Liberals infiltrators disguised as other Conservative candidates BTFO.

You carbon cultists might aswell go ahead and KYS for mother earth right now.

You losers are only going to get in the way of Making Ontario Great Again.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This nigga just won Ontario

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Thank fuck.

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What happens next?

The media will compare him to Trump to try and get people to vote liberal. NDP will claim their the real choice if you don't want libs fucking our shit up anymore.

It looks like a lock because he has alot of support in greater toronto. I don't know anyone that won't vote for him to get rid of the lesbian.

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good QRD

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So what? The most based Canadian is like our average faggot.

never heard of this guy, what are his proposed policies. i have no idea what is considered "conservative" in leafland

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Low taxes and no more corruption. That's all Ontarians want right now. This campaign wasn't big on policy details tbqh, you just have to realize that for the last 15 years Ontario has a obscenely corrupt and incompetent government, and when Doug Ford talks about respecting taxpayers it may seem like empty rhetoric to outsiders but it is a breath of fresh air to those of us who have spent years under a government that doesn't even pretend to care about the people it is supposed to serve.

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look at the pic in the OP

So this is a state thing not a nation thing? Just Ontario?

the carbon tax is happening anyway and i don't think doug ford is really a social conservative, these are just things he has to say to win the leadership campaign

Yeah, but Ontario is by far Canada's most populous and most important province, what happens here has national implications, unlike Manitoba or New Brunswick for example.

Provinces not states, but yes.

I'd rather a social and economic libertarian.


Fair, cheers

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>the carbon tax is happening anyway
No it's not.

Scheer will win. Pipelines will be built. The oil will make it to market.

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It blows my mind how many people act like we can even remotely produce enough electricity to rid ourselves of the ICE within the next 30 years and act like pipelines are the worst fucking thing ever when all they're doing is pushing the market to transport oil via trains (and we've seen first hand what our shit rail infrastructure can cause) and tanker vessels (which we've seen time and time again are ecological ticking time bombs), but the Saudis are more than happy to see our oil industry remain hamstrung.

Cuz people dont use there heads to think, all about muh feelings

i have been all over the world and can say that canada is the only country with a religion based on carbon. Aus has one too but canada is the place where people get angry when you dont believe in it.

Canada got hit with refined psychwarefare. They cannot ever be convinced that they aren't..


Province. Also Ontario is basically the New York of Canada so this is kind of shit happening triggers the fuck out of urbanite scum. Even on twitter they’re already talking about how the Cons will lose now because they showed they don’t stand for “””progress and inclusion””” when the Cons are basically the same as the Liberals regardless of who the leader is because the party has way more control over their members then in the USA although the Democrats have surely tried after the DNC fiasco back in 2016.

One time, as I got off the subway in Montreal, some fuckwit with a GreenPeace shirt started preaching to me.
I asked him what his shirt was made out of.
>Cotton, why?
Cotton is the most polluting crop in the world.
>But it's ORGANIC cotton!
Motherfucker had NO OPINION on the rising mercury content in the oceans until I brought it up. At which point I pointed out that production of gold was one of the leading causes for that pollution, along with burning coal.
Motherfuckers don't care about the environment. They only care about looking like they care about the environment.

it's a purity death spiral it leads only to suffering for all involved.

There are two types of economy. A suffering based one and a prosperity based one. The carbon cultist prefers to use the suffering based economy, they dont have the brains to generate prosperity.

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I have absolutely no respect for them. Fake intellectuals who resort to dogpiling and deplatforming instead of debate are a cancer upon civilization and I will play the fiddle as I watch the world crumble around them, berating them as it does.

Has he even said gravy train yet. 10/10 would show tits.
What are you a Fucking manitoba yahoo or something. Caring for the environment halts progress half of the greenpeace fags are hypocrites anyway.
And voting in weeeman was using your head fuck off commie

Keeping the tradition of voting people out rather than in. Fuck I'll be glad to be rid of Wynne.

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It is good that you can recognize them for what they are. The world is so much more confusing when you cannot see it. Most people live in this haze, the entryist clique is present all around them but is invisible. Only with the right intellectual tools can they detect, define and ultimately destroy them. You have these tools.

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Quebec will follow with Legault . him and ford will probably get called trump canadian brothers by the media , people won't buy it , conservatives will win next year and will make trudeau as the worst pm in all canadian history.

it backfired bigly

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One of the greatest Canadians would be proud of his brother winning the Leadership and next .. the election.

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Were those the two that accused Patrick Brown? The cuck media refused to print their names, so this is the first time I'm hearing them.

What kind of bullshit do you think liberals will start making up about this guy now?

it doesn't matter, we have achieved a preference cascade.

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Are you concerned about shit like mass immigration?
Stop for a moment and consider what will happen when all the coastal parts of the world which rely on seafood (fish, shellfish and sea vegetables) suddenly have massive food shortages. They will go wherever there is a food surplus. That's us.
Do you know what mercury poisoning does to you? It makes you become violently crazy. That's where the term "mad as a hatter" comes from.
Look at graphs on violent crime in North America by year. You'll notice a drop that begins right around when leaded gasoline was banned. It's no fucking coincidence and we're setting ourselves up for far worse.
Caring about the environment doesn't mean taxation, it means creating the most efficient infrastructure and products possible, including food production.

