Germany has never won a war

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Winning wars seems to be bad for your mental health

(((they're))) here......

bet your not dutch but a muzzie who thinks his dutch

You aren’t a real country

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>Malta is included
What the fuck it’s an island country, no point in joining the Schengen area

I'll give them this one.

The only time Germany has ever been worth shit.

Fuck off you divide and conquer shill. I would
much prefer to live in Germany than this shithole today.

its one of the few countries that won a war against masonry (the franco-prussian war)

sage for D&C

The UK has never profited from any won war since 1870.

>loses war to iceland

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Sad thing is that you've got a point

>germany won a war before germany existed

Is this the part where you say the Argentina owned the Falklands before Argentina existed?

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Neither has Germany, because Germany has never won a war.

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You are Bulgaria. You lose everything forever.

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Losing wars hasn't done much good for you. Ficke ficke.

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yeah, really sad how the brits betrayed their race and listened to the jew. the jew who was angry about the fact he couldn't suck germany dry anymore after hitler got to power.

and you also need to keep in mind: the UK would've been fucked in a 1 on 1 with germany. you were kinda like those albroaches or niggers, pretending that it's going to be a 1 on 1 and after they lose, 7 brothers of theirs appear and jump onto you

>memeflag the post

I dont know if i could stay that cool and call the cops instead of cutting that niggers throat when he tries to rape my girl.

Tehy won against Poland in WW2. And then they got fucked :DD

Found the krautcuck diaspora. Remove yourself you viking invader.

Oh, is that why you had to ally yourself with France, Russia and the USA in order to beat Germany. Seems to me like you have to call in other people to do your dirty work. But hey, after all those victories you really came up on top, didn't you: losing the empire, amounting a
huge debt to the US and now projected to become a minority in your own country, like almost every other country in Western Europe. Just for once you could admit that things didn't turn out this way despite you're two victories in WW1 and WW2, but because of it.

Exactly this Brit bro. These threads are designed to create infighting and keep us from seeing the present for what it is; a deliberate attack on all of the people of European descent. The conflicts of our past should not be forgotten in order to not reenact them, but to reside in this mindset of grievance is just counterproductive to the shift in attitude that has to come.


>being this mad over defeat
Tears are delicious user, german tears? even more.

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Read again.

>The conflicts of our past should not be forgotten in order to not reenact them, but to reside in this mindset of grievance is just counterproductive to the shift in attitude that has to come.

I'm advocating for solidarity of all European people against the forces of multiculturalism and our own ethnic replacement. I couldn't care less for the wars of the past.

Fuck Germany and fuck the U.K.

Really nibba?

I don't want solidarity with you. You are natural cucks, it's in your genes.

Honestly? I hope UK and France get enough balls again to purge your land.

Too be fair Stalin would have invaded Germany on July 7th if Germany didn't launch a surprise invasion before as they did.
War was inevitable because neither ones trusted eachother and rightfully so.

Shouldn't you be pleasing some immigrant?

Yes i am, But your sister is late for our meeting.

>ur sista ecks dee
The absolute state of the swedencuck.

>Have shitty allies
>Fight against every other major world power

HMMMMMMMMMMM i wonder why they keep losing

have you literally never heard of having to show your passport, mutt?

>We ruined Germany two times for this

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Its okay to be butthurt user.

>while the parade was going on, children and women got raped by a pack of sandmonkeys

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Right? At least you can vent off by acting on your fantasies and getting buttfucked by Ahmed.

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Its not me who has those fantasies, You seem very keen on talking about getting buttfucked by Ahmed.

>being this butthurt

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The situation in your shithole proves otherwise, nordcuck, but hey, no one is stopping you from projecting your issues.

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Actually, they won a lot of wars when they were the Holy Roman Empire.

>both nordcuck lovers defending each other

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Exactly, the Germans will always be my brothers.

Your country is an even bigger shithole lmao, You literally have mafia stopping trash being collected, There is African migrants everywhere trying to sell contraband shit to you or rob/rape you.
Iam not the one projecting it is you Giuseppe.

>still showing how emotionally invested he is after being told to not be such a whimsy bitch
Oki doki

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But there's a difference between being a cucked like a swede and an Italian that fights over control against these subhumans. But I guess you do not understand because you're not used to defend your homeland.

Literally what?

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he should probably kill him self after that. How can you honestly regain your honor after something like that ?

What are Italians even doing to protect their borders? Even our cucked gov has taken more measures against migrants coming here than you have.
Italians can't fight for shit, You couldn't even take Greece in ww2 despite having a vastly superior military, It wasn't until Germany came and carried your incompetent asses across the line.
Last respectable Italian fighters were Romans.

>Even our cucked gov has taken more measures against migrants coming here than you have.

>goes on to talk about irrelevant shit
And this is even coming from a country that instead of fighting the invader, chooses to defeat itself by placing the ISIS flag on it's own country and banning his own at school. Talking about autogoal.

