Congressman Thomas Massie is warning us that Feinstein & Schumer are sponsoring a Bill to confiscate guns from ANY vet whom is having their money/ finances managed by someone else REGARDLESS of cause!!!!! Massie is warning us that this bill is being “snuck” into the budget bill to be voted on next week.
>Pissing off a large number of trained marksmen by taking their guns Surely nothing can go wrong.
Caleb Morris
Something something grassy knoll.
Blake Young
Vets should not be allowed to own any weapons of any kind; unless they can prove that they arent retarded drug addled drunk ptsd drama queens that can actually hold down a job for longer than a year at a time.
Leo Robinson
Every fucking time
Angel Jenkins
When & where did you serve?
Dominic Allen
You would be more effective if you did not use the memeflag.
And the people that need help will refuse it in order to keep their guns.
>"how to compound a problem" for 200 Alex
Anthony Baker
Is this the part where I laugh about you being triggered and not debating the substance of the point; or where you laugh because I dont follow your retarded red herring?
Brody Thomas
Nice straw man.
Check. No shit. They know how to fuck everyone.
Benjamin Garcia
well duh, that happens with legal documents: they're put in place, get changed or even revoked. what legal documents don't do is change their meaning over time without having any word of it changed. the second amendment can be changed or revoked by the legislative, but it can't lose its meaning just because you feel it shouldn't apply anymore.
Henry Parker
> implying that amendments are somehow not explicitly written into constitution and that's why they are the final and least ambiguous authority on what is legal or not > faggot from country with no constitution trying to speak with authority on american jurisprudence
it's not often that someone writes something so monumentally stupid that I have difficulty expressing my displeasure afterwards, but you have managed to pull off the near impossible. Congratulations you fucking cock-gobbler
Hunter Gonzalez
You dont even know what that word means so I guess that proves my point. You must have been a marine / army 85IQ :^)
Zachary Robinson
And instead of attempting to remove or alter the wording of the 2nd Amendment, they just keep passing unconstitutional laws and the crying foul when the SCOTUS slaps them down.
Grayson Myers
Civil war p2, vets vs gov
Jace Stewart
The constitution is not what protects Americans. it is the intelligence, knowledge, wisdom and sense of fairness of the majority of Americans that protects us.
America would do just fine without the second amendment.
Camden Richardson
Since there are obviously lefties that think this: no, they won't. The only endgame is to pass laws that most people will ignore, then go on with life. We know this because we've already seen it. In blue states. Connecticut and New York wanted everyone to register their "assault weapons" for "public safety," and years later, they're sitting at less than 3-20% estimated compliance depending on source, with the remainder being potential felons. There are no boots kicking in doors to search and confiscate, and there won't be, and they certainly won't be brave commies larping as their totalitarian inspirations kicking in those doors. No one is "taking" shit from us. They're just hoping really hard that we submit if they tell us to.
Angel Gutierrez
Nice try queer. LOGICAL FALLACIES = STRAW MAN. Your original argument is exactly that. It’s called SHALL. NOT. BE. INFRINGED.
Kevin Moore
Ya totally fine, we would be just like Britain and Australia which are totally fair and good countries where the citizen isn't fucked over at all.
Dominic Lopez
>LOGICAL FALLACIES = STRAW MAN Nigga you went full retard. Im pretty sure you shouldnt have any weapons of any kind ;^)
Daniel Gutierrez
Then you live near a ghetto and not worry about niggers invading your house.
Jose Cruz
straw man is:
A logic fallacy involving the purposeful misrepresentation of an argument in order to strike it down. If you’re unclear on this, I’m fairly certain YOU ARE the problem
Dylan Jackson
>surgically removes "gun" >ban guns
t. Fagot
Ryder Rivera
Sometimes a man has to make his own laws. Hope the podesta special heart attack serum at least tasted good on the way down.
So you dont think more vets are statistically disproportionately homeless, jobless, drunks, drug addicts, mental health issues, etc, etc, etc? user you're being very disingenuous
Nathan Brown
Who’s arms are those??? Tiny
Gabriel Cruz
If they can't be trusted to own a gun they shouldn't be allowed near children or hold positions of authority that may be abused. It only makes sense
Matthew Sanchez
I don’t have any statistics to back up any argument. I’m certain the homeless ones don’t carry or possess guns. Lastly you’re going to take a weapon from a man who fought for your rights... GOOD FUCKING LUCK
Carter Davis
Really.... SHALL. NOT. BE. INFRINGED. Are you going to be the judge of that? Who will? Who can? Who’s qualified?
Camden Edwards
Ah. So you are retarded. Well, I should have saged earlier I guess. Good luck with your retardation user.
Jose Jenkins
Using your logic, we should ban niggers from having guns.
> They're just hoping really hard that we submit if they tell us to. They don't care if you submit because if they succeed in driving guns underground they've won. A gun that you can't carry with you or take to the range to practice with is useless. Yeah sure in the short-term you've "won" because you still have your guns, but at the cost of a dead gun culture that ends with you.
