Dies irae

Our best girl is here, in a wedding dress.

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I want to fuck Marie

If I had Marguerite, so help me Mercurius, I would visit such unholiness upon her anus that you would never shit again out of sheer sympathy. As I took great handfuls of her peachy white cheeks in my hands, Reinhard himself would begin to weep with joy. He knows that the sin I am about to commit will damn every soul in existence, that the profane, wet noises alone will stain the universe with its echoes, that the sight of my face buried in her will scorch the eyes of Mercuck himself.

She sure is.

But isn't Rea best girl?

This is my pasta

Nice pasta dude. (You) have earned this.

I'm not seeing Kei there OP.

Kei is the worst girl. She is so annoying.

How do you not learn maths?

She said arithmetic, not mathematics.

Sumika is worst girl

Wait, so she doesn't actually know the multiplication tables? What a stinky liar.
Kyouka is worst girl




arithmetic is the first maths you normally learn

to be fair if you lived in a happy 2D SoLland you would be assblasted too if magical supernazis showed up and proceeded to fuck yours, and everyone you know's shit.

No wonder they get along so well

Bey is right

Is Bey /ourguy/?

Nope, Mercurius is.

I'm not an inbred albino with an inferiority complex so no.

Can someone make the virgin Mercurius vs the Chad Reinhard?


The chad Georgius >>> the virgin zarathustra

Shirou pls.

I thought they never fucked?

Shirou probably can't get it up

You know that Georgius ist impotent, right?

Naraka's soul can only get hard for Nigenron.

Wait, they were sleeping together naked in Wolfsrudel, so they never fug? Haven't read it, though (and too lazy to look for a cleaned version of pic related)

>they were sleeping together naked in Wolfsrudel
That's not fucking.

He isn't though.

KKKfags are retards that spout what they read on powerlevel forums


Guess so. It has been too long so I forgot about Shirou's impotence, that illustration didn't help.

I bet you walked girl home gentle too.

>otaku hate sluts
>Rusalka is popular

>Provide info from official artbooks
>Get taken for a cunt from powerlevel forums
The absolute state of these threads.

He is an honest to god slut.

Shirou and Judas aren't really impotent, it's just Naraka bullshit.

It's pretty sad how Shirou's theme is called dumme marionette though

How popular?

Most popular girl

>She said arithmetic, not mathematics.
You're even dumber than her.

How come?

Time for the garbage translations. Again.

Third underground level is the white room. Absolutely pure world, without any sign of uncleanliness.
Theres a metaphor pure as the driven snow. But its not enough to describe the snow whiteness of this place.
Its closer to the sea of salt. As white as a snow, but it also has a strong feeling of purification, and an extreme strictness.
What exactly is the law of this Throne? In the middle of the room, there a statue of a man whose appearance reminds of a philosopher.
This one, again, does not have a playful feeling of the First Heaven. Though theres no feeling of tension from him, I wonder how he is so pure.
Eternally alone, calculating the unintelligible transcendence this is the impression I have from him.
Theres an inscription carved in the pedestal.
This person have always yearned for the perfection. Not only in others, but he was also unable to tolerate the sin in himself.
Shackled by the orginal sin of people bearing the beastly souls, civilization started to decline. Even if it was the part of the cycle of creation and destruction from the second generation law, this person wasnt able to tolerate it.
He who found himself at the center of the first transition period, was heartbroken beyond the limit by the act of destruction of the existing civilization.
Why am I so sinful? The one who created a being such as I, why was he so endlessly foolish?
With the prayer to wash away the sin, by the lamentation for the salvation, this man repainted the Throne anew. Destroying any sin and crime, he created a perfect paradise without an impurity.
Out of all Throne generation, only he alone was able to completely erase any evilness of the human soul. This cleanliness, this virtue it would be correct to say that he was the closest to the universal impression of a God.
Be pure. Do not sin. Throw away the selfishness.

The first thing you learn in maths is arithmetic, you retard.


But because of that extreme completeness, any signs of a human nature ceased to exist. Completely controlled society, full of a mathematical perfection.
Rational and logical. He never understood the humans foolishness, and refused to acknowledge it.
Because of that nature, he never hesitated to throw away the crevices that eventually appeared. If theres a mistake in my law then I dont need it. Such an egoistic thing as the sense of responsibility is unneeded there.
Whole universe working as an electronic mechanism.
This is the whole truth of the third law, the third Throne, the third god.

Nope, I'm a mathematician and that wasn't the first thing I learned. I'm actually pretty bad at it even now.

Not every otaku is a purityfag, friend.

I'm not your friend, buddy.

I'm not your buddy, pal.

>Snek:Hey,look at me

I'm not your pal, bro.


Fuck off Trifa

Ren said it though

I really want to fuck Rusalka.

t. romanian boytoy

Rusalka is pure pure slut

Where is the best place to get all the CGs for KKK?

They're pretty hard to come by these days. The easiest way might actually be to manufacture them yourself.

I think they're all on sad panda



The only /ourguy/ is Reinhard

Sup Forums wouldn't come up with a self-insert as kawaii as Ren

She is a guillotine not your sex doll!

Post more of her body, I have to be sure.

Yesterday we brave Austrian voted the Nazis for first and 3. place.
Can I visit the gold castle now?

What vote was that?

It seems like you are living in a distorted reality.

Legislative elections

Wasn't 3rd place the social democrats, 2nd place for FREEDOM party? Also "we should take in fewer immigrants" isn't exactly Nazi.

>Also "we should take in fewer immigrants" isn't exactly Nazi.
It actually is if you are brain-dead, which that poster seems to be.

>we should take in fewer immigrants isn't exactly Nazi.
according to europas leftists it is.

Why does Lisa wear her uniform like that?

Easy access

>nazis everywhere!
What can I do to live in your dimension, user?

She's a corrupt extension of her past self.

Enact your Law upon this world.

>This one, again, does not have a playful feeling of the First Heaven
So, is she actually cute or is she a cunt?

Isn't the LDO literally immigrants?

We're first heaven, no throne as of yet

She was egoistic, selfish, and haven't put much thought into what she was doing. Basically, she was just doing whatever she wanted and never really cared about the other people. She probably wasn't exactly a bad person, just foolish. I'll translate her part of the Throne history later, and hopefully we will learn more about her in pantheon.

When you spend every waking moment of your life committing murder you don't have time to learn math.

Shirou is the best motivational speaker.

Even after getting reborn he still fucks his sister, so yeah.

I want to fuck this grandma.

Shirou's desire for freedom is also part of foreknowledge, the goddamned driving force of his being is not his own, hell, he goes insane in Kei's route once he figures it out and Snek has to fix him.

Mmm, love her eyebrows.


Access to what?

Her pussy.

>closeted lesbo that likes Ren because he's borderline trap

I don't know...

>can't erase my memory and read DI again

In the 18+ version she fucks corpses. In the definitve version she represents a corrupted view of her idea of womanhood, there are no sex scenes and there's no hint at her doing that. DI sex scenes were added to fill a quota, they are all retarded and don't fit into the story properly.

Same, I wanna read DI for the first time again.

>implying we aren't 8th or 9th