It was the Russian troll farms again.

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stop falsely correlating carbon with other forms of pollution.

... What? Did you quote the wrong person?

Well if he's even half the man his brother was he has my vote

yeah. I'm retarded

Yes -- the one on the left is the (((Reporter))) the center one is her friend.

The (((Media))) left out that they were both besties and the accuser won awards from the TV station.

Also both are radical feminists -- imagine that .

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Well shit, now that I see her I'm even more skeptical of the accusation than before, if that's even possible.

I'm no fan of Patrick Brown's, but I credit him with better taste than that.

>being this salty

>russian troll farm

Dont they know that the 3rd Shitpost Regiment, 101st Weaponized Autism Battalion and the 81st MemeWarfare Brigade have been activated and deployed.

3 months of digital combat I cant wait for libucks to get wrecked.

You american mutts better join the fight us leafs did our part in 2016. Return the favour.

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holy shit, those daughters tho

Krista best girl

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I just heard about this and saw an article on reddit. So much salt from people who "were going to vote conservative BUT never this drug dealing crack head woman philandering fatty"
They sure love their hyperbole. and lies.
What absolute idiots, what they really wanted was a liberal female pretending to be a conservative because muh matriarchy deserves a chance. Fuck these scum.


>Doug Ford wins.
>Ivanka and Krista become scissor sisters


Holy shit, this is a genuine surprise.



I will do all in my power to get people to vote for this man. NO WYNNE NO MORE

noone knows who the fuck that bitch is

EVERYONE knew rob ford, and doug ford is rob 2.0.

im very happy, Wynne will lose now cause Toronto LOVES Ford.

I haven't lived in Ontario in a couple years, but I can't imagine Ford having any traction whatsoever outside of the GTA. He's completely Toronto inside-baseball. This seems like just the latest chapter in the Ontario Conservatives' managing to snatch defeat from victory (I can hardly count the recent elections they were destined to win but somehow didn't)

You underestimate how much people hate Wynne. Toronto is a huge voting block and they LOVE Ford.

Doug is actually going to fucking win.

The Conservatives have absolutely no hope federally. Ontario and Quebec will go conservative, while the Liberals will hold on federally, which is the natural/stable order of things, to have opposing ideologies fed v. provincial.

Ford could be the ticket here. He might actually steal a few parts of toronto and if he plays his cards right he can expand the conservative block into northern ontario and western ontario as well. We are ready for a populist so lets make it happen.

I'm from SWO, which is all swing ridings provincially as federally, and if anyone has heard of Ford all they know is he's from (((TORONTO))) which is poison outside of the GTA.

Toronto is the key, and people hate Wynne, and liked Rob Ford. It will work.

If that other chick won, PC would have 0 chance.

even if people dislike Toronto, more people hate Wynne. She is a literal cancer on this province.

Grats dumbasses. You all just ensured the libs are going to win again.

are you delusional?

ABSOLUTELY NOONE who follows politics casually, knows who Ford's competitor is.

EVERYONE knows who Rob Ford was. And Toronto loves Ford.

We promote Doug indirectly through memetic guerilla warfare.

Just to give the Americans an example of how insane the Ontario Liberal government has been:

The government wanted to promote "green energy." Rather than spend money subsidizing and incentivizing the construction of "green energy" projects in Ontario, they instead just signed contracts to buy electricity produced by "clean" sources from out-of-province at exorbitant rates. Ontario went from having middle of the road electricity costs, to some of the highest costs in North America. Only people out in the middle of fucking nowhere Nunavut (or Alaska) pay more.

Faced with a backlash over electricity costs, the government decided to subsidize electricity directly, to the tune of about 20 billion dollars. Unfortunately, Ontario's financial situation is fucked beyond all belief from a decade and a half of other Liberal fuckery, so they had to pay for this by taking out a loan. But since Ontario's financial situation is fucked beyond belief, the Liberal government didn't want that extra $20 billion in debt to show up on the province's balance sheets and make things look even worse. So they borrowed the money through the electricity company instead. This way the $20b in debt shows up on the electricity company's balance sheet, not the provinces. The company is still owned by the province, so the province is still the one on the hook for that money anyway, it just doesn't show up on the Province's balance sheet. Problem is, doing this meant a higher interest rate on the loans. In total, it means Ontario will be on the hook for about $4 billion more in interest payments.

To simplify, the Liberal party basically flushed $4,000,000,000 down the toilet just so they would LOOK more fiscally responsible.

Pic related, its what I pray Ford does to Wynne in a few months.

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It's good they do that. It's part of the plan. Get them to make mistakes for us and show the populace that the media's only concern is "waa Trump!".

Ford has a chance against Wynne, but if he was running against a Liberal leader from anywhere else, it'd be ALL TOO EASY to portray him as ignorant of anything/everything beyond the 905. Hell, Wynne might even manager it herself since she can surely name places outside of the Golden Horseshoe which I doubt Doug could.