Eli Stewart
>Really.... SHALL. NOT. BE. INFRINGED. When the 2nd amendment was written, blacks were slaves. We had to pass a new amendment just to classify blacks as men and free them. Arms can be interpreted as whatever we are comfortable with civilians owning. Allowing any sort of gun to be owned would require a new amendment. Semi auto murder machines have got to GO.
Juan King
>Fucking Implying we can’t all stuff snub nose revolvers in our back pockets >Fucking Implying there’s no such thing as actual guns colored to look like toy guns >Fucking Implying they’re going to stop all the “gun nuts”
We have a right to regulate these guns, because the amendment is too vague. It you gun nuts want to own rocket launchers, grenades, machine guns and ar15's, The onus is on you to get an amendment passed to specifically give you the right to won these things.
Adam Murphy
Mass non-compliance in blue states suggests gun culture is doing quite well. >the most common weapons must go We're just going to say no, so let's skip ahead to that part.
Caleb Jackson
>make an amendment to protect the ownership of currently-legal objects This makes no sense at all.
Evan Carter
>We have a right to regulate these guns No you don’t.
Isaac Williams
>government can't keep drugs out of prisons >thinks government can prevent ordinary people from using machine tools
is the reason you're like this because your mom did a lot of drugs, or did she drop you on your head one too many times?
Adam Bailey
Who tf said anything about rocket launchers, grenades etc??
That's not what the 2nd amendment says. it's two vague sentences. that's it. your context argument is bogus.
Jason Sanchez
Levi Allen
stop replying to the faggot. deprive him of the attention he craves and he will move on with life. you have nothing to prove to anonymous people on hentai basket weaving forums.
David Sanchez
Jesus.... Secure beneath the watchful eyes pic literally looks like the type font from 1984. That cant be real. HOLY FUCK!
Bentley Thompson
>you have nothing to prove >literally came here to shill his retardation in 10+ posts user you might be retarded too :^(
James Carter
And WHO is going to take them from us? People with guns? Use guns to get rid of gun, so that you can be protected by guns, in a nation that fights wars with guns? You didn't think this through very well. Guns are power, guns ensure that the people are empowered and not just the people trying to sneak in laws to tell you how to live your life.
What you really need, is a nice and comfy helicopter ride, to take your mind of subjects you know nothing about.
We haven't felt the need to hash out the details of free speech, because we value it. Most speech is allowed. New methods of speech haven't done any harm, they've helped make society better. Guns are a big problem right now so they have to be addressed and mostly banned to protect the health and welfare of the people. If you want to own machine guns then get an amendment passed that specifically gives you that right. Otherwise, you demonic gun nuts should fuck right off and stop murdering our kids with your gun obsession.
Robert Watson
>arms can be interpreted as whatever we are comfortable with civilians owning. no. they are interpreted as arms. when the constitution was written the founding fathers were encouraging joe everyman to keep ordinance, cannons, and the exact rifles that the military had. there's no reason to speculate that they thought that the populace at large should be less armed that the finest military in the world. when the 2nd amendment was written they'd just got done fighting a war for independence and had an extreme mistrust of the government, so instead of trying to form a government that they could trust they decided to form a limited government that was in constant fear of the governed murdering them in the exact same way that they had just done to the british.
stop being a stupid faggot or you may get what you want: your grand children being entirely dependent on and dominated by an uncaring tyrannical government.
Oliver Gray
George Washington died in 1799, and the first 3 presidents were well aware that guns were moving into a faster firing evolution. It's the only amendment with the words Shall Not Be Infrined, the only one. There is no interpretation of it, the supreme court knows this which is why they delay 2A hearings indefinitely.
no, you really don't because the law isn't vague at all. "shall not be infringed" is about as clear as it gets.
Joseph Kelly
>Do you take it up the arse or are you a giver and not a receiver? >have you got the diseases? >maybe they should arrest your bank account incase you mind has an incurable disease because of your actions
Jaxon Gonzalez
They had a woman relative of Washington on tv and she says the family all agrees he wouldn’t be ok with assault rifles and would support a ban
Asher Bell
None of that makes any sense. But both depending on my or my husbands mood; no, and wat? user, these replies are getting more and more retarded.
James Cooper
Levi Lopez
>get a machine gun amendment Your idiocy is showing.
Jacob Powell
If you dumb Jews read that bill you’ll see that the only thing it does is require federal courts and the DOJ to start doing better on uploading info to the database for background checks.
Absolutely NOTHING in there says ANYTHING about taking away guns.
Jaxson Fisher
Its a coordinated move. Lots of countries with strict regulations are losing gun rights in 2018.
Norway just lost semi automatic rifles. 3 years to destroy or sell abroad.
You better start manufacturing ghost guns en mas. Save the production plans for military grade weapons.
In a few years the mere idea of a nation voting on its future will be considered toxic nationalism.
The context argument is bogus. the 2nd amendment is 2 sentences. It says arms. There is nothing in the constitution explaining what arms means. We, the people, for safety reasons, have the right to ban almost all arms, unless you gun nuts some how pass a constitutional amendment giving you the explicit right to own these weapons.
