You are only hurting yourselves.
Western women do not crave butthurt racist manchildren
Seriously who plays video games anymore anyway? Last good game was Halo 3
I was in Houston and fucked 3 nigresses at once.
Picked them up at Wendy's. Blue eyes were the kicker, lmao, and I'm a manlet too.
Right, but why do I care what western women think? Retarded, entitled whores aren't really my thing.
I play hearts of iron 4 and street fighter 5/king of fighters basically.
Fuck what women want. They're all whores
Calm down love, we're not your eating disorder
And men want real women who can take care of kids and be potential good mothers instead of cock riding sluts.
Seriously im not even a gamer and i used to mock them but i get why they do it. Men have been shamed and disafranchise so much those past decades I cant blame them for dropping out of society like that. Instead of acknowledging the current situation, roasties still put the blame on men not being good enough.
Everyone thinks you're undesirable, not just western women.
Then stop dating reddit soylet addicts, faggot.
Non-racists are cucks, sweetie :^)
>halo three good
>women want
Right because a real man needs a slutty feminist who're get the fuck off this board faggot.
It's not racism if it's true.
I only date racist women. There are more of them than a faggot like you realizes, faggot.
tf2, you console cunt
men want fake women
>You are only hurting yourselves.
>women's happiness drops decade on decade, year on year
"real men" are rapists and child abusers
>absolute state of millennials
>notice she calls people who wants to fuck feminine men "cucks".
Incorrect usage of cuck, attacking video games, clearly she knows her days are numbered.
this is where feminism comes from, women are so lazy they don't even want to compete, instead they demand that men compete for them, as in she is demanding that we attack the people she hates to allow her to breed with better mates, instead of changing and becoming what we want.
absolutely disgusting.
I'll give up video games but im not getting a job
Real men don't whine about muh racism, faggot.
>women wants...
And that matters what?
>tacitly admitting to be a nerdy trap-obsessed cuck
Wow, that was almost too easy.
easiest lays in the fuckin world.
wanna get laid?
any of you?
ask any nigger girl.instant lay,just be sure to double bag.also number one carriers of hiv.
What the fuck is that?
>op pic related
Ranking of favourite films for women, then for men. Top table is the fave films of women in order, and bottom table is the mens choice.
See how they compare and now consider which you would rather have in charge of the security, prosperity, and morality of your country.
You;re right it kind of went to shit after that.
And men want sane, unselfish, virginal, fertile, house-keeping, submissive, loving, etc. wives who are content with living a moderate life. Men aren't acting the way they should be because society isn't worth investing in thanks to shrews&Jews.
>What the fuck is that?
Artificial womb. We can start phasing out women within the next decade when they don't have a monopoly anymore on their only useful quality.
None of you demonic bigots will ever get a beautiful intelligent woman like this
>Nose piercing
>Smokers lips
>Obnoxious clothing
No thanks.
And men want clean women.
We all have dreams. :)
You basically described the LEFT to a tee.
>What the fuck is that?
The final solution to the ovaro-jewish question.
I feel like the message is redundant
Traps are gay, so why would gay guys want women?
Men want real women, not social networks attention whores, not coal burners or whores
and I only want real women, not worthless western whores
I could swear it was MGS4
I have a pocket pussy that feels better than both of my ex girlfriends pussies. I can fuck it when i want to, i don't have to take it out to eat, i don't have to listen to my pocket pussy bitch and moan, my pocket pussy wouldn't steal money from me.
I have no interest in getting girlfriend.
>doesn’t want a cuck boy
>votes for Bernie Sanders
Women literally have no clue what they want.
>why wash your hair when you can just be a degenerate roastie?
She looks like she smells bad.
Don't want biological women. Don't care.
And I want a non-degenerate cute 10/10 traditional waifu who is also intelligent enough to hold a conversation with. But that ain't happening.
Europa Universalis IV and Rising Strom 2 Vietnam are the only video games that matter
Re: T-shirt
>be quiet
>"silence is violence"
what they want is irrelevant
>>women want
exactly. Nobody talks about what men want, it's always what women want and how to shame and/or force men into giving women what they want.
Define "real men". No seriously go on...
That's cool, I stopped playing vidyas 3 years ago, I dont watch porn, I mostly get a quick fap in shower or sex wih my gf.
Can I have your number qtie?
>pussy whipped faggot that only gets to fuck when she's "in the mood"
enjoy your gold diggers, mentally unstable bitches, ex-coal burners, and ultimately enjoy a bunch of other dudes sloppy seconds. The only one cumming in my pocket pussy is me.
From yesterday. Women are the problem.
Why women don't like traps? Is it because they know that they can't compete with cute traps?
>swn make you suck her feminine penis then cuck you with a black guy
Enjoy the virgin life.
She'll crave whatever the fuck the electronic devices and books in her life tell her to crave, and she'll flip instantly if they say differently.
Prove me wrong.
