Tommy Robinson attacked by Antifa

Tommy Robinson was attacked by Antifa types, he followed them and caught some on camera with no masks:

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-11 at 11.28.09.png (865x565, 572K)

Other urls found in this thread:,-0.0971773,3a,75y,161.95h,87.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQBuJbFp71k_tzSCSlJVoDA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?dcr=0

They didn't even scratch ole Tommy, haha, fucking pathetic weak soyboys. Just looking at them trying to get a swing in is pathetic AND they attacked that chick? cops just standing around doing jackshit as usual, wtf Britain?

Attached: meanwhile in Britain.webm (362x640, 1.45M)

This is the power of soy, even 6 soyboys cant hurt a fly

Did he beat any?


They just knocked him over and gave him a few light foot tappings. Is this staged or something? That wasn't a beating at all.

U.k. police are cowards they let commies,negros and Muslims commit crime

so gomfy to live in a country where you can have as many guns as you want and the bolis don't fuck around. Out of the extra diverse areas of course.

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Antifa are diseased faggots

hurr nationalist couldnt fend off gazillions of mighty antifas

antifa stronk ! nationalists weak !

(((Tommy Robinson)))

The people he confronted afterwards.

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One of them lives in Shropshire and is active in Momentum

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>labour flag spouting peace hope and democracy
that's not what our mate Daniel and his pals were saying in the video, was it?

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Is Tommy a chav?


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>that blonde haired feminine soyboy getting banted on for trying to be alpha

fookin size-em up Tommy e's a springy cunt aye

Actively trying to dox people is illegal you're all reported, nazi scum

>tfw (((they)))are literally paying these faggots to do targeted hits on Tommy Robinson and others like him

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No he can complete a full sentence and obviously doesn't huff airplane glue

That's correct
ZOG owns Sup Forums
You're all banned


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Obviously this motherfucker is the MI5 handler for these soy boys

lol actually identifies as communist on a post about getting back at communist scum. nice b8

And aside from Russia the US is the least safe country in the western world. But oh well

Look at that feminine jog away, fuck me this generation is actually RIP

how much more feminine can these soy boys get. Has any of them been identified yet?

LOL, this shit is so staged.

I’m an antifa. I would never throw shit or pick fights with innocuous people who merely wish to engage in peaceful discourse, but I think it’s funny how pol still labels us low t soy boys. If anything, it’s you guys who can’t stand your ground.

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The police are worse than cowards. They're complicit in the violence against patriots.

The two blokes in the video below who hit Robinson were later identified as being plain-clothed policemen. They deliberately assaulted Robinson so they could start a fight that would get him arrested.

The antifa boys didn't come off like bitches to you in that, lol?

Shut the fuck soyboy

All his videos lately is him getting attacked.

Has to do with him being a manlet maybe.

normies out reeee

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the reason we think your faggots it that you attack in high numbers use bike locks etc as weapons and use the element of surprise, then run or lie to the police when they arrive, yoiur are a disgrace to manhood mate, 1 on 1 your nothing

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Just got back from the Free Speech rally in Hyde Park.

The Antifa members who stormed the stage at Sargon's event were there again causing a nuisance. One flair thrown, "Nazi scum" chants, but they went home in the end.

We probably outnumbered them 2-1.


any footage brudda

No but there were tons of people filming and taking photos, it made me paranoid as hell. Buzzfeed were there, several others too. A lot of pro-Antifa people were there with cameras simply walking up to people and taking a photo of their faces. Nobody on our side wore masks (thank god) but antifa were predictably masked up etc.

>British police didn't do shit to help when they were standing like 20 feet away

Why am I not surprised?

Steven Crowder has been identified as the niqab assailant

How do we end the white menace?

You are the trash of society. Hitler should have killed every commie so that natural selection could have gone forth, weeding out the weak and ugly.

I was there also. Took some footage but can't upload it here for some reason.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-11 at 14.31.59.png (524x900, 565K)

DONT dox em lads

The blonde soyboy was such a cuck.

It happened here.

Anyways, I'm subscribed to Tommy "British Warrior" Robinson now.

