
Antifa who attacked Tommy Robinson. Can Sup Forums identify him?

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Non descript masked hooded man? Sure just let me plug this in to the cia retinal database

We identify him. Then what? The pigs aren't going to do anything about it, nor is the average Englishman. Infact, I wouldn't be surprised if the attacker is a pig himself. It was a plain clothed copper who attacked Robinson a few years ago. The British police are absolute scum.

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A hero

what a cunt

>alt right nazis so weak they have to gang up on a lone element

And you fags wonder why no ones takes you seriously
Nazis ceased to be relevant 70 years ago, grow the fuck up

1. Identify local businesses
2. Request security footage
3. ???
4. PROFIT!!!

dont undersestimate the power of autism user

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ofcourse the police arent going to do anything. you got cameras in every ally in the uk they could have got every one of them long time ago. however hell have his face exposed and he will have to watch his back wherever he goes

>investigative autism swarms are Nazis ganging up on people
>Antifa literally ganged up on Tommy Robinson 5 to 1

Kindly neck yourself.

Yeah, on one lone person

How's the grenade attacks, Sven Kikenson ?

It will be someone working for the government. Or working for someone, working to the government.

seen these names posted on the videos comments

>Milo Morris
>Flynn Galagher
>John Lees
>Jack Louis Lee
>Terry Harman
>(((Mac Hughes)))
>Fritz Seebode
>Russell Hayes

>plain clothed copper
this guy?

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how is the french welfare, Youssif al-maghrebi?

Yeah, you get the one guy, nevermind the other 4

Doncha understand this is their goal ? They can afford to get doxxed, whereas you alt right pseudo-fascists will be nicely seen as racist homophobic pieces of shit once your orientation is discovered

Mat I ask how many people were kicked out of their job for being outed as antifa ?

what happend to the main thread for this, they managed to identify some of them didnt they???

>Youssif al maghrebi

You tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end, you outed yourself as a dirty shitskin

>can afford to get doxxed
so why are the wearing masks then, clever boy?

this guy did

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go away you black baboon nigger

Isn't that the kurd mentioned here: Whether he was really a kurd or just a fanboy though I dunno.

closing in, twitter accounts are being deleted as we speak.


>immediate support through tippee and gofundme

Zoowe mama

Police state, identification, defiance

To protect against tear gas in their airways, for the psychological effect

Thanks for being an imbecile, proves my point

post your name and address here, smelly porch monkey or get out

For fucksake, don't any of you understand how the security services work? They put their people in positions of control, of the group's their interested in. Either directly or more likely by turning ones already established. By offering immunity to prosecution. Any publicized or well know group, is riddled with moles.

>Look mommy I said it again XD

as molymeme would say
>Not an argument

wheres the discussion at

still lost his well paid job at a university after being ousted as antifa

Didn't know this was a rally defending democratic value

ENGLISH motherfucker, do you fucking speak it ? In your backward ass muslim-rapist country of gipsy fags and cowards

>Job at a uni

How's the Job centre ?

he is posting in another thread he is an algerian subhuman

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>Abortion protesters trolled into holding up BUF signs at pro-abortion rally in Ireland

>One in 10 universities now BAN newspapers such as The Sun in assault on free speech

>After hopeful figures, EU takes Spains side on Gibraltar

>Labour fault lines grow between Momentum and Unions

>DUP have checked out of power sharing

>Fiscal Phil to reveal spurious figures next week

>BCC claims UK Govt is using Brexit as a coverup for failings

>Corbyn slams May in PMQs over Saudi 'collusion' in war crimes

>Stormzy for PM, why grime is good for politics

>Sturgeon has also fallen victom to mansplaining

>Official statement on Salisbury false flag assassination expected @ 1215

>YouGov: When is a feminist not a feminist?

>France is only one person guyze

You're so fucking pathetic

>muslim-rapist country

fuck off samefagging frog

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No, you're contradicting yourself, dumbass. And moving the fucking goalposts.

rebbit getting redpilled af lads

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>reddit spacing

Happy Mother's Day, kuffar.

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>i-its not me, I swear on the quran

Reeeee everyone who doesn't agree with me is a nazi


Hello reddif, how does it feel to be a fucking moron ?
Ids exist, motherfucker.

