>tells you to clean your room
>posts instagram of his own room
>its full of nightmare shit and commie posters
>wtf why didn't frogman clean his room of evil shit
Ecelebs you used to worship but found out were cancerous
I got one:
>tells you to save the West
>burns the coal and won't have babies
>thinking anyone in academia is not infected.
tells you "too big to fail" and communism is bad, won't actually talk about how the jews invented communism or control the banks
>tells you he's 14/88 and incites you to donate on his 14/88 only forum
>turns out he's married to a kike the whole time
Do he also explain his Jewish wife in this interview with Jews?
> worship
user, I...
Right, he's just so fascinated by communism "becoming history" that he obsessively collects all the soviet propaganda he can find. That's what morons are sening their shekels to help fund, is this asshole's commie porn collection.
All of them
yea you shoulndt be allowed to earn and spend your money how you like
I hate commun- wait
>Yeah you shouldn't be an anti-child porn activist who collects child por-- wait
Stop responding to descriptive claims with normative claims. You sophistric heeb.
I hated Peterson the second he was against white collectivism while being silent on other races collectivizing.
I hated Peterson when I saw this picture. After 2016: spirit cooking, moloch, etc, I'm jaded for life against people into occult shit and creepy LARPing.
stop talking about jews and wash your balls bucko
Are you having a hard time ingesting reality?
1. He bought this totalitarian shit at what amounts to a 'fire sale at the end of USSR.
2. They remind him how fucked up it was.
Get some background before you spew, OP.
this is all you need to know about him
>I spent my life fighting child porn, but I collect it anyway to remind me how fucked up it is
>besides, it was on sale
You believe this cringe excuse?
race is just a social construct
what about Sargon's watermelon then?
dont worry guys, you will find another Daddy eventually.
a Daddy that you support with your money.
a Daddy that will tell you what to believe.
a Daddy that will scold you into conforming.
be sure to never trust your own mind like a good little boy.
This seems too silly to not be paraphrasing. If it's real I'll have a hearty kek.
Pic related is the only eceleb i need.
Yes Jordan can't comment on everything, because he's not just out there to promote some political agenda so he won't just spout out nonsense if he doesn't know the correct answer. And maybe it was too politically incorrect, still doesn't prove anything.
Then again, there are a lot of autists here who can't picture being in somebody else's shoes or imagine they don't know something they do even when they're smart.
I used to like Anglin, until I found out that he was a self hating closeted homosexual.
The warning signs were all over, from his hate of women, to thinking that how you look is a matter of life and death, but his hate of other homosexuals masked it, like with so many other faggots that stay in the closet.
if you take away the jewish angle and have him answer the question of how to be a steady individual if there are groups out there who'll actively fight "your group" and wish to destroy it, and thereby you, I wonder how he'll answer.
Peterson only loves Peterson.
I'll tolerate different viewpoints but I'll never tolerate deliberately misunderstanding and obfuscating opposing points.
Similar with Vee actually, I've also noticed how he will always pretend to have "not heard of" the most basic of memes/remarks or events because apparently knowing internet shit is "uncool" or something stupid.
true, he is esoteric tier
>implying you have to hate soviet propaganda art because communism was cancer
fuck off, their shit was aesthetic.
Yeah, like Sargon refuses to admit that the alt-right is about saving white people.
I'm starting to think that there is something wrong with most of the e-celebs, and that we should be very suspicious of the ones that sell themselves as perfect specimens, but shit on everybody else.
>fuck off, their shit was aesthetic.
Filling your house with it is sane?
>self hating closeted homosexual
no, he is just a gook fucker and thinks his race should "be bred out", he said so
>one 2 meter wide wall with a big poster and some memorabilia
Looks pretty sane to me
>wtf why didn't frogman clean his room of evil shit
You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn't think they're always right, especially those that have been successful in creating followings. I don't think you can really garner support if it you frequently admit ignorance or doubt in your self.
>I spent my life fighting child porn, but I collect it anyway to remind me how fucked up it is
This same argument from all his paypigs
Kill yourself shill fuck
He collects it because it’s interesting and has historical value. I’m rw af and also collect some commie shit. Doesn’t mean I want to be one.
>I spent my life fighting child porn, but I collect it anyway because its just so interesting
This same argument from all his paypigs.
I listened to the entire "debate" between Kraut and Naked Ape, from start to end it was Kraut digging in a foxhole of stupidity and refusing to come out of it because he'd pretend to never ever understand things that were explained to him because admitting "oh, guess that's new" is less important than his ego.
You see one weird picture and now you think this guy who shills religion is a satanic cultists?
Fucking retards, I swear.
Jordan Peterson reminds me of Ted Kaczynski's view of leftist professors who direct the revolutionary energy of their students into "safe" forms of revolution that do no threaten the system itself. Does anyone have the full quote?
inb4 shill brigade (worse than the JIDF, shariablue, T_D and CTR combined)
>WOW he has admitted he obsessively collects commie wall porn but its just a few items of meorabillia besides its just "interesting"
fucking kys
i've had enough
at least you can admit you were wrong.
but honestly, if you can't take one look at this seedy snake oil salesman and know that he's up to no good, you need to check your radar.
Sup Jordan, how you doing man? Why you in the US right now?
spbp, nice one mexibro.
this is the truth.
also, anyone that receives the amount of media attention that this fuck did is an obvious plant. even if it's "negative" media attention.
So why does he think optics are everything, and where does his woman hate come from, if he liked women enough to fuck them?
Who but homosexuals put vids with their jailbait GF out on Jewtube to show how straight they are?
