids don't go out anymore anyway
when they back lisping fags like dickie spencer then what do you expect is going to happen?
>two rolling pins
You mean the fat fuck that posted gay nigger porn on twitter ?
go away Sargon.
>act as a pet Nazi
feel free to elaborate, Mohammed.
communism will win
wow it's yet another ShareBlue character assassination
He never mattered.
Fuck your commie shit faggot
nigger please dont talk
Holy shit people in this thread are fucking retards.
Spencer is right. We are losing. We can't even publicly gather without a mob of violent psychopaths hitting us with bricks and the police allow them to do this while they stand in the corner and watch. Then when somebody defends themself the police arrest them.
Continuing to do events in this state is just pointless
Guess what guys? We aren't winning. The meme wars are over, Trump got elected, and progressives are still marching forward to kill us all. Trump is president and we still can't express alt-right views in public or hold any sort of pro-white event.
Liberal media and activists are still getting people fired for saying the wrong thing. Conservatives are cowards. They aren't willing to fight like leftists are. They'll do ANYTHING to win and we won't, and that's why we are now losing.
La creatura...
Do leftwing retards like you need all of the luxuries that white people in a capitalist society have provided you with?
>Holy shit people in this thread are fucking retards.
>Spencer is right. We are losing. We can't even publicly gather without a mob of violent psychopaths hitting us with bricks and the police allow them to do this while they stand in the corner and watch. Then when somebody defends themself the police arrest them.
>Continuing to do events in this state is just pointless
>Guess what guys? We aren't winning. The meme wars are over, Trump got elected, and progressives are still marching forward to kill us all. Trump is president and we still can't express alt-right views in public or hold any sort of pro-white event.
>Liberal media and activists are still getting people fired for saying the wrong thing. Conservacucks are cowards. They aren't willing to fight like we are. They are a part of the problem no better than the communists.
>black hoodie
>jogging pant
Oh my, such luxuries sure void our argument
Faggot cunt
join antifa
join the resistance
join world civil war
is this the best you guys can do?
>little dong
>generic synthwave aesthetic
>gay blacked sun
I know someone has watched one too many leafy videos
>throwing firebombs at the cops
Suddenly I support shooting of protestors
Word in the tubes is that everybody is abandoning Spencer. He's just an incompetent, selfish, careless trust fund brat who can't be relied on and throws people under the bus.
Even TRS is getting fed up with his nonsense. The only people with him in Michigan was TWP, and everybody hates them too.
Spencer is fading back into obscurity and irrelevance where he belongs.
Mmmmmmmmmmmnoooooooooo off to the gulag with this retard
>We did it guize, we lost our figurehead
R. S was the keystone of your shitty movemenet, pol is a handful of retards irrelevant in an election, but Spencer made your autism mire easily accessible
Nobody gives a fuck about you, they only see the big figureheads
JIDF detected. Kill yourselves.
>The CIA is trying to marginalize
That would have been the FEDs, if you knew what you were talking about.
The CIA could be behind the homosexuals Weev and Anglin, as they don't live inside the US.
Literally just dumb baseless rumors...
Cops aren't our allies mate.
I'm not going to say you're certainly wrong because there's a history of this sort of thing BUT your certainty is a mistake and your paranoia is exactly what they want.
>this meme again
You post this in every Spencer thread, shill.
"Yesss Whites were Colonizers, and I want more White Privilege."
This lispy controlled opposition fuck, sells the Jew's Anti-White narrative, better than Jews.
Are you homosexual too, because how much you care about how other men look?
Wrong, you JIDF faggot. Spencer has done more to redpill people than you ever have.
>pol attacks him for the event
I haven't seen that. I have seen the closeted Faglin throwing a fit though.
Says the corporate fucker that gets crushed by companies and squeals with each thrust
>AT least it's not the gubbermindt
>pol attacks him for the event, saying it's bad optics and makes us look weak
>he listens to criticism and adjusts his strategy
>still complain
Sup Forums is full of retards but one aspect of their misguided criticism is correct. Spencer shouldn't keep doing these speeches or rallies unless the event is 100% controlled. So no Antifa, no getting setup for violence by the police and no MSM selectively editing happenings and quotes.
We own the webs. We are low key converting Whites in huge numbers. All this mainstream attention has done nothing but give the establishment and their propaganda wing, the MSM, the ability to demonize us which then allows for us to be demonetized and deplatformed.
Events like Charlottesville may have brought in new new people and not killed the movement like many thought it would, but it severely undermined online efforts. Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Google, Patreon, Paypal have all demonitized and deplatformed not only people on the far right, they are using all of this as an excuse to do the same to mainstream right wing.