I agree but I still play video games. Someone please end my life.
she's cute.
todays western women are degenerate brainwashed cunts who don't understand responsability and live in the moment instead of thinking ahead
i couldn't care less what they think. once everything comes together they will feel the consequences of their retarded visions and hopefully the next generation will be fixed again
I've spent 56 years playing video games, I still live in my moms basement with all my games. Yes, i am a little overweight and I come from a mixed background. So what? Come at me bro. The yurotrash can't even afford good games.
That's nice, her opinion is discarded.
>wanting to bring a child into this world without having a woman around to do everything
what the fuck is wrong with you?
>nek minut
>"Why can't I finnndd a goood guuuyyy! ;_;"
That's not what the note says. Sun beating your head too hard or is it a kangaroo?
Eh, I refuse to reproduce for who in their right mind wants to live in this shit hole and the only real place that they blend well with is a shitty site. Fuck that I am praying for the moment where I can catch a bullet so my corpse for the first in this life will serve a purpose for the fucking vultures and parasites of the world.
If you want to make yourself useful as a person, become a trap. Maybe you'll feel better as a woman.
>Women actually crave self-hating feminist soyboys
Yeah OK
I wish I could, but I am a goddamn robust dwarf with more hair than skin at this point, what freak would fuck that?
I don't think New Zealand has kangaroos. Must have been distracted by a passing sheep
Who cares what women want? Men stopped caring the day the average western women became an untrammeled degenerate.
K im 16 230 lbs lifting every day and a gamer does that make me a cuck sup with you girls
MGTOWs forgot how to man.
>But user, those damn females, they are dominating us. REEEEEE!
>This is a lie
Most women are too fickle and self-centered to care what your hobbies are.
What women actually want (do at least 2):
> Be good at sex
>Have good looks
>Have money
> Have a good sense of humor
> Be unique
If it feels like it's more complicated than that to you, you're lacking a bit.
I’m done with them after Red Dead 2 comes out. Also any singleplayer DLC
Guys that beat off to traps don’t want women either, so everybody wins.
>tfw raised mainly by women who were lying to me all these years what women actually want and now I have hard time readjusting after the redpill
>Have money
That's the biggest one, they always told me to do what I love and that money doesn't matter. Fucking hell, I wanna get married but this is gonna be a wild ride for me, especially this late in life
Pick two, do them well
> My friends and I live by this
>All of us are privy to beautiful women
This. It's been going on for a while.
The worst investment decision a man can make is marrying a woman who is over the age of 27/28. Such women have been slutting it up for ~15 years, looks wise are going straight down hill, and they are only giving you the time of day because they think you have the means to provide for them for the next 60 to 70 years. With divorce laws, they don't even need to keep you tricked for those 60 to 70 years, just 5 to 10 years, then they get half your shit.
Marriage makes no sense anymore. In the West, it's the worst risk/reward decision a man can make.
>The only virtuous reason to marry is for the sake of children
Is it me or is everything these days a shoot 'em up, MMORPG or a sport manager?
Maybe if western women were more entertaining than video games....
Did they have great asses?
I don't crave western roasties. I prefer women from the former USSR and also kawaii azn grills.
"manchild" lol typical roastie verbage
in any case you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. in men women mostly care about status and looks. they couldn't give a shit about political views as long as you're passionate
and men don't want 35 yo gutter slut cum buckets who have hit the wall and will only give me retarded children if she can even reproduce at all
If i didn't have a personal grudge against muslims i would have allready converted and start beating these slaves into their real position.
They have no other purpose but to shit out kids.
>why arent you my knight in shining armor with unlimited money?
>why wont you let me ride you until you die and accept that every statistic is in women's favor and just lay down and take the pain and slavery?
okay so ill deny every ounce of reality just so you can produce more clones of yourself and appease your ego. wait I could do that all on my own for myself, we are equals after all im entitled to that
Damaged western roasties aren't entitled to good men, they can die miserable cat women. What have they to offer besides drama, STDs and a divorce?
Foreign brides and sexbots will be the alternative, and this makes the roast toast.
>that picture
>Sup Forums says women should crave real men, not soy boys
>Women crave real men
>Sup Forums says women should crave neckbeard soyboys
Make up your fucking mind
Wrong man, wrong. So wrong.
I'm white from the PNW and have a harem of these types of women.
It's conservative white girls who are the real secret nigger lovers.
hey faggot, no where in that sign did it say she didn't want a racist.
Let me guess, she's liberal aswell.
I want a real woman. Not a trashcan that travelled the world, sucked many dicks and after 10 years of benefitting from feminism is now against it only because the price is about to be paid.
They're only hurting themselves.
Yeah they crave either being thots or shit in pic related. Either way, everyone loses.
Don't forget that stare.
That thousand cock stare bereft of any femininity or empathy.
The stare of a woman used and discarded so often her soul is a barren wasteland.
How the fuck do you even get into EU4.
I've watched tutorials and still cannot grasp where to even start.