im gay
Im gay
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It's just because of weak emotions. You feel more comfortable with guys and rationalized it as gay. The brain is very powerful at tricking itself. Unfortunately you won't even consider this. You think I'm wrong? Prove it for yourself and humor this idea.
Cool story bro.
4d aids
Good for you just remember it's an exit hole not and entry
good luck on living a gay life
I'm not gay or anything but I really like looking at pictures of Astolfo.
checks out
I have never had an erection from the appearance of a female
PROTIP: we don't care and don't want to know
srsly? That was the thing that pretty much settled my mind about which way I swing. Not getting a boner exactly, but like a wave of static electricity when all of a sudden there's a hawt girl next to you. That just doesn't happen even with very attractive guys.
I'm kind of an old fashioned guy you know I go to the gym you know to do by pecks and lats and shit you know. last thing I was see when going in the locker room is some guys hot beautiful asshole.
I can recognize conventionally attractive girls, but I don't feel anything in my dick because they don't physically interest me
But when I see a guy I'm attracted to I get the 'static electricity' and feel an urge to hug them, make out with them and suck their dick
>watches thread get a 6 gorillion replies
Traps aren't gay though.
it means you are BASED, welcome to the_donald or ptg magapede :)
why even bother joking around with people when they just think you as an idiot
you play along with their stupid crap, you can tell when they're joking. you don't really take it to heart, or ever bring it up after
but all they see you as is some fool
are you a twink/trap... or a disgusting "bear" fag?
Is the trap itself gay though?
damn that sucks
yes, it is not heterosexual for a man to wear women's clothing
>tfw right wing fag
I guess I'd rather be called an abomination by the right than get thrown off of rooftops by the left.
So brave, OP
Depends, if the trap is only attracted to other traps, no.
that would make the trap double extra gay
borderline twink
interesting... how tall are you and how long is your hair? This is important to determine exactly HOW gay you are.
I'm 6.1ft
my hair is moderately long - it ends a few inches before the shoulders and I have a side part, hair goes all the way down to past my chin at the front. Sometimes I tuck it behind my ears and sometimes I do it up in a half pony, keeping the front unbound so there's still hair framing the face
I have some bad news... while the hair certainly works, the height is the main problem. If you're truly 6'1" then you're probably better off being the top in a relationship.
If you're trans head on over to /lgbt/, but if you're not don't bother as every other post is about some trans shit.
pol is ruined
What? You want praise for something you are? Sorry faggot, only things that someone does can earn praise, your 'identity' earns you NOTHING
Cool. Just don't come into my country or we'll torture you to death.
good for you i wish i was too