Dude, Anglin did theater in high-school, and that screams faggot, and the same is true for male attention-whores.
>mfw /leftypol/ is still trying to assassinate Jordan Peterson's character
get over it, faggots
JBP is /ourguy/ and you tranny faggots need to clean your rooms
daily reminder any thread denigrating e-celebs that Sup Forums likes is a shill thread. there's otherwise no reason to make the thread.
WOW. I've never seen this.
>yfw JP is a closeted commie faggot.
Shut the fuck up, cbts faggot.
obviously you are unaware of how retarded this inference is.
>You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn't think they're always right,
Millennial Woes is humble.
He already explained why he has these paintings. Yet this autistic retards keeps posting the same shit.
If this was a picture with Hitler and Mussolini, and the guy had portraits of Swastikas and other Fascist imagery on his walls, would you assume he was just collecting art, or that he was a Fascist?
JPB has admitted in the past that he used to be a Marxist or a Commie or whatever.
I have no idea who these people are.
>So why does he think optics are everything
You know, Jordan Peterson once said:
>If you can't understand why someone is doing something, look at the consequences of their actions, whatever they might be, and then infer the motivations from their consequences.
When you look at the alt-right and its full of fags and race-mixers and kikes and half kikes and half castizo hapas, and none of it matches up with what they say, then yo should really realize that they are "shining you on".
You can only lie to people who want to be lied to, that's a fact of psychology. You want to be lied to, so liars take advantage of you.
Most recent case- I used to like both Ben Shapiro and Milo.
I voted for McCain and George Bush Jr which I'm hating myself for.
I always saw Romney as slime though.
How do we know who Sup Forums supposedly likes if any negative threads about them are hand-waved as shill threads? If some Sup Forums user makes a positive thread about someone we should just assume everyone on Sup Forums likes them and agrees with them too?
>He already explained why he has these paintings
He is intelligent enough to give an after rationalization that his fans will buy, but filling your house with communist propaganda and atrocity porn is freaky.
>You want to be lied to, so liars take advantage of you.
I have admitted that I wanted to think Anglin was real, and not some closeted homosexual.
i have lots of michael moore posters around my room. hes literally one of the best minds out there today
I'm on the fence about his philosophy
self-empowerment is good, but keeping your head down in a system designed to destroy you and your people is bad
daily reminder Sup Forums isn't a fucking hugbox for fancucks like and you should really go back there faggoy
You only display things in your home that you have pride in or love of. If he actually needs that propaganda art to remind him communism is bad, it says more about his own fragile mental state than anything else.
>muh pedophilia
This is a major false-equivalency
owning child porn while fighting child porn is wrong because owning child porn is wrong
owning communist art while fighting communism isn't wrong because the problem isn't communist art, it's communism.
>Muh atrocity porn
ok I kinda get it the guy is really obsessed with that atrocities. But I mean It's understandable, it's like trying to understand how a terrible car accident happened. He spent years writing a book about it for god's sake. I mean it's a little weird but this certainly doesn't make him a filthy commie.
The TRS posters are no longer on Sup Forums, as you don't get status if you post as an user, so why do you bother to beat on a dead horse?
You should go to their forum to shill, as they need a new group to purge now that the bad optics guys are gone.
>ok I kinda get it the guy is really obsessed with that atrocities.
It's fake atrocities like the holohoax, and that shows addiction in a time when revisionist arguments are only a few keystrokes away.
>The TRS posters are no longer on Sup Forums
Jordan has talked quiet extensively about the fact that he collects soviet era artwork as a hobby because he has an interest in propaganda
Whatever you think of the holocaust, he's more obsessed with communist atrocities (understandably) so what's your point.
>Few weeks ago
>fuckton of Peterson hate threads
>The whole Israel-Poland situation happens
>no Peterson hate threads
>Plenty of anti-Poland, pro-Israel threads
>Israel-Poland situation blows over
>no anti-Poland, pro-Israel threads
>Peterson hate threads start popping up again
>every time anyone posts a thread criticizing an eceleb, someone pulls random shit from their ass and posts a "gee coincidence paid shills amirite" post like this one
>We should destroy art and history because I made a retarded fucking strawman and think I checkmated anyone.
Soviet art isn't illegal like CP is you retard. The art itself is no exploitative like CP is.
i listened to a story about a dark web video chat that was a pay-to-kill room. the host was said to be wearing a black cape and metal skull-like mask and holding a cane. same type of shit that art faggot jordan petersonki was photographed wearing. made me think.......
>its about preserving art history, who cares if its exclusively commie propaganda that we're "preserving" even though its not in danger of being lost
The absolute state of paypigs
>Soviet art isn't illegal like CP
the point is obvious that its immoral and degenerate, its like a Catholic priest hanging Satanic symbols all over his church and saying "but we need to be reminded of the enemy". No one needs "hundreds of pieces of reminders" like he has. That is an embarrassment.
Guys is this real?
Juden Petersteinberg has ALWAYS been the enemy of the Anime Waifu Ethnostate.
shoutout for the guy who keeps posting rockwells
love you man
that coat he got in Peru in the 80's is /fa/ as fuck tho
anyone know what that mask is and where it's from?
The memes are real.
also, just did some research, the coat is a "capote alentejano" and is Portuguese
jesus jordie wtf
rockwellposting is the best posting
Agreed. Here's a rare Rockwell.
that truly is a rare rockwell
have another rare rockwell in return
This is now a George Lincoln Rockwell thread, post rare Rockwells.
heres a rare rockwell video from a criminally underrated channel
plenty of facts and rare pictures
they just posted a anniversary video for rockwells 100th birthday