How do we integrate moselms into society?

How do we integrate moselms into society?

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as soil

Rendered down into tarmac.


By integrating them into the sun

Stir on a medium heat.
Bring to a simmer.
Add maybe a third at a time - keeping temperature in mind.
Stir for another two or three minutes.
Bring to a simmer again.
Salt to taste.


It’s simple - one doesn’t.

It’s simple. You don’t.

How to get a Muslim to stop raping and killing, stop leeching off the tax payer, and start benefiting the country like the rest of us?
Turn them into fertilizer

is this the matrix?
I had exactly the same idea

You ban the Quoran from all book stores and online distributors.
You ban the burka.
You take away any writing in public that isn't in english.


Why integrate them into Anglo-Saxons degeneracy?

I think the opposite should happen.

someone needs to come out and say the muslim book is evil and is hate speech. Islamophobia is a fake word and Islam is evil

lulz your ""society"" is falling apart, it can't integrate abdools

its easy, we integrate them into the soil.

We do not ask that question, instead one asks how we would integrate into and unto them.

t. Moshe Goldberg

We dont.
We have separate states and thsts it.

concentration pig farm slaves

Bullets, hanging, gassing, etc.

Attached: Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 1.24.43 PM.png (965x662, 862K)

Divide and conquer, no "communities" or "gathering centers"

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It's simple, you don't

^easier than killing them all

It can't be done with the groups we have, nobody has even come close so far. Separation is the only way.

by kicking them out of the society

One thing that you guys miserably failed to get through your head, is that no matter, Muslims will never be in line with your culture and lifestyle. We're literally like two parallel lines that will never meet. It's either you totally destroy us once for all (cause atm you can) or just wait and watch your countries, culture, and people's demise slowly and gradually.

T. Real Muslim keeping it real halal. No bullshit nor taqiyah


feet first through a wood chipper.

Kill the men and the elderly.
Enslave the younger women and female children. Exile the boys and older women.


Yeah great society to integrate in.
Most of you are sick of it, why would anyone sane would like to integrate in this degenerate world?

Invite them to have a ham dinner!

and you can't integrate a poo into the loo to save your life, pajeet

How modest. You get to see and advertise.

Integrate them into your ground

Well you must admit muslims do need to upgrade into the 21st century.
I personally think all 3 of those violent desert religions are nothing but mind control.

It's ok. In the end we will all perish anyway, all of humanity, all of history, all religion - everything. Your sky daddy isn't real and when you die you will rot and perish into nothingness so all this hating and arguing with each other over social constructs like culture and race will be all for nothing. Then sometime in the future the whole universe will die and everything that was in now nothing - every war, every murder, every rape, every political election, every mass murdering dictator, all of history, every word spoken, every argument, every human being - it will all become nothing and be for nothing. Take your time to process that Muhammad, your going to be forgotten as will all of us and will be unconscious forever when that fateful day comes when your lying on your deathbed all alone and coming to the realization that there is no god or afterlife.

Why doesn't he use his killstreak, fuken noob

>How do we integrate moselms into society?
We don't. They don't want to integrate.
The conclusion is that we must isolate them and if possible deport them, before they do any more damage to our societies.

Example: Europe fought long and bloody for the separation of church and state. Millions of people died over the course of hundreds of years. Muslims just want to bring back the old times.

This is just one of their core values and believes that is contrary to our free and democratic society.

by shipping them back to their desert shitholes

>upgrade into the 21st century
No thanks burger bro.
Upgrade to what? Faggotry? Transexuals? Feminism?
Yeah nah I'm good.

Good point.

Upgrade to not having your lives revolve around a book written thousands of years ago and not be so easily triggered by drawn pictures of its supposed prophet.
That might be a good start.

Ban Islam
Ban sharia law
Ban Hajib/niqab

I do not engaged in any of those things, the western world is not the meme you think it is.
Not everyone watches reality tv or has a faggot for a neighbor.

i think ovens should be involved

No, but why would a proud masculine culture ever want to "integrate" into a weak faggot culture that literally bends over to let them in and let them do what they want?

They don't want to end up like us and I don't blame them.

>he doesn't follow God revelations and messengers
Right, look what it brought you.

>all of these people against muslims integrating into western society

when Christian foreigners came to the west, our forefathers accepted them with open arms and embraced their religion/culture and now the european race is the most powerful race in the world

History repeats itself, I don't see why we shouldn't embrace islamic culture and their religion with open arms either; We could be see the rise in another European golden age

Accepting religious foreigners (christians) helped us unite europe and conquer the world. Accepting religious foreigners (muslims) will help us unite the world and conquer the stars

Why are you posting that ''Bosniak'' shit on Sup Forums ?

How to integrate them?
Kill their men and boys.
Take their women.

>a weak faggot culture
i do not have this, i understand leaf world is far more gay though, just look at who you guys elected, a fucking drama teacher embarrassment

>he thