Britain should be shunned it's an embarrassment

The USA should end the "special relationship" with Britain. Why would anyone want to be friends with someone who doesn't respect themselves? Its like a Doctor hanging out with a Junkie, just shouldn't happen.

Let's just sit back and watch as Islam takes over the cuckold empire, and trade with winners.

Attached: Fuck Britainistan.jpg (350x232, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off jew trying to make us infight

nope, its fucking true. same with swedishstan. I don't want any part of it. At least Asia, and Russia has pride in nationality.

i refuse to believe that all burgers are this stupid or that the shitposting standard had dropped this far, what do

Life is far more enjoyable in Sweden compared to Britain. Britain is unironically worse than America in every conceivable way. I'm American, and if I had to live in Britain, I'd kill myself.

>The USA should end the "special relationship" with Britain
Please do, and take your degenerate jewified culture with you.

I've been there a few times. Imagine my dismay the first time I saw Londonstan. Cops fucking everywhere armed to teeth, Headscarves and sharia stink all over with the local cuck populace giving me shit about guns and Texas. It's a true shithole.

Part and parcel

Attached: Pathetic.png (640x370, 396K)

Hello George.

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Uk leaving th EU is actually a good thing. Removes a significant force for poz

First of all your a kike trying to divide and conquer. Second we don’t have a special relationship because like scum like you destroyed it


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Nice meme flag bong.

I don't really want the US to have a "special relationship" with any nation. Try to name one country who's currently an """""ally""""" that has actually done anything good for the US. The only one I can even think of is France, and that barely counts because when they helped us in the revolution, it was back when they were a monarchy.

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The Islamc Niggers are coming!!!

The islamic Niggers are coming!!!

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Australia seems good to you guys

I wrote off Europe a long time ago. They are the inventors and main progenitors of Marxism and white self-hatred. They’ve been self-hating for my entire 30 year life and I can’t remember a time when they were proud of themselves and their accomplishments.

They also loathe America because America still tries to uphold traditional values. They’ve mocked us for our religion, guns, etc as far back as I can remember.

Fuck them. They have no balls. With Muslims only making up 5% of the population, they’ve completely conquered Europe. Meanwhile America is 30-something percent Mexicans and we literally tell them that their home country is going to be forced to build our border wall and we literally separate mothers/fathers from their children while they cry. Europe has no balls. Just stoic faggotry. Stiff upper lip wrapped around a Muslim cock.

Having an opinion would risk you 2 years in the nick, love.

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When you don't like your neighbors you don't hope they get a termite infestation, unless youre retarded

Fuck off Ivan with your divide and conquer bullshit.

Seriously, Britain get some self-respect. Hey pass the bagel bites

No anglos allowed

who is paying you to turns us against one another answer ME!!!! if you are actually american which i highly doubt you are probably Mexican or black who is upset they are not anglo

White Britons are either little bitchboys or coalburners. Fuck em all.

aint you got a school to shoot up mendoza

Lmao how to her majesty or you aren't white!!!

Bow** whoops

>armed to teeth
police don't carry weapons there

The sun is setting on the west friend. Old allies turn on each other as the ship sinks. There is nothing to be done. Any action at this stage will just hasten the end.

>He thinks that America has even been the UK's friend.

Attached: backstabbers.png (1437x814, 155K)

The niggers will have replaced you before we fall, Mutt-kun.

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At least we haven't had a Muslim president, still fuck Mummy May

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You're obsessed with us :^)

Delusional Mutt. What a rubbish, basic analogy

>Britain is unironically worse than America in every conceivable way.
It definitely beats you in one rather important area

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>The USA should end the "special relationship" with Britain

It doesn't actually exist. No one ever talks about it but UK politicians during elections.

The US never brings it up by themselves.

thanks for the nukes, planes and bases you guys have over here. and the comms stuff.

Good thing I am a fucking dago, when the Muslim finally come over here they won't even be able to tell the difference due to my sandnigger skin.

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>mocks merry healthcare
>meanwhile, nhs is much more deadly than all AR-15

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