>Guess what guys? We aren't winning. The meme wars are over, Trump got elected, and progressives are still marching forward to kill us all. Trump is president and we still can't express alt-right views in public or hold any sort of pro-white event.
The metaphor I would use is this.
Imagine a company like Apple is slowly going bankrupt, but they launch one last product which blows everyone away. Apple still go bust, but that one product got a lot of attention and was fondly remembered.
The election of Trump didn't alter the fundamentals. Maybe some on the left and the right are dumb enough to think it did. It's hard to be too depressed as a leftie, if your potential voter base is constantly compounding and expanding.
>we own the web
Hence why you get daily assaults from shills ?
>Spencer has done more to redpill people than you ever have.
They attack him because they fear him.
Faglin is left alone now tho, now that he have turned on other pro-white and doubled down on hating women.
>So no Antifa, no getting setup for violence by the police and no MSM selectively editing happenings and quotes.
He is demonstrating that pro-whites have no right to protest their own genocide in the land of the free.
Spencer isn't CIA he's just a camera whore and an irresponsible idiot
Cville were a setup, so they would have been shut down anyway.
Spencer failed to attract following that he could jail and burn so now he starts blackpilling. Duginist waste of space, allso fed.
>backed by multibillion dollar corporations
>push for all the shit shlomo wants a goy to push
>have the national guild of lawyers at beck and call.
Some revolutionaries you are faggot. The bourgeois state and corporations use you like a low tier whore.
>when your IP belongs to a government agency
Took you long enough.
"Protesters" that want to get violent despite feeling the need to hide their face will always be cowardly subhumans in need of a bullet in the brain.
Keep thinking you're winning, Anti-fa. The world grows tired of your cowardly shit. You have no principles, no party line, no organization other than a rag-tag band of idealistic children who read a few pages of the Manifesto. You will achieve nothing other than early deaths and the misery of defeat.
Mark my fucking words, you have no idea what you are up against. The Alt Right is nothing, your opposition has yet to make itself publicly known. By the time you make this realization it will be too late. You are fools to believe that we have allowed our hand to be shown so easily or that we will simply roll over to the likes of Communist scum like you.
Communism will not win, not has it ever won. You fight for nothing, you stand for nothing. Chaos will swallow you and spit you out as another miserable endnote in the march of history. You have no destiny other than failure and starvation.
Before long you will understand what it means to live in Anarchy...that is, the Anarchy of war which is governed by the sacred law of brawn and bullets.
The only thing Anti-fa is a "resistance" against is reality itself. By the time you realize this, you will already have kicked the hornets nest.
Observe this chart.
The alt right was a meme counter culture that Richard Spencer had nothing to do with creating. Nobody had heard of this guy until he started dancing for CNN cameras and yammering about the esoteric Faustian destiny of pepe the frog.
Aren't you the faggot from the fascist symbols thread ?
Every fucking thread. Kill yourself
>The Alt Right is nothing, your opposition has yet to make itself publicly known.
The alt-right is dead, Killed by the US regime under Trump's command. Long live the pro-white movement.
>The alt right was a meme counter culture that Richard Spencer had nothing to do with creating.
So where did the ones that created the meme rebellion get their information, if not from the blogs and forums that Spencer, Brad Griffin, BUGS, etc ran?
Violent leftist groups are backed by the corporate state as a useful tool to crush nationalism. You shouldn't think of them as "real" or "organic" groups; they're just low-rent CIA.
Passing antifa kiddies need to read this. If you ever got the anarchy you wanted you would probably be the rats who sells his friends for a loaf of bread.
No. What's going on here is an attempt at tactical demoralisation of the "alt-right."
These e-celebs are simply actors playing a part. They've been selected to take on roles within the opposition in an attempt to control the direction the opposition takes.
This is happening because the right is winning. They are panicking and using every trick in the subversion book to keep the opposition down.
Just like when in the last days of both Brexit + the GE in America the pollsters were telling everyone that the remain vote was going to win and that Hillary Clinton was going to win, it's the exact same tactic. And they always push it massively towards the end of a political conflict because they recognise that if they do so they can turn the tide. If people towards the end of a political conflict suddenly become demoralised en masse and capitulate to the status quo, they completely back down and are no longer of resistance to it.
When will you faggots realise the game is rigged against us? There’s not going to be a race war. There’s not going to be an epic resurgence of white nationalism. Why? Because jews would never allow that to happen. As long as they run the federal reserve they can keep pushing racemixing propaganda until whites are subsumed into brown muck. Trump is a stooge who has openly stated his intention of “taking the guns without due process”, in effect terminating the second amendment. Trump Tower was designed as the Temple of Baal and was featured in the 1996 film devils advocate starring Al Pacino. Its built 664 ft high and his penthouse is on the 66th floor. His son in law, Jared Kushner owns building 666 on 5th Avenue. The upside down pyramid outside Trump Tower has 6 trees on each side (666). From the top of the tower looking down the pyramid is reversed (so above as below). The same upside down pyramid lapels that the Nazis used in concentration camps to identify Freemasons.Trump IS the antichrist. Not the actual devil, but the Jewish messiah sworn to usher in a golden age for the Jews who will rule over the goyim (that’s you) from the capital of Israel, Jerusalem.
