Goblin Slayer

i just finished reading the manga, now i feel empty inside

I just finished reading the rape, now my balls feel empty.

then read the lyte nohvels
GS forces ice cream through the slits of his visor in volume 2

it have LN? how are they? worth reading?


where dem white bitches at

fuck off goblin


Apparently not as well put-together as the manga from what anons here say.

I have been spoiled on what happens in the LN and it all sounds pretty great in terms of character development.

10 days until next release, user.

There's the spin-off but it's only two chapters

New chapter for both main and sidestory in two weeks.

Her wetdreams are of GS slaying gobs and then gently making love to her after

Next volume is about her taking GS tp an adventure. Broken woman desperate for love + broken man too insane to fuck girls = yandere's sheinengas, much worse if Priestess comes and she will, as she refuses to leave GS alone ever again.

Those smallclothes are super cute

I love Maiden but my allegiance lies with Priestess. Afraid this broken woman will remain broken.

>GS will get anime
>become really bad like many other adaption
>Normal fags will defend it
The fandom will kill itself surely as it is gaining a lot of attention on Sup Forums lately.

Secondary fags are the root of all destruction.

>Feel empty inside
You need more gob semen

First volume was entertaining, second and third have been incredibly average. I think there are 3 more that need translation for us to catch up.

Supposedly, CG and GG sent Priestess to keep GS company dueing his new year ever vigilance, why they did that? They gave up or think that GS sees her as a sister that means they still have a chance (not realizing that GS is a siscon).

when's the anime tho

Not until the lm is over, i hate how most of recent animes never animated the thing to the end.

the only reason a lot of recent anime even gets made is just to sell more of the ln, you're in for a rough ride my friend

Late 2018 or 2019 by madhouse or A1

Don't do that

>look up goblin slayer
>decide to read
>open up first chapter

yeah it's pretty awesome

Ya, and then he kills them
that's basically the whole thing
it's good
stop this

Is it gonna be rape or are the girls gonna have their mind banished to the shadow realm?

LN says he wears leather armor, but why does the art depict him wearing metal?

He wears leather under his armor and on the open spot in his legs and arms

Is just to show that gobs are scum that must be purge without mercy.


Japanese release dates: October 20 for GSYO, so there should be leaks soon, and October 25 for GS (minus a few days for leaks/korean scans).

Yen Press releases it a few day after Japan. Check the archives.

They advertise the simulpub thing for year one. Are they not actually releasing same as Japan?

>she makes a tiny toot in the next panel

I'm so sick of this racist and xenophobic story saying how we all steal, rape, and murder humans, its all lies! Just because there are a few bad eggs just like any other species or race may have doesn't mean we're all evil heartless monsters.

/tg/ is making fun of us again

That's 17th chapter right? Last one was quit a filler, nothing really happened.
Do you guys know about the Priestess from LN or am I behind?

Sigmund was right.

He was a racist hypocritical bigot that pretty much became the thing he hated when he tried to kill a bunch of innocent cave goblins that were just living their lives peacefully.

>see GS threads
>recommend it to a friend who likes sick shit
>he loves it and is surprised at my choice of mango
>mfw I never read the mango and have no intention of reading it

>works solo to buy her a present
>learns to make ice cream for her
Sorry priestess, you're just a friend.

Time to read the LN then

GS will forever be asexual


GS is made of gobs

A classic.

I just come here for the pics after reading the manga

I liked the idea that GS set up, but the world building was just too shit. The main problem is in how much damage goblins cause. Sure other monsters may be a bigger threat and cause more damage where they are, but they are more rare. However, goblins, being more ubiquitous, cause much more damage in total. Thus it would make sense that even yokel farmers would know a few things about protecting themselves from goblins. There would also be more effort put into preparing newbies to deal with fighting off goblins. The attrition rates for newbies VS goblins are in no way a good use of human resources. Sure it draws you in with presenting goblins as a no shit real danger, but the wold building just doesn't reflect that danger and that presents too much cognitive dissonance to make the story interesting.

Anyway, that my rant on why Goblin Slayer just really misses the mark.

Publication date is usually days after the illegal digital releases we get.
Though with gs, maybe not, since i don't know who handles it.

Apparently later volumes, GG sets up a training regimebor something to teach new adventures about gob scum

the canon explanation is that Reality made the Goblin have grimdark tier intelligence since he's butthurt that Fantasy keeps making Hero-like expy like notHaruhi Hero that keeps messing the balance

Ah I was under the impression Japan got it first and thus with the simulpub we'd get it at the same time. Didn't realize they leak out and get posted days before the official release.