Details haven't been added to the constitution because it is hard to do so, not because the document is good enough as it is, like the bible. You got it all wrong. It should be updated all the time to reflect current times. We just haven't been able to do it.
Chase Perez
Watch the YouTube video from a Congtessman. I did read it.
Adrian Perez
Fags shouldn't be allowed to own guns unless they can pass a drug test and have no history of cognitive impairment from their AIDS medications.
Oliver Cook
The idea that it is a "living document" is Jewish. Just like Critical Theory, it is Torah hermenuetics called "Midrash"-- i.e., endless, infiinite interpretation applied to goy texts for Jewish political purposes.
Jonathan Sanders
"Can't we just drone them?" -Hillary Clinton
Aaron Walker
Dominic James
Parker Taylor
Pic related...So these Jew cunts will agree that the same applies to any document. Legality is based on omissions as well...Fuck these Jew cunts...Let's take them out! Right to life for a parasitic Jew as a legal social document document but the what is does not say, and what we all know holds as much legality as to what's written - that the jew needs to fuck-off the Planet!
Evan Cook
Friendly reminder that arguing about the validity of the constitution, as to whether it grants you certain rights or not is a logical fallacy. The constitution doesn't grant you your rights. It simply lists rights you ALREADY HAVE FROM BIRTH UNTIL DEATH THAT CANNOT BE GRANTED OR REVOKED BY ANY WORLDLY AUTHORITY. Even if you're in a state of oppression you still have those rights, they are just being restricted by force, which is a VIOLATION of your natural rights, and therefore immoral and evil in nature.
That was the intention of its creation, to list the rights the founding fathers recognised in ALL HUMAN BEINGS.
The second amendment is an inherent natural right within every single human being on the face of the planet. Whether or not it's repealed is irrelevant. If it is repealed, it doesn't matter because that repealing cannot affect natural law as natural law is immutable and inherent within nature. It is essentially god's law. And no manmade law, no piece of paper, no document can relinquish god's law.
The system is making you believe that the constitution does all of the things I mentioned above because it wants you to believe that if it takes it away from you the rights it grants magically go away, but this is NOT true. It's a psy-op, it's word magic, it's a spell.
Please wake up to the reality of this and spread the word. These people want you to believe you don't have the right to defend yourself by any means necessary because they want to do you harm.
Look at the state of my country right now, that is what they want for you.
Blake Thompson
Great post. How do (((we))) fight them???
Alexander Turner
That's because the constitution serves as a bare bones, bottom line outline for RIGHTS of all humans. All US laws are based on the foundation that they do not break any of the constitutional amendments. You cannot alter a RIGHT of humanity; a basic understanding of what is or isn't allowed. The constitutional amendments are not called laws nor treated as laws for a reason. Laws you can change and adjust, RIGHTS are eternal and unyielding.
You have to educate absolutely every single person you know about the facts mentioned above and inform them on how there is a conscious effort being maintained within the united states to make you believe these rights don't apply to you inherently because (((they))) want to disarm you so they can completely destroy your nation from the inside out and reshape it into their own image. Which will result in countless tragedies, countless deaths, and unending misery on the part of both those who do or do not survive. Think the rise of the great red dragon that was the soviet empire but worse.
But beyond that, IMO, genuine grassroots insurrection is the only way. I don't believe Trump is a genuine patriot, I believe he's playing both sides like a fiddle and is leading you to destruction.
Lawful rebellion and insurrection, a total dismantling of the state and a reconstitution of republicanism, true republicanism based on Christian values, self-autonomy, a merger of individualism and collectivism whereby the individual works to better himself as much as he possibly can so that he can contribute as much as he possibly can and be a pillar of his society, making each man and woman a solid foundation of the aggregrate, and last but most certainly not least a moral, philosophical and principled understanding of natural law and how it pertains to a civilisation.
Eli Rodriguez
So glad that piece of shit Antonio Scalia is dead
Nathan Sanders
>That was the intention of its creation, to list the rights the founding fathers recognised in ALL HUMAN BEINGS. clearly not true because when the constitution was written, slavery was being practiced in america. man created the idea of god and god given rights. Man is imperfect and (hopefully) constantly improving law and human rights.
David Green
>VETS WILL LOSE GUNS Im sure it will have the full support of our gun control president
Bentley Ramirez
I like your post, and I'mma lechu finish, but I have to say >restriction of rights is immoral and >all human beings cannot go together, as the rights you're saying they (our founders) saw as existing in all human beings were by themselves recognized as existing, legally, only for a select subsection of the currently recognized human species. In other words, they either didn't believe negroes were human, or they were evil violators of natural rights, and thus the entire question is meaningless, in context.
Mason Morales
>BLEASE GOBERMINT PAY 4 MY DICK SURJURY the post Homosexuals shouldn't be allowed into public unless you can prove they aren't drug addled high on amphetamines ptsd drama queens.