Remember this guy? Back when he was president I still respected America.
Remember this guy? Back when he was president I still respected America
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He was terrible though
He had me fooled until too big to fail and bailouts.
Putin never was US President
Putin and Bush were good pals.
He was a neo-con who pushed your country into senseless wars to benefit his Zionist overlords, go to bed Boomer.
I am no American lol
Fishing buddies.
Also there never was any more pro-Israel president than donald Trump. Good job electing that clown.
He was mediocre at best, same as Obama desu. They were just mediocre and sub-par in different ways. I want to say that history will look at Trump and say he was either pass or fail, but if history is a guide then we'll probably be saying that he was mediocre at the end of the day as well.
The presidency is an office that is defined by mostly mediocre executives that very occasionally make decisions that have a long term impact on the nation and on the rest of the world and even then it's rarely a substantial one.
That's my two cents, unless you're going to point to one or two specific things any historical presidents have done then you are probably being hyperbolic if you are saying that they were particularly good or particularly bad. Give it twenty years and the same statment will hold for Trump amongst the vast majority of people on the planet.
Ahmed, pls. No one here cares about the opinions of goatfuckers.
Better than that nigger boot licker Clinton. It was one of the 2 evils
The day has come when we look back at his time with nostalgia... between all the white hate, rioting, radical male extermination feminism, grooming gangs, and Jewish subversion, it is completely understandable, but still... damn
wtf was bush a russian agent!?
When was Putin president of the USA? Did I sleep through that? And why is he in a photo with a texas baseball club owner?
Literally everyone hated Bush, right and left wing alike. He was the ultimate neocon. Pointless Arab wars galore.
Dank memes though.
Thankfully, he had the good taste unlike Obama to fuck off into obscurity when enough of the country was repulsed with him.
How quickly people forget.
That's because you stuff things in your ass
I love these pics.
this man can speak only truths.
Goddamn Putin and Bush looked like genuine bros. Obama looked like a fucking pussy compared.
Laughing it up.
I miss dubya so much
Bush should have nuked iraq and afghanistan tbqh
Putin is a nigger
he was terrible and had funny gaffes but he was still what they call ''presidential''
Look at these fucking clowns.
Barack was good at pretending too
Are you guys forgetting that Bush was complicit or orchestrated 9/11?
He was a terrible president , he started a war for others while our economy an Hiro
yes, I'm not saying I like them personally or their policies
but ultimately, it's about the dignity of the country and institution your represent
Trump is often acting like a retard
definitely the least smartest out of all the presidents, he always looks like he doesn't know what the fuck is going on.
>This demoralizes the IC
Can you all keep a secret? Don't tell anyone but Japan is working for Putin. Shhhhhhhh....
Even the Poos are working for Putin!!!
Don't tell the Hebrews over at CNN but even Israel is working for Putin!!!
OMG!!! The UK is working for Putin!!!
Best Korea NOOOOOO!!!!
WTF?! China is working for Putin?! Oh wait...
Well well well... Mr. Reporting for Duty himself... working for Putin.
I bet creepy joe gave him a dangler
Creepy Uncle Joe giving Putin the thumbs up.
Fuck you and yo legacy nigga!!!
But he is still president, and winning elections worldwide. CNN says it.
The Iraq war was popular. It was successful. Don't fall for the Hollywood and fake news lies
Frogs NOOOOO!!!
>Fighting a war for Jews, creating isis, and destabilizing the entire region is successful
Go fuck yourself idiot
This is really strange in Germany. For years there was this trend to build a better relationship with Russia and suddenly it's bad. Merkels predecessor is still very good friends with Putin.
>suddenly it's bad
It is not just bad. Say anything outside of the anti-Putin/Russia propaganda and you get labeled a "Russian operative working for the Kremlin". The establishments and "Intelligence Communities" of the West are digging themselves into a hole that they will not be allowed out of.