How do you combat post-series depression my friends?
How do you combat post-series depression my friends?
watch other series similar to it
Stop watching anime so you never have to be subjected to it again
With actual depression
post-series depression is just depression you momentarily forgot and now remember. Fix it by fixing your life. Or do Shrooms. Its your choice.
Watching so much anime and other things has made life's problems feel so mundane user. Too boring and simple to even bother with. I guess when you fill your brain with media filled with problems on such grandiose scales and protagonists with a real purpose in life it's no surprise.
Just go to sleep.
enjoy it
Why combat it? Just accept that it's part of you, now and forever
I fap to the characters
I don't invest emotionally into Chinese cartoons.
Embrace this end
Now and forever
Terminal Arm_999
I usually just kill myself
By giving up on anime altogether. I stopped watching years ago, anime just wasn't fulfilling anymore.
Better yet, kill yourself so you will never face any kind of depression
The depression usually goes away when I go to work, but then work depress me too so I come back home and watch anime, I think is a pretty good system
Pick another series and repeat the endless cycle.
There is always something out there to discover.
Watch more anime, loser
I don't
Find another distraction and repeated the cycle ad nauseum
watch it again and again until you burn out and hate it forever and wish you never watched it in the first place.
Then move on to another show.
I have never had that. I only felt little sad after parts of LoGH and Dragonlance as a kid. Thats it.
Well,maybe I cried a little after Reuental
Alcohol for a few days usually. Then force yourself to watch something else. By the time you finish it you will have the same feeling as when you started. Repeat these stages forever
Currently feeling this about aria. Last month it was azumanga daioh. Theres really no escaping it. Even the characters at the end of those series were feeling it. Aria tried to tackle it by saying that the sadder you are when it ends the better it must have been. Still doesnt help the situation though.
Watch atleast one show a season so you always have something to look forward to and avoid killing yourself by focusing on. Build up a heavy backlog in the mean time, and if there's no series you can stomach one season, just jump into that. Anything to deafen the call to the grave. If you get really attached to a series and have trouble letting it go, watch a really bad series that goes on for too long. By the end of it you'll be glad that your favorite had a chance to die with it's dignity intact, not dragging itself onwards for no discernible reason when things only ever get worse.
by growing the fuck up? I had your problem but that was when i'm in middle school. nowadays i just watch it again till i remember everything, basically learnt moonspeak along with it
Kill yourself
This is why I only watch anime blackout drunk, everytime is the first time.
watch more anime.
Go on a spiritual journey so as to expand your emotional horizon lest it not be ambushed and exhausted by some mediocre Chinese moving-picture entertainment.
No I am not kidding
Are runes hard? Considering taking up a course besides my regular curriculum
Good idea
You enjoy the depression. Only reason you feel so bad afterwards is because you felt something so good before. Have to take the bad with the good user.
You only have that depression after GREAT series. If you watched something meh or just correct, you won't have any depression because it wasn't good enough to leave it's mark in you.
I don't know user. Don't you ever get the polar opposite after watching a great series? This feeling of elevation, after you have witnessed something spectacular? This feeling of joy after having experienced something new. I can't really put it in words, but does anybody else get it?
to cont.I think it has something to do with how the series closes, if it leaves you yearning for more or if you got the perfect closure and think you got the perfect satisfaction. Both can happen in great series, I'm not saying one is better than the other
But then, why are you here, user?
Start somethign new
Most of the times the ending is shit, even if something starts out great.