Found him

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i fucking knew it! how does he keep getting away with it

Nerds stop replying to the baiting frog, fucking fishing season in this thread

>meanwhile the antifa isn't identified

Low attention span high blood pressure cunts, just the bunch of you are

Fuck off, faggot

>t. kraut and tea

Steven Crowder

He's an acteur hired by Mr. Robinson.

>left wing marxists soyfags attacking (((loyal British patriot)))

Who I am supposed to support here? Can't they all just fuck off and die?

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Your welfare and local jobcentre (you know, the one you go to every day to pay for your wotsits and crumpets) were built by them
Be respectful, whore

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Oi, stop that disrespect civilian or you're getting locked up too!

this guy gets it. It has been the bread and butter of the security services since the 1920's with communist/facist organisations back then.

This may actually be the truth. Its hard to believe 6people couldnt even scratch 1 person they were all attacking even if they were soys. Seems a bit staged.

is there a follow up to this?

>a country invested by shitskin

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Look Ahmed, I know latin keyboards are hard to use with your mutt fingers, but come the fuck on

are you real
how do you not realize you're one of the bad guys

France is really a melting pot, isn't it?

he's serving 2 years in prison for hate speech. rip in peace

>bad guyzeeeee

Ya know, manicheism,manipulation, doncha try and attempt to convert me to your bullshit, faggot

Not as much as your ancestry, Goblino

It's a fair point. I'd expect a company to fire someone for being antifa but I doubt they would

Its this same shilling cunt keeps changing his proxy, he always comes and shits up right leaning threads

Converted to Islam lads, White Shari'ah is the only way

>Its shills guyzzzeeeeeez
It's afraid...

Nice ancestry right there Emanuel

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There's two m's

Like you have two X chromosomes, you tranny

Are you fucking serious
People despise Nazis and racists in the real world. Most people want you fucks dead, and for good reason. I'm white, and I feel about the right the way they feel about Jews.

Fuck off jew.
You're not white.
You're not even human.

kek we can't identify him btw

Ok Sup Forums I know this might be a long shot but I'm thinking we should start counter 'protesting' some of these antifa meets. They need to be put down a peg or 2. The next event they hold should be greeted by as many of us as possible, and by us I mean spread the word to normies about it too. There are plenty of blokes I know that would be happy to go and have a scrap with these wassocks, I'm sure you know some too. They have diaries and publish even info on their twitter and facebook so it shouldn't be too difficult to organise a counter 'protest'.

Says the emu fucker

Two, that's a huge number in French. Nice arithmetic.

Right, do it, attack them
Anti anti fascists are fascists

There, I have you a basic gestalt on why you are fucking retarded


No they don't, most people just don't give a shit, either way. The only people that care are wankers who think it politics matters. Most people care about what's really happening.

The day of the rake can't come soon enough...

then the company becomes the new target

More people agree with us than you would think. If you bring up topics like immigration in an anonymous forum without associating it to Nazis more people would agree with us than you think.

he looks cute
would date

Think about your country in 10 years, don't try coming here, we have enough cunts already

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Nice edgy gif, must be a throwback to your emo days, doncha worry, I too have been 14 once

Have you checked the list of suspects and the Facebook group page

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>attacking people

You're just niggers in disguise

worth a shot but i think on the whole it's playing into their tactics. a street brawl is something they can understand - it's part of their commie founding mythology. silent phone calls at 2am, publicizing the specifics of their porn habits, spreading rumours of disloyalty among their comrades, messing with their cars etc. is harder to deal with because it's not a romantic struggle, it's just a slow, grinding push towards inevitable mental breakdown

There's a lot of posts under Brit today, more than most days. I reckon it's to distort and hide some story's. The BBC is not covering a number of them on pol. The two banned activists, the mirror story, the Robson story. I can only assume the intelligence services are busy.

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Except they know about that, phonecalls are traceable, and you are too autistic to infiltrate their networks

his face mask colors are kurdish national colors. he's either kurdish immigrant or a kurdish fan western leftist.

damage control is off the charts, and when I told my friends about the free speech thing yesterday they literally said "we dont care"
if no one is going to actually do anything you might aswell kill yourselves right now. this game is pointless.


>a single element was able to derail a thread

Kek, pathetic

Thanks for flooding our comfy Sunday afternoon thread with foreigners OP, great job.

Why are the Labour Party anti-Semitic?
Is it because of the Muslim contingent of the part or something else?