Birthplace of ther personal computing revolution, amazing weather etc but now there is a mass exodus due to liberal policies. Sad. California is a literal shithole now sadly. i spent some time in San Francisco with my Jewish ex-wife about two years ago now. I can only imagine it’s gotten worse since then. Please allow me to tell you what I saw during my brief stay:

>homeless streetpunk kids in leather daddy outfits all around San Francisco begging for money so they can feed their pet dogs, who are also homeless. Some kids as young as 5 years old could be seen cruising the strip with dope needles sticking out of their little arms. Gypsy kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.

>Tons of homeless amerimutts sleeping on the streets, usually with diarrhea running down their legs. Smell was so putrid some of them must have been dead and rotting away for quite some time. Piles of human feces swarming with flies all over the place, even indoors at shopping malls and such.

>take a walk with me Sup Forums: Typical day, step outside our Airbnb and the as far as the eye can see there’s nothing but gooks chinks spics niggers faggots and literal chimpanzees with uzis and Mac 10s shucking and jiving in the middle of the damn street

>”I’m With Her!” bumper stickers everywhere

>Mosque on every corner, more Arabic and African shops than American ones.

>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.

>Literally like everyday there was some kind of protest in San Francisco usually calling for the “Destigmatization of HIV” so faggots can legally murder each other with their disgusting AIDS blood. these always ended in violence with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them. One thing you'll always see in the city is someone’s car on fire.

Attached: 771DAD85-0DAA-4CD2-AC94-4D8303B78408.jpg (634x982, 217K)

>San Francisco has been under a state of emergency for two years now so you'll see a lot of armed military patrolling the streets. This is rarely reported in the national media but it’s very real.

>Always see niggers flaying elderly gooks and shooting them executioner style in the streets while the gooks are praying for mercy. Best to keep walking California voted to ban pictures and surveillance footage of nigger criminals in news to not generate more racism.

>Only halfway decent looking white people you will see are Silicon Valley faggots yammering on about “synching devices”, “Apps”, “nootropics”, and other gay shit

>Dangerous illegal alien encampments all around the Bay Area are no go zones where ambulance and police are attacked. Full of squatemalens, MS-13, and zika babies.

>San Francisco is one of the most dirty cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss. Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in San Francisco, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti due to violent protests and rioting.

>San Francisco is very hilly and if you have to walk anywhere your legs will get tired.

I was in San Francisco for work a couple years ago. I saw like half a dozen naked people downtown. Not like 1 group of 6, but 6 different naked people out and about by themselves.

Attached: escape-from-la-kurt-russell-snake-plissken.jpg (620x350, 31K)

We simply need to stop spending money on military shit and instead spend it feeding and housing the homeless. They don't CHOOSE to live that way - they're victims of society.

Attached: San-Fran-Homeless.jpg (1357x700, 529K)

I lived there from 1980 to 2002. It's another world.

Attached: 2006 SF Bum Adventure.gif (650x650, 1.57M)

Gimp in the sun shine

Victims of drugs and menal helath issues

In another word, failed humans.

Only way to make them useful is to force them to work in a factory or rice farm, if you give them welfare why would they work ever.

Wait a minute, didn't I see this same post in same wording originally about two months back. And it still isn't funny, would you look at that.

Attached: 92h3jd97h2d37.jpg (360x140, 4K)

is that the ceo of twitter?

>Jewish ex wife
Did her pussy make your dick permanently stink? Or is that a meme?

>didn't choose.
Most 'street kids' you see in SF have trust funds. It's all a ploy to get cash out of strangers for minimal effort.
>have sob story
>be friendly but a little pushy
>have a dog for ten extra sympathy points.

those disgusting fleas should be shot on sight

this sounds like a good parody of something

i doubt this is the actual state of california

Nah, Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead right before a seven hour show.

>stop spending money on military shit
I agree. North Korea should nuke LA.

It is. SF is pretty shitty now but not to this extent. Also niggers can't afford to live in SF. Hell they can't even afford to live in Oakland anymore and are being shipped to Antioch.


Only the reset button can save you, buddy. There is only so much Trump can do in one term.
Like this

same old comments as always. nobodies going to do a damn thing.

Why what? The gif or why I lived there? Bums were never really a problem until NYC shipped all their homeless to SF.

Why I lived there? Born there. Finally escaped in 2002.

yes they do, most the times they are addicted to drugs and alcohol that lead to homelessness... and said addictions prevent them from getting out. feeding and providing shelter would drain money for literately nothing

For the love of god, don't let them into Texas or Florida.

We have our low taxes, rights, anti-immigration and non-empathetic policies passed to help keep us from turning into them. Places like Austin are already compromised because of so many fucking commiefornians bum rushing it.

They need to burn with their state, its the only way they'll learn the lesson about how fucking shit their policies are.


It was a Canadian.

>my Jewish ex-wife
Stopped reading here. Saged

Lol I visit San Francisco nearly every week to visit my brother and it’s literally nothing like you describe. Why promote propaganda?

>instead spend it feeding and housing the homeless
You really should. California needs to bring back asylums

how can a dog be homeless if a dog cannot buy a house?

‘Permanently stink’ is an exaggeration but there is definitely some truth to it. Her pussy had a sweet smelling mild rotting meat scent to it if that makes sense. I tried to hook up with another girl after fucking her one day to no avail. The usual dick scrubbing techniques are no match for Jewish pussay smell. Other woman unzipped my shit and then immediately made an excuse and left :(

I thought your pic was this for a second
Well it didn't take long to get me angry this morning

Attached: img_3121a-sculpture-of-mark-twain-sitting-on-a-bench-at-fenton-marketplace-in-mission-valley.jpg (600x450, 123K)

Try vinegar?

You don’t have to own a house to not be homeless. I’m renting right now for example. Every here of dog houses? That’s why I hate these homeless faggots. It’s not even that hard to get a home.

I guess since Ive never left podunk, I gotta believe it! Hyuk hyuk!

Thank you brother but I am sworn off Jewish pussy now after getting redpilled on Sup Forums

More it’s just I’m pissed off that street kids are using dogs to get sympathy when they’re begging
>hey bro, man, listen can I get a quarter to feed my starving pitbull? He’s dying boo HOO HOO :’(

This is some kind of fashion advertisement. Kevin Klein or some shit.
See how hip and chic they are in tolerant commiefornia?

Bullshit. You sir are a liar. Ever been to the tenderloin? Ever walk around the tenderloin at 3 in the morning? I didn't think so.

Sides hurt from that

>let me just walk in the worst part of an area of 5 million people at 3 in the fucking morning and compare it to the entire city

And yes, I have been there during those hours, like most people in SF. You’re not special, and it’s not nearly as bad as you claim it to be. Bums, you stumble across the occasional dirty needle MAYBE, and cross paths with some shady figures, but there’s no 5 year olds running around with dirty needles or the hell like you described.

You need to fuck off and stop complaining about everything


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These fucking animals flood Seattle during summer. Then during winter, they all go back down to California. They're the fucking worst, and they all need to go. I walk a pretty big dog. He's feisty as fuck and does not like other dogs approaching him uannanounced. Well these street crusties will just let their poorly trained dogs offleash at the parks, and all of a sudden it'll be a 3-on-1 fight against my dog. He's too big, so they can't take him down, but by god do they try. I've almost had to shoot one of the pitts owned by these losers.

Don't for a second think that these kids are pitiable. They choose this life as a 'lifestyle', and they think it's beautiful and it gives them character. No shit. Then they all compete with one another to see how fucked up they can get because they're all chasing rock bottom like it's some art project.