Well Sup Forums, looks like JBP has just pulled the legs out from under the Alt-Right and the JQ.
Is he right? Do jews have a right to rule over us because of their high IQs?
Well Sup Forums, looks like JBP has just pulled the legs out from under the Alt-Right and the JQ.
Is he right? Do jews have a right to rule over us because of their high IQs?
Other urls found in this thread:
Will Westcott is p. based
His conclusion is that Jews play both sides.
We've been saying that.
>Jews have high IQ and are highly urbanized
>therefore their disproportionate success makes sense
>blacks have low IQ and are highly urbanized
someone needs to pose this quandry to him and watch him squirm
>all these people calling him out
Pretty hard BTFO right here, and there's even a shill suggesting he has mental illness for daring to question jewish power.
>explain how jews control everything
>explain how jews were the slavers, appropriate and sell their culture, etc.
>blacks realize jews aren't white
>blacks finally realize that jews are the "whites" actually responsible for their... situation
>sit back and watch blacks murder jews en mass
I'm okay with this plan.
>communism just didn't happen, jews had nothing to do with it.
Why won't people just dare to admit it.
High IQ? But israel has avarage less than 100 in IQ?
Can you please stop spamming Sup Forums ? Keep your shilling to one thread.
oh wow based. i love jews now
By this logic, I don't have to follow any rules or laws put forth because my iq is higher than those who make the rules and laws?
Thanks! I always felt that way.
Loading my guns now..
Please contain your shitposting threads to one thread in the future.
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This level of shitposting is out of control, OP. Get help. Keep it to one thread.
There are no rights or rules other than what humans make up.
If you take the stance that it is good to lie, deceive, engage in nepotism, etc, for the advancement of your own race and to the detriment of others... then you could argue that whoever does so best deserves being on top. But I would add that a tendency to overplay one's hand can lead to undesired consequences, because people will only take so much. And people are learning the truth about things at rates never seen before. Tick, tock.
You certainly have the right to be really fucking basic but it's not of any use.
>Do the same per-fabricated bullshit for molyneux milo and now peterson
Don't they realize how obvious is getting?
no, they are kikes
>jews have high IQ
Yeah that's why in their society that's much more homogeneous than ours they have a lower average IQ even though the US is infested with shitskins. How will you desert rats ever recover?
A simple statistical analysis will reveal that Jews are disproportionately in positions of power when accounting for IQ, actually. This gap is created due to high degrees of in-group preference and nepotism found in Jews. Also, Jews "playing both sides" is actually an socio-evolutionary strategy that's outlined in Kevin MacDonald's work, so this essentially in agreement with Dr. MacDonald. In fact, this observation is actually the cornerstone to the Jewish Question.
Everyone knows we're referring Ashkenazim, don't play coy.
Just by the sheer amount of white people there are, high IQ whites would VASTLY outnumber the high IQ jews.
non of this muh jewish IQ stuff makes any sense
Peterson fans are brindead cultits that will ignore anything that goes against great leader.
So post it. I'm pretty sure he's muted me. But imo it's a good thing he's even thinking, talking about Jews.
considering the amount of arabs in their countries I would say thats a nice score.
Peterson is trying to help you retards and you can't stop trying to ruin him...
>Is he right? Do jews have a right to rule over us because of their high IQs?
they don't have high IQ's... that's just anouther myth.
Also, by STATING this, he is tacitly stating that high IQ races SHOULD rule over low IQ races.... like.... slavery, or such.
Double doubles do not lie, OP is a faggot shill.
>deliberately ignores the fact that Jews started Communism
>claims that Jewish nepotism is "just a coincidence"
Yeah nah, fuck off kike.
The Union of Real Lobsters support this message
In all seriousness, you have a point..
It hit me suddenly and without warning.. who analyzed the test results? Just because I think it's funny that darker equals lower doesn't make it true; the Jewish being higher needs further sourcing as far I'm concerned.
I no longer believe that. It's another Jewish trick.
20% of Israel's population is Arab.
Isn't Uruguay one of the whitest places ever? What does that tell you?
Daily reminder that JPs role is to act as a control rod, to slow the flow of white males to NS, and true resistance to the Jews.
so if arabs have an 80 iq, israel sits at like a 92? well shit they geniuses
it's a bad day for JBP lovers... cucked on all threads...
their lobsters are now dangerously low on serotonin
in other words - JBP has been Sup Forumsed
Just like with niggers you can only know this if you live near them. I live in NJ (jew central hub) and everyone here is redpilled on kikes.
They are hateful and stupid people who lie and steal at every turn. They're like the mafia. They use the fact that they are vile scum to force you to do things. They will buy houses around you turn the neighborhood to a dump so no one will buy your house and now you have to sell to them for next to nothing just to get away from them.
High IQ jew is just another jewish trick, they really are fucking retarded.
Not a hard riddle to solve.
Nepotism + Exclusion of all non jews = ruling over everything.
