honestly this guy is just a fool plane and simple
Honestly this guy is just a fool plane and simple
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a doggy dog world, Bruce
>ID is JPop
>ID is Bog
This is now an ID thread
far too short for any series
>doggy dog world
Not "dog eat dog world" by any means.
You must be very intelligent.
Since when mr. kjellberg cares about politics anyway?
been here all summer mate
>server has friendly fire
It's a meme, u dip
Based communists standing up against degeneracy.
>plane and simple
Lol more like "based communists defending theocrats"
>Server has friendly fire
That's a good fuckin' joke.
You're ignoring his point just to argue some antics. Shamefur dispray.
Get rid of the problems you have created.
Way to go communism!
Fuck off you stupid blue pilled Aussie.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things.
>Destroying the beauty of the English language is funny.
When did you realize you're a nigger?
Is it summer in Australia?
>being this grammatically challenged
You're a retard.
>Aussie flag
>didn't call him a cunt
I'm disappointed user
We should put OP up on a pedal stool.
LOL check out the butt hurt on this guy
It's only funny to people who are smart enough to know better. We live in a world of pic related, in case you didn't know. You think that's gonna change?
I'm answering your call.
Tell me how to save Europe, Bog
well this is good news, the preposterousness is becoming unignorable
>not knowing the pastiest pasta
Is this your first time on Sup Forums?
please stop guys, threads like this are a diamond dozen.
At this point Antifa should be too brainwashed to be worthy of scorn. Shame only comes to those who are shameworthy of their own accord, and these communist zombies are such that they have lost all free will and consciousness.
The dude does not know basic spelling or grammar. Why are you mentioning spaghetti?
For all intense purposes you should stop.
This will push the gays towards us.
Thanks for the (you)s faggots
Jesus. Just speak ooga booga if you don't know how to use English (American English in this case) idioms.
/QRD/ on your ID?
>Cor blimey
>derived from 'God blind me'. Blimy is first recorded in print in Barrère and Leland's A dictionary of slang, jargon and cant, 1889.
How much did it cost to have your entire house walled with glass?
of course it was A LEAF all along
take my (You) as a token of shame
Check this I'd plebs
It's absolutely incredible how easy it is to get a response from you faggots. You will jump at any opportunity to make yourself feel superior to another. Sup Forums is literally a bunch of beta faggots behind screens with inferiority complexes.
He deleted it. Pewdiepie if ur reading this you are a faggot
Yet here you are haha
I think Jews are trying to divide the society even more every second.
It's like getting two birds stoned at once
since he was called a nazi by mainstream media
;) wanna be penpals?
'Sup. I think we're ready for another "laugh or lose" vid.
Okay but I get to be the top
wtf why didn’t you ask me!
>guys i was just pretending not to get it
>haha i baited you guys real good
t. memeflag retread
>turns out to be a fucking leaf
who would've guessed
Cause.. commie
Antifa are too stupid to realize their organisation is used as social martyrdom. Rich people pay stupid people to have their opinions on the poor front. The poor and stupid can't realize that no one cares for them. So you get a bunch of rejects "trying" to make a difference when the people funding them are laughing as the stock market rises off their "resistance" brand skyrocketing.
Fucking lemmings.
chicherin was openly gay and lenin didnt send him to gulag , which makes him gay too
Oh, ok. I gues that’s fair...
There's definitely something in the syrup
Knowing you too are one of us, how did it feel to finaly get that off your chest?
>Falling for it in a meme thread.
This is why they call us bad names and disrespect us here, because faggots like you fucking suck and don't lurk enough.
Xia was the best anime miniseries ever Frak3l
I had to blink a couple times after reading that headline
Whiter than (you) achmed
This book club thing is really a great idea for subtle redpilling
I fugged your mother dog eat style
r u underage or boomer?
Amazing insight, when's your paper published?
>Pewdiepie actually got kids to read
im legitimatley impressed
It's sort of embarassing that he's like 30 y.o. and only now reads basic m'lady HS books.
Make my ID mutt please pol gods
Hello there, A10-chan.
I think pewds needs to slow it down a touch. If he openly goes redpill too quick he'll scare away the normies.
Shut it down the turncoats are here
Clean you room
Swftblo hehe sound like an Xbox live name
/leftypol/ in a nutshell
In before the Culture of Critique recommendation
>Fighting degeneracy with degeneracy
not sure if he copied that Sup Forums thread or if the Sup Forums thread copied his tweet
You certainly played the 'doubles advocate' well.
At least somebody is standing up to the faggots.
other faggots
maybe we should put them all in the same closet and wait until they kill eachother