This is true. The last just war britain fought was the Greek war of independence. Every other war was zog bullshit

what the actual fuck is wrong with germans
since I came to uni I thought everyone here was pretty beta but holy shit germans are on a whole other level
>be in gym today
>walk up to this guy on a bench, looks like he could be kind of alpha if he tried, fairly well built, 0 fat
>ask him how many sets he has left
>replies in thick german accent
>"I-i-i-i-m-mm d---- d--done
>tries to make eye contact with me, literally makes contact 5 times per second, eyes flicking all over the place
>he starts to nervously sweat
>"ok can I use the bench then"
>y-y-y-yyyyy-y-y-y-yyyyeeesssss-s-ss.... c-c-c-c-can i u-use th-th-those
>points to some dumbells i was using
>try to hold back laugh "yeah sure m8"
what the fuck is their problem they are literally all like this it's sad
I'm being dead serious why the fuck does every german i ever speak to instantly shit themselves

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Winning French does not count. Too easy challenge.

Cant stand your rotten breath
had Problems breathing inhaling your funk
The Polish wanted to tell you guys for decades, but we didnt want you to be mad and leave the EU

Good goy! Have a shekel and a million nigger immigrants

Kek you guys are bigges cucks. Couldnt beat fucking niggers in africa back in WW2. How fucking pathetic can you "156cm on avg" manlet brainlets be?

dont underestimate them, their sticks have a very sharp tip

>butthurt italian-german rapebaby
Opinion dimissed, also have this free (You)

>loses 2 WWs started by themselves

Kek Italian rape babies. Cannot be one of tallest nations in the world if we were to be italian manlet rape babies.

Face it giuseple, you cucks are little gypsy looking 156 on average manlets.

we only lost because you couldnt kill the Kebabs in greece and the nogs
If we could have sent those 300.000 to Moskau instead of babysitting you, wed be in Nazi space rockets colonising space now

>i-it's your fault!
You're like an arrogant kid, nothing more. You are pitiful.

You can laugh all you want, it is true even the gov of cuckistan has done more than your "Country" ever did.
>And this is even coming from a country that instead of fighting the invader, chooses to defeat itself by placing the ISIS flag on it's own country
Nice fantasy you got there mate.
>banning his own at school.
I have never seen a school without our flag on a pole outside of it, Maybe it is projection as your country could practically have an EU flag outside as it would make more sense as your country has been handed gibs for practically everything as you don't know what working is apperently.

Here's an idea fuckfaces, instead of fighting each other and posting bullshit like this, we turn on the people ruining our nations.

>wah wah Germany help, the Brits are killing our tanks with their camels

No France has always been a strong country, Winning against France is hard despite the memes.


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But Anglos ruined my Nation, not necessarily you, but they spoke english too

LOL Hans you're so funny. If the world was still going on we would have just nuked your ass and been done

>german master race!
>defeated in both WWs
Wew, good thing we changed sides.

Then they would whine about "muh nukes" or "muh cowardly allies"

I was in Germany recently and everyone was so depressed

What a time to be alive

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>beeing this autistic that he cant even get a joke staring him square in the face
id put out a 56% meme now, but youd have a heart attack then
better than losing every single war since the romans

>Fuck Germany and fuck the U.K.

I wouldn't fuck the UK with your dick.

>losing every single war since the romans
>starting to be delusional again
Is this the german bantz? Fucking low energy cucks.

Oddly enough Germany is very good at bringing people together

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Please kick out all my migrants from Italy I want to go back one day

Commieflags are legal to fly aswell, Its just a loophole in the law.
>One school with an absolute cucktard as principal bans the flag which means every school and person did this.
Are you mentally challanged?
This principal got shat on by everyone after doing this.

Wait, so is that freak a lesbo? Or are they saying it is a gay?

You can count on us on that, burgerbro. Can I ask you a favor as well? Do not ban guns please.

>i-it's just a loophole in the law
Lmao the damage control is real. Meanwhile here we are free to do the roman salute.

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I can do the Roman salute aswell who the fuck cares lol if that is the level of politics are done in Italy then iam really sorry for you guys.

>I can do the Roman salute as well!
>gets arrested for racism

You britfags lost a war against your own colony... And the colony is more powerful than the UK now. Seriously don't you feel ashamed?

There is no law against it.

Then I dare you to make a video about you doing the roman salute and shouting SIEG HEIL. Oh wait, you're a swedencuck, you're a natural pussy.

Are Germans the niggers of Europe?

It was still germanic peoples who spoke german. It doesnt mean the German nation didnt exist, just because it wasn't called 'germany' as such. Stop memeflagging too

No Mehmet, you are the nigger that is currently living in Europe, so GTFO

If you are free to do it why don't you do it?
>Oh wait, you're a swedencuck, you're a natural pussy.
Strong words coming from a metrosexual Italian soyboy.

Spoken like Europe's nigger.

I told you we are free to do it, we are not the ones that cucked and in denial, I asked you a thing, I trust you to do it instead of avoiding my request.

Germans are good engineers and thats it. When on an equal playing field their politics and military are jokes.

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