None of that shit matters, pol here's the one and only issue you and the entire electorate need to address,
Jews and corporations can legally bribe every single one of our elected officials with unlimited sums of money. Citizens United must be overturned and the Republican party represents corporations. God damn, the Jews got us $25 trillion in debt and Gold Sachs bankers just wrote a tax plan where corporations and billionaires decided to opt out on the debt. The largest holder of debt isn't the Chinese, it's your Social Security. We need someone who doesn't accept corporate cash and is against immigration. I know of no one that fits the bill. Oh I guess I better prove Trump's fucking you.
The Trump admin renamed the afghan immigrants as "translators".
Afghan refugees under Trump.
See that in Trump’s first (partial) year in office (FY17) we admitted an astounding 16,866 ‘interpreters’ and in this fiscal year (2018) to March 5th we have already admitted 7,017! Again those numbers do not include spouses and children.
failing to see the world as it is creates this cognitive disability
>cognitive dissonance
that the jew term you are looking for
It's time for honest discourse. It's not 2002 anymore. JIDF needs to accept this if they want to get anywhere in their current year attempts at damage control.
no, in his case it is more of a disability...
dissonance is when one succeeds in holding two opposing facts in one's head, in his case, he thinks that kikes do not control everything
someone immediately sperging in the comments. for fucks sake..
>The GATE program.
The gate program was designed to identify high IQ whites then marginalize them.
Also most academic institutions have very heavy ideological filtration (which because races have innately different moralities) heavily target white males.
Its no secret. They do it in the open. They erased our history phikosphy and culture on purpose!!!
>A woman means by Unselfishness chiefly taking trouble for others; a man means not giving trouble to others...thus, while the woman thinks of doing good offices and the man of respecting other people’s rights, each sex, without any obvious unreason, can and does regard the other as radically selfish.
I think thats the best joke.
The world is so ass backwards some boomer says some pretty commonsense stuff, and all the sudden hes a fucking luminary.
No the world is fucking insane. The whole system is broken. Taking a half step backwards on transexuals is not a fucking solution.
cuba kinda shows how modern society needs bureaucrats
Jews didn't start communism.
He’d probably just say blacks need to clean their rooms
here we go, good going jordan this is the sword you actually decided to die on. you're not falling onto it, though. it's getting pushed right in. what a colossal fuckface.
he's definitely a kike himself. someone earnestly preserved with maintaining the status quo would never have addressed this, he couldn't help himself. none of them can.
uh oh
>first Politburo, founded in 1917 to manage the Bolshevik Revolution: Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Stalin, Sokolnikov and Bubnov.
>mostly notable as the immediate ancestry of the maternal grandfather of Vladimir Lenin according to various published researchers who suggest that Lenin's maternal grandfather was a Jewish convert to Christianity (Alexander Blank).
>he served first as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs and later as the founder and commander of the Red Army, with the title of People's Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs. He became a major figure in the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War (1918–1923).
>Leon Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein on 7 November 1879, the fifth child of a Ukrainian Jewish family, of wealthy farmers in Yanovka or Yanivka, in the Kherson governorate of the Russian Empire (now Bereslavka, in Ukraine)
>(born Hirsch Apfelbaum) was a Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet Communist politician.
>Gregory Zinoviev was born in Yelizavetgrad, Russian Empire (now Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine), to Jewish dairy farmers
>(born Rozenfeld) was a Bolshevik revolutionary and a prominent Soviet politician.
> Kamenev was born in Moscow, the son of a Jewish railway worker
>(born Girsh Yankelevich Brilliant) was a Russian old Bolshevik revolutionary, economist, and Soviet politician.
> Grigori Sokolnikov was born Girsh Yankelevich Brilliant to a railway doctor in Romny on 15 August 1888. Sokolnikov was Jewish.'
>Marx was ancestrally Jewish as his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.
Even if jewish people were 30 iqs on average smarter than europeans, there are still only 14 million jewish people on earth, while there are 500 million europeans, and they should still be a tiny minority. I dont have twitter so can someone please make this clear to him.
some guy said it but there's already a spergout in the comments. i can barely believe he'd be so stupid. it may yet get glanced over if it hasn't yet
Peterson is finished.
Much in the way Canadian cult leader Jordan B. Peterson attracts new members into his fear cult, so will Sargon. In fact both notorious fear-mongers share identical methodologies and practices against the young and impressionable inside society. Sargon and his followers reject any outside influence which does now share their learned fear. Because they have fear, and that fear is the driving force behind all of their thinking. It is that fear which Sargon and Jordan B. Peterson have placed into them which blinds them. The followers are paralyzed by it. Never growing, never moving forward. In order to break apart a cult of fear such as the two which have grown under Sargon and Jordan B. Peterson (the most common form of cult) we can take valuable lessons of the past. How were past cults dismantled? How do cult members eventually free themselves? What steps can be implemented to help speed up the process of becoming unafraid?
There are many resources that discuss how cults are formed. I recommend to those who wish to stop these two predators that prey on the fearful study up on Cult methodology. Study up on how cults of fear operate. How they attract new members. How they keep members. Steps to help members free themselves from such paralyzing beliefs.
We are now dealing with anti-intellectualism. Somehow Peterson has netted himself a die hard collective of broken beta faggots who were apparently moments away from collective suicide before Peterson landed from the sky. They'll hear no criticism of their replacement daddy savior.