Thanks Antifa, for letting me know about this based chav so I can spread support of him.

Down the rabbit hole we got! Can anyone find anything?

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What the fuck is this guy's language?
I have been an interpreter for 10 fucking years and I sware on me mum I cannot understand.

lol these guys are like walking memes

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earlier antifa hunting threads:
(there were more and some 404d)

we labeled the suspects A to F pic related
dumping infos

Attached: suspects.png (745x565, 616K)

suspect E face and shoes

Attached: E_face_views2.png (1600x1200, 2.13M)

suspect F face and shoes

Attached: F_face_shoes.png (1200x1300, 1.68M)

>it’s you guys who can’t stand your ground.
You want to test that theory?

This is why you carry a fucking knife, antifa fights like cowards so carry a knife and when they try you pull that shit and watch them run the fuck off like faggots or if they don’t then stab one and the rest will flee

he was wearing some model of Asics Gel Innovate shoes (shoes are a very good way to identify them in other pics)

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>I’m an antifa
In other words, I’m a faggot. Fucking coward piece of shit I hope you fucking die like rats nationalists are going to fucking destroy your shitty faggot group

Tommy Robinson is an Israeli shill at this point. Mossad got to him.


match suspects A to F to the unmasked people that Tommy found in this video:

i think Tommy did a bunch of the work for us already
match them up, put the unmasked faces to the suspects - then scour social media

Isn't this the guy with the green pali scarf?Same eye brows to me. And the girl besides him the one with the bob cut? Same colors but at this time longer than now.

don't reply to shills, report them and then filter and hide their posts and ignore them

suspect C face

Attached: suspect_c.png (870x828, 892K)

Shut up ahmed, jews are the brothers of us white aryan crusaders, we won't get deceived by your al-taqiyya

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Tommy 'Man of Action' Robinson

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Your police need a good kick up the fucking ass.

I think someone from Generation Identity was filming the entire thing. Some guy was walking around on Periscope too, Britain Forward or something like that.

It's a shame the speeches were so short and quiet IMO.



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The guy who is wearing the hood and baseball cap was wearing black 3 stripe adidas. these two guys were wearing the same shoes

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You are doing the work of god in these threads people, keep it up.

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>jews are our brothers!
>literally send thousands of our soldiers to die for israhell in the middle east while they push for mass immigration in our home nations
The muslim are the footsoldier of the jew. There is a reason (((they))) are behind all the NGO's, charities and other organizations pushing for and facilitating mass immigration and what do you know? 99% of them are israeli or jew owned.

Yeah totally our bro's.

Any way we can use the fingerprints from the rail? Surely it's the police's duty to dust this rail for finger prints, given this image.

Attached: rail.jpg (515x665, 31K)

The irony here is that they seem to be protesting cuts against the NHS, yet Antifa today were chanting things like "no nations, no borders". How they can support a national health service but be hostile to the idea of a nation is beyond me tbqh.

STEP 1 (current step)
match the clothes and shoes from the people in this video:
to the suspects A to F in the attack video:
update the profile pics of suspects A to F with any faces you can match

take the completed profile pics of suspects A to F and scour social media for matches (especially face + shoe matches to confirm)

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Attached: glad.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

look for more matching features esp clothes
tommy chased down that group only minutes after the attack, at best they would have only had time to throw away an outer coat layer or something

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Knifes are illegal

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Literally, everyone I know who is with antifa are really skinny beta males, and ugly fat feminist types. You faggots won't last long on the day of the rope.

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>Literally, everyone I know who is with antifa are really skinny beta males, and ugly fat feminist types.

So, they're canadian?

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stop replying to them and start making DOTR a reality
need help here matching suspects A to F to faces in the second video:


Soybois are soy, but Robinson? Not one KO? No 1,2,3 and your on the floor? Weak sauce all the way around. Seriously, a few weeks in just about any boxing gym in England and you will do better that this.

I dont know a single communist working on a slaughter gang.


I've seen some fucked up shit in my days. For the first time, I am truly terrified.

last one

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Bumb! Catch these fuckers!