Why do you think Japan need 200,000 immigrants per year?
I am amazed the fact that America is build by hard working immigrants and now it is superpower.
Maybe shouldn't we focus on to be second United states?
Why do you think Japan need 200,000 immigrants per year?
I am amazed the fact that America is build by hard working immigrants and now it is superpower.
Maybe shouldn't we focus on to be second United states?
Japan is doing fine.
Immigrants are lazy
It is not superpower.
It is not wealthy as much as America even for per capita.
We can do better with diversity
Japan does not need immigrants just like Sup Forums doesn't need this kike thread posted here everyday
>t. Kike on vacation in Tokyo pretending to be Japanese
Kill yourself.
>I am amazed the fact that America is build by hard working immigrants and now it is superpower.
Hard working immigrants being the key phrase there. That's not what's being pushed on the civilized world today.
>american unironically is oppose to diversity and immigration
what a irony.
your nation is great due to both.
I thought Japan was overpopulated as it was, yet they need 200,000 more immigrants each year. Because the economy would collapse? That's what their reasoning is but it's obvious that forcing immigrants into any country is for the overturning of the native population. I thought Japs had honor, they could prevent it.
No, don't let them in Japan. I would rather we were small and ethnocentric.
Why do you think Asians look good and white people look like death over 40? It's because of all the goddamn niggers, spics, beaners, wops, etc complaining. I mean if it was just you guys I wouldn't have a problem. Hell I could even stand the Mexicans. BUT THOSE NIGGERS AUGH. Stay yellow, for the love of whatever God you chinkies believe in, stay yellow!!
desu America didn't go to shit until blacks were freed and mass immigration started happening
>your nation is great
Have you ever seen Alabama, Mississippi, and other such states?
If you saw how people in most states lived you wouldn't think it's great.
It's not even the rural areas. Look at cities like Jackson, MS or Detroit, MI.
America is a shithole compared to developed countries unless you are a member of the elite.
Nice try, Schlomo.
because economists and businessmen cannot into predicting technological advances. Look at America, specifically the south, the fought tooth and nail for their African immigrants, that soon became unneeded due to technological advancements.What remains is not a poor class, more likely to go into crime and violence due to poverty, and racial politics.
Black's were never freed, they just enslaved the rest of us along with them.
sage this shill
he posts slide threads that are pro immigration all day
>200,000 shitposter is back
please die...
I have been california(LA and san francisco) and NYC
America is greatest nation and diverse. Don't lie
>t.never been to true part of those cities and only went to tourist parts
You hella woke.
>America is build by hard working immigrants
That is a stretch made by liberals, to them even the first settlers and founding fathers are immigrants, no respect, they create this unfair comparisons to mislead younger generations. And like someone say above Japan is doing fine
I actually live in the United States. I'm not some tourist who only goes to the nicest areas of the most powerful cities.
You aren't fooling anyone, LARPer
Why only 200,000 you racist? America allows over 1 million per year for all of our history and it is working out great!
>People still thinking this is a thing
Yes, Japan is importing a work force... from the Philippines and only the Philippines. Stop imagining a European style "migrant ""workforce""" "
kek like you weren a bother.....
>why do you think asians look good
Lot of ugly people in Japan my dude. They're very /fa/ though.
your literal appeasement to blacks is why you have appeasement to illegals fags.All of America's problems is cause of the south wanting that cheap black immigrant laborers for life, when technology fucked those laborers you got niggers.
Japan had been racially pure for 2,000 years.
too late to be multiracial country.
Hello english teacher san, did you easily found your customers ?
America is not wealthy because of negro and latino immigration
Maybe because the radiation is frying all those gooks.
Definitely not to do with total surrender after being radiated, being bent to every demand America could make.
No, it's the lack of migrants that's holding Japan back.
well if you want to import niggers with an iq of less than 90 that will comit even do they are 10% half of the crimes. or you will import muslim that will trie to make japan a muslim state and commit bombs attack in tokyo
take in only black immigrants, for you own good.
There were good hard working immigrants back in the day. Now there is only arabs who are traitors to their own countries.
We need immigrants that are white Europeans not squat ugly brown goblins. Goblins who are somehow praised for picking fruit and doing jobs that will soon be automated.
Nice try schlomo
No nation ever benefitted from diversity.
Rather, no nation ever benefitted from diversity that forced integration of lesser class, lesser cultured people with a more advanced, cultured people. It creates a segregative and cultural clash that brings both sides down, the lesser folks are made as a working class for the gated higher class folks and suffer under a glass ceiling while the worst of them become monkeys with guns, basically hurting themselves and everyone around them.
The higher class folk start to grow a fifth column within itself out of a retarded dogma of false equivalence and ideals of ewuality that are fundamentally false and bring tge community to its knees by clashing forcefully the more advanced culture and forces it to mingle within the lesser one.
No one benefits from this, it creates ghettos, bad blood, a forced melting pot with unwilling participants, opportunists who benefit from conflict, lack of cultural and societal unity, and an economic drain.
When group A is homogenous chlturally it is easier to apply and appeal to its needs, when you hace group A and group B and they are at odds, you spend huge amoumts of resources just on mediating and forcing an unhealthy blend.
Look at a Japanese street and a French street. The french one will be littered with garbage, the japanese one will not be. Because it is culturally agree upon that littering is a terrible thing to do to your fellow streetwalkers. But when you are french, the algerian mong does not give a fuck that the french whitey will make a sour face at his trash, he does not respect or like him.
You cannot force unity based on ideals like equality or false equivalences. It does not work. It gas to come from people willing to work together.
That, or a cruel dictatorship.