How are you preparing for the Asian century?

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They only get a century? Weak.

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developing a foot fetish

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it'll be the asians this time guys
y-you'll see! soon!

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She kinda ugly.

>Arab world
This is how you know the guys full of crap.

but her feet are not

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Well I ain’t going to stop you from admiring that. Atleast it isnt half folded underneath.

Claim the Philippines as a province already.

"half folded underneath"?
what do u mean?

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Footfags must go

That fucking face

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He's probably talking about lotus feet

asian soles are divine

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My, what a vague and stupid table of bullshit.

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Sorry you’re not on there, Chang. Maybe you were too busy playing with your digerydoo

I am sorry but the asian century is a meme.

Asian gf


they have to have someone to copy, they can’t create anything on their own.

they are slowing growing souls though

by becoming a chinese hoe

>Asian century

Chinese century maybe.


Here ya go.

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>India superpower by 2020!

It’s because you are a backwater deer fucking hick. You don’t know how it’s like.

I've been learning cantonese

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I'm not. This century is the Romanian century. And we are an open people that are willing to get along with everyone.

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Fuck off, weixing, you dumbass gook.

You'll make great peasants for the Chinese

What's my fucking problem

Apparently it’s weixing to know that chink immigrants are everywhere.

NO user. learn manderian nobody will speak canto in 10 years

yeah i'd sniff her feet.

Has Duolingo started their course in Chinese? They've been promising it for years.

I've got my very own waiting for me in Nagoya.

The asian century came and went centuries ago.

well, the jews will degrade us white boys to niggers for asian women. In name of cultural marxism.

got my pop corn ready waiting patiently for chinas 100 yearly economic melt down

You severely overestimate the Chinese (much like people were overestimating the Japanese in the 1980s) and severely underestimating us Romanians. (inb4 gypsy bantz)

In the next 20 to 30 years (one generation), we are on course to displace the Netherlands as the 7th largest economy in Europe, and on course to reach GDP per capita parity with Belgium. China will always be relevant due to the size of its population, but intensive growth will be a lot more difficult to achieve there than here.

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My penis is ready.

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china is about to be annihilated by biological weapons, probably a flu and when the iran war finally kicks off they will be baited into a nuclear conflict

i hope you’re wrong user....

This would be a disaster.

By killing myself.

asians can't fight for shit, im sure 1 billion people working overtime in manufacturing is a nice and stable economy.

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