If I were you, soy boys, I’d start thinking about converting to Judaism now before it’s too late. You don’t want to be on the chopping block when the NWO is brought into public view for all the world to see. Time is running out.
Awesome thread fellow goy
What do you think Spencer contributed? Specifically.
>When will you faggots realise the game is rigged against us?
Did you think arguments would work to show that pro-whites have no right to protest their own genocide, or do you think it had to be demonstrated, only to have the regime under Trump shut them down?
stop talking conspiracy theories nonsense - its been debunked already
>…My heart goes out to those brave souls in Seattle who turned out in the thousands from both Canada and the U.S. to go up against the thugs of Clinton and those who put him in office. I appreciate their bravery. I admire their courage. And I thank them for fighting my battle…“Soon, however, there will be millions in this country of every political persuasion confronting the police state on streets throughout America. When you are being kicked, gassed, beaten and shot at by the police enforcers of the NWO you will not be asking, nor giving a rat’s tail, what the other freedom lovers’ politics ‘used to be’—for the new politics of America is liberty from the NWO Police State and nothing more.
why have i never seen pasta like this before
where did you gather these facts
sounds like a obvious bait channel in a obvious bait thread
>What do you think Spencer contributed? Specifically.
He ran a few of the websites that provided content for the memers to make memes about.
He have also DEMONSTRATED that you get shut down even if you play it nice, and that was also important, or else nobody would believe that the US regime are trying to genocide white people, and shut down the ones that protest with extra legal means.
Youtube, twitter, instagram and vidya chat. Maybe a bit of kikebook. No youth demo visits anything but, social media websites. They certainly don’t visit individual blogs.
Spencer is listening to constructive criticism because he is a reasonable man.
Good for Spencer.
Spencer needs to go keep going out in public because Antifa comes out and behaves bad while the cops stand down, and while the MSM reports that unfairly, the personal videos recorded redpill a ton of people as they go viral and alienate normie lefties. If Spencer stays home then no one will see Antifa running around in black masks attacking people and burning flags.
What he needs is the opposite of staying home. He needs every single person attending to be recording plus flying camera drones and to train everyone to remove masks instead of throw punches, then get everyone to post and promote and share the footage and let the internet do the rest. He's acting like an old grampa who doesn't know how useful technology could be to fight a bunch of people who's biggest fear is getting their sneakers ID'ed by autists and going to prison for bike-locking someone with a different political view.
>stop talking conspiracy theories nonsense
The left are the ones that were subverted after occupy wall street and made safe for big corporations by focusing on race rater than class.
>Typing on the internet
You can't appreciate what you have until you lose it. I wonder how long your fat will keep you alive during communist famine, you gargantuan faggot.
Muh cia. What have you done recently faggot kraut?
Muh Merkel is queen
Can we go back to talking about Reserve Banking and the application of Void Tech?
These people are just walking around throwing rocks at things. Please stop you idiots, you're going to make other people desperate to stop you with their own crazy ideals.
Richard Spencer is only one person in a very active and growing movement made of some very different factions of white men & women. National Front, Identity Europa, League of The South, Traditional Workers Party, The Right Stuff, and hundreds of regional groups representing the local needs of people ignored and marginalized by globalist jew wealth extractors. The political and economic priorities in America are changing and the "AltRight" is shaping the political discussion to immigration, employment, free speech, technology, and the role of men and women in relation to each other and the family. Shit your pants - we are growing stronger and there are major elections this Fall.
>Stealing from people trying to run a business.
Wow, truly the people's choice.
>He have also DEMONSTRATED that you get shut down even if you play it nice, and that was also important, or else nobody would believe that the US regime are trying to genocide white people, and shut down the ones that protest with extra legal means.
Exactly. That's why he needs to keep doing public events. Same with Sargon etc if they stay home then the normies believe the media lies because there's no footage showing the opposite.
>No youth demo visits anything but, social media websites. They certainly don’t visit individual blogs.
It was different before Spencer and others took internet memes as proof of their own success and decided to do what nobody should and take memes into real life. People like him who talk about continental philosophy tend toward delusions of grandeur.
In the end it is like chanology and other Sup Forums spawned movements. As it grows apart from the source, it grows weaker And becomes a laughingstock. And the discussion continues on the internet and always will and will spawn some other IRL thing in a few more years.