Is there really such a large number of suicidal white males completely broken of all life force to the point where a Canadian so easily collects them under his banner with a few stupid self-help tips? And how are these same supposed broken and inept white males managing to mix themselves into our community here at the same time? It doesn't add up. We're talking about levels of human brokenness that borderline paralyzation.
What is particularly bizarre is how such low IQ broken individuals have managed to both simultaneously locate themselves inside two completely different communities. One community is suicidal, low IQ, with a normie tier political perception, and the other is enlightened, red pilled, high IQ, extremely motivated, etc. These two communities never overlap with one another, except in the case of Jordan Peterson followers. Somehow, Peterson's followers inhabit both communities at the same time. They are supposedly here right now, watching us.
Peterson's rise is completely artificial. These vastly two different communities of both emotional and intellectual states, never overlap with one another. They naturally separate themselves between an intellectual and a more entertainment form of stimulus. There may be overlap after many years. However this large volume of Jordan Peterson promotional activity immediately overlapping between these two polar opposite communities is a clear red flag of manipulation. Therefore, this has all of the hallmarks of a Leftist, Progressive, Socialist and Communist LARP operation to promote a type of artificial -intellectual crossroads- which will lead people down a lesser political path of resolute action. This is in fact Jordan Peterson's very own stated goal when he openly brags of turning young white men into centrist, away from what he labels "Right Wing Extremism".
A quick overview of Peterson supporters inside this thread reveal the most generic promotion of the man. The campaign has become such low energy one affiliate promoter wrote "Because Peterson is good.".
>He a good boy
I can't imagine at this point how anyone would be fooled by such transparent antics and communist minded desperation to keep this Canadian prop from Toronto in the forefront of targeted white audiences, across the west.
He is officially now apart of a new group calling itself The Intellectual Dark Web intellectualdark.website
fuck off shill
You want me to stop calling you a shill, you fucking kike? Write original posts instead of posting your shitty pasta 100 times a day, LEAF shlomo.
Confas repeatedly states that MacDonald is wrong without providing examples or counter evidence, you didn't even read it did you.
"LEAF shlomo"
That made me kek pretty hard, thanks user.
Take off the memeflag.
>muh retarded excuses
you guys sound no different from dumb niggers always complaining about whitey
>The gate program was designed to identify high IQ whites then marginalize them.
>a curly haired jew with a jewish wife defends judaism
Wow it's almost like jews are shit even when they're innocent.
Being Jewish is ingrained in their DNA
Now clean your room wash your balls and improve yourself to the point where you can actually compete with the jews and their shit.
T. antisemitic cryptojew
Holy shit the responses to that tweet.
The Jews created IQ. It's a BS measure administered BS (((psychologists)))
Not just Arabs, Average Sephardi IQs are about 97 and Mizrahi Jews average 92. All Jews = high IQ is a myth.
You are very stupid.
>Jordan B. Peterson
>Canadian Neocon
>Agent of Political Influence
>anti-American Subversive
>Jordan Peterson RedPills
>Cult Followers - Dialogs & Discussions
Jordan B. Peterson: My Leader
>Jordan Peterson RedPill Videos
Hypocrisy on Free Speech
"IDENTITY POLITICS" is not an argument
>Essential Reading
200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>tfw find a lost kek boi
pretty much all of those points are addressed in the article
There was a video with him and Ben Shapiro talking about the bible and he said something along the lines of using lies to tell the truth. When he said that I wondered what his thoughts were about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
JBP is going to die soon. Screencap this post.
Btw, I'm not going to be the one. I'm just predicting via Nostradomus level precognition that his huge mouth will get himself killed.
There PISA scores aren't too impressive either.
Juden Patreon will commit suicide eventually it is not a matter of if but when.
I don't know much about MacDonald other than his laughable testimony at David Irving's trial. But since MacDonald is the sort who gets his history from Irving, I can safely discard his entire writings on Jews into the trash.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Where is the fuck is everybody getting their IQ evaluated???
Seriously, there aren't any free tests online that aren't a total gimmick.
This thread is full of kikes
We need a new age cult to replace Xcucks and new age boomer unitarianism. GTFO pussy the frog cult has no brakes.
This one is pretty good
I'm pretty sure this one ain't free.
i'm a jew and i was excited to read the "scholarly" approach to the "JQ" but it turns out he's basically a hack. his book have ZERO explanatory power at the level of mechanism of action. they are essentially just a motivated history from a mediocre non-historian's perspective. after seeing him on RedIce talk about Kay-Zar theory lol it was obvious that he's a midwit with no real aptitude or feel for the material.
also evo-psych is a bullshit field in general; basically just informed speculation. evo-bio is only a little better and he can't even into that.
Sup Forums is a jewish board, chaver
>after seeing him on RedIce talk about Kay-Zar theory
So wait, you're a jew and you actually think it's true that ashkenazi jews are descended from the khazars, and have no genetic descent from the Hebrews of the bible?
No, because the premise of higher average Jewish IQ is defeated by the abundance of white geniuses.
There are less smart Jews than there are smart whites.
Nah, he's running from the JQ.