What is the appeal of Kin-Iros?
What is the appeal of Kin-Iros?
Ask my dick
ohooho I so want to suck each of her toes and lick feet and my tongue being stepped on
Why is Karen so shit? she ruined the whole episode.
no idea
I'm usually fond of CGDCT and SoL but just couldn't get through more than 2 episodes of this for some reason
Only Karen and the two homos have appeal. That's barely over half the kiniros.
Alice salty as usual I see
It's reasonably good for cute girl funnies, the episodes are just too long.
captcha says ntr
fucking disgusting
It was just boring, m8. Don't feel bad.
Feet are gross.
Stop talking about feet.
Post Karen sitting on my lap while lifting her head and smile ambiguously
Cute Brit animus doing cute things.
Hello. I know you.
I don't know anything about this character but the lower extremities of this picture arouse me
Hello. then deliver me the poison
do not sexualize karen
I found a doujin in which the author has IQ high enough to put english dialogue for karen chan, while his other japanese girls speaks so.
the most true picture on the internet right now
I know it's you Dan, just post the damn picture
Pitiful Kinpatsu girl robbed of the lead role
It's usually people like you that always freak the fuck out when anyone even mentions feet.
except that liking feet makes you a degenerate
And why's that?
disgusting stinky ugly stumps
>projecting this fucking hard
Maybe you should take better care of your feet, user.
She is not a Ching Chong girl
>implying I give a shit about my feet
No, all feet are ugly, also footfags are worst fags on Sup Forums
>No, all feet are ugly
And that's just going to be your opinion, which is shit by the way.
Maybe one day you'll be happy...
The best British in anime history.
Footfags are so fucking weird. I'll never understand you people.
And you came in to a blatant foot thread to say this for what reason?
I can only jack off to feet exclusively and I have done it so many times over the years with many times per day.
Will NoFap help make jacking it not suck anymore? I went from a mighty volcano to a pathetic dribble.
Any last words?
*blocks your path*