Toronto is an enormous pace (in terms of pop), but it's still only ~half the province, and so much of Toronto will never vote Conservative anyway.

Who gives a shit about Canada you realize Canada is a joke right nobody cares nobody other than loser Canadiens

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Fuck off mutt. This is Canadian politics and we are taking back our land one province at a time.

You're the one who's delusional. Ya'll think that people are going to seriously vote for the brother of a fat fucking crack addict who died like a bitch?

Go ahead, vote for fatty, but if this race has shown us anything, it's that even the torys can't stand his shit. I can almost hear the liberals cumming with joy.

most people dont follow Canadian politics. now, how many people can identify the woman who lost to Ford?

probably 0.0000000001%?

now, how many people know who Rob Ford was? this is significant, because most casual voters dont give a shit about the woman who lost to Ford.

How is that a positive outside of the GTA? Outside, all anyone knows of Rob Ford is he smoked crack and was a raging alcoholic.

name the bitch who lost to Ford

you cant. NOONE CARES about her.

Ford is a male (this matters) and Wynne is a female who is ruining the province. You dont think that will motivate men to vote?

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>Ford is a male (this matters) and Wynne is a female who is ruining the province
You're a moran, she won the last provincial election against a male PC leader, and a majority at that.

Excellent rundown m8

Everyone outside the GTA in Southern Ontario is going to vote Tory.

The last few years have been a total disaster

fact is, Doug Ford is running against a lesbian bitch who has ruined Ontario with her bullshit. If Wynne somehow wins by a miracle, we deserve to be nuked.


If you are honestly as sexist as you say you are, then you've already proven my point. Enjoy your four more years of wynne. If you're lucky she'll let you sniff her moist cunt.

im not sexist at all, Wynne is just horrible. we dont need any more years of her bullshit.

If you're going to promote this angle then at least post relevant material of it.
Need to make juicy memes.

Fuck that is so criminal how do these fucks stay in power?

Can the libcuck voting block even understand what 4 billlion is or are they all about the gibs for their pet nigs.

You say you're not sexist, yet you think that people will vote for fattyford merely because he's male. Yeah, that make sense edgelord.

Am I crazy for thinking the NDP might come up the middle as in 1990 since nobody likes the Conservatives or the Liberals? The NDP usually benefits from experienced and liked leaders, and the media loves any "orange wave" story, all too often recently memeing it to fruition.

>Being this normie
Where the fuck did you retards come from?

oh there is plenty of anti-Wynne material. no help needed on that front. the goal now is to show how Ford is the polar opposite of Wynne.

He will win, mainly because Wynne is fucking awful.

this is the next trump style upset. not in the sense that doug ford is like trump but in the sense that liberals think he's a fuckinf-white-male and has no chance of beating their queen (substitute hillary for wynne) but in actuality will wipe the floor with her

Another fun story.

That bit about the extra $4 billion in interest payments. That was found out and called out by the province's Auditor General (pic related). The Auditor General is a non-partisan and independent office that calls out government fuckery. Right now, she's the one saving grace of in Ontario politics.

With that in mind, it used to be that any PSAs made by the government on TV and Radio had to be approved as being non-partisan by the Auditor General office before they could air. In order to ensure that the party in power wasn't just using tax payer money to make "PSAs" that were basically campaign advertisements.

The Liberals eliminated that law, and have been spending all-time high amounts on government PSAs that promote new government policies as unquestionably good things. For example, when they raised minimum wage to $14 recently, they put out PSAs about this. For one, the need for a PSA about that is kind of dubious, you'd have to be living under a rock to not know about it. But worse, rather than just a neutrally toned announcement saying the minimum wage went up, they put out commercials depicting people struggling with low income suddenly doing better in life, and painted it as "one of many things your Ontario government is doing for you."

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...out of curiosity I looked up the NDP provincial vote:

1999: 12.6%
2003: 14.7%
2007: 16.8%
2011: 22.73%
2014: 23.75%

...~35% seems to be the bar for a majority so they're not out of striking distance.


He explicitly said Ford will win cuz Wynne is failing, and that the fact that Ford is a man will motivate other men into voting for him.

>...~35% seems to be the bar for a majority so they're not out of striking distance.
Ontario tried NDP and Boomers never forgot the shitshow they left in their wake. Most old people are 100% against ever voting NDP again

The Harper government was the all-time worst offender at this. Those "your new government" or whatever coded language signs they put on everything when they opened up the fire hose after 2008.

it isnt sexist, it's a fact. people hide their biases usually pretty well, but when men see a woman fucking something up, and there is a qualified man ready to take the job, they are more inclined to vote for them.

it IS a factor.

Alright fine. Wynne is a failure as a primer. I accept that. You also need to accept that the Ford family made Toronto a fucking laughing stock on the world stage trying to cover up their cancer ridden crack addict. People will never vote for a fucking Ford.


The NDP hold government in a bunch of other provinces (iirc BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and maybe NS). I don't think they're that poisonous.

>The NDP hold government in a bunch of other provinces (iirc BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and maybe NS). I don't think they're that poisonous.
They're 100% poison in Ontario. Ask any old person about Bob Rae and they'll grab the nearest brick

>Doug Ford

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