GS is mellowing far too much, it's gonna get him killed.

>GS Year One 2 is out
>Cow Girl episode
GOD how fucking annoying, I hate childhood friend bullshit is so fucking cheesy no pun intended. I really hope she dies and GS freaks the fuck out.

>Carries around a spare helmet
Between goblin rape and his gear, I don't know which gets me harder.

Boot up the your favourite wrpg and start killing goblins, that will cheer you up.

I'm all for her getting raped but killing her off is a bit far I think

>Buy her a present
The money was the present...GG called him out for that, but is much better than his last gift that was a ring...a toy ring she said she wanted when they were kids.

CG episode? She only appeared for the first 7 pages of so, then changes to CG and then to GS getting his first armor.

It's Sup Forumsermin perpetuating these pseudo generals. I'd assume the mods would eventually start curbing them to only being allowed when a new chapter is released but that would be competent and hotpockets don't do competent.

I posted while reading so I was kinda mad, last panel made me happy again tho.

Goblin bump

>Complaining before seeing the full thing

As with any other series, you should read it for the girls

its finished? I only see 12 chapters out

He meant that he finished reading all that is published. Btw, manga has 16 chapters out plus 2 prequel chapters.

Where the fuck are you reading it? Mangapanda? Everyone else has it up to chapyer 16.

What is this shit about?

Little trolls raping women and there is this hero and kills them off(?)

i dont get it

World is a literal D&D game played by gods, but the people on it doesn't know it. One day gobs attacked a village and killed everyone, except certain kid. The kid went insane and became a fusion of batman, punisher and doomguy, trained hard and now do nothing but kill gobs all the time.

What is he going to do after he killed all those midgets?

find more

Probably kill himself unless one of the girls of his harem get him to change

>Before healing
Go paranoid
>After healing
Become a normal adventurer, like he always wanted before the gobs attacked.

okay, stay with my here, the story is about, you still with me? okay the story is about...

Goblin Slaying, the slaying of goblins, the genocide of diminutive rapey little shits.

Wipe his brow and then ride a magical unicorn to lala land because the midgets will never be wiped out, they breed explosively.

As long as it doesn't get the Berserk treatment it can't get any worse.

If there are so many, why doesnt he team up with professional hunters and kill them all?

Nobody wants to kill goblins, it's explained in the manga but the basic gist of it is goblins are seen as weak monsters so nobody takes them seriously, even though they are a HUGE problem to commonfolk, on top of that clearing out a goblin nest is actually super dangerous, and pays very poorly since local villages don't have much money, so only nubbie adventurers even consider doing it, and a lot of those nubbies never come back.

Because nobody but him wants ti take gob quests because shit pay.

No one wants the job to kill Goblins because it pays like shit and all adventurers consider it beneath them, plus he is the only one with the stomach to even talk about genocide.

And before you ask "why the government doesn't..." Is because they are too busy dealing with typical fantasy land problems like demon lords, dragons, beholders and shit.

hell the only reason he makes ends meet at all with that pay is because of the sheer amount of goblin quests he takes on, and the fact that he does them alone until the events of the manga so there's no need to split the pay.

true and first _____

Because nobody cares if entire villages get raped to death.

This is after she saw them kill and rape her entire party right?

She can't make GS open out, he cares for her but i am sure is not romantically.

He is broken. I don't think he will care about anyone that way

But think of the poor cute innocent girls :-(

Those poor cute innocent girls are also going to die if the demon lord takes over the world.

Tell that to the king, when sword maiden asked him for help in a letter, he got annoyed and said that the kingdom had worse things to deal with, plus SM is hpld ranked "can't she deal with this?" (He doesn't know SM's trauma).


Haruhi already killed the demon lord, although the Kingdom is still busy dealing with his remmants.

I thought something like a demon lord was brought and a hero dealt with it. Was that Haruhi or her party or something?

It was haruhi and her party

when are we gonna get more rapes? it's the only reason this manga is even remotely popular

Fuck off.

Goblin Slayer is a fun guy but he's an NPC all the way. He feels better like a major supporting character than the star of his own story because his supporting cast sucks.

He'd be cool in Overlord. Especially if he continues to genocide the friendly gobbos. Like your neighbor's dog who keeps killing your pet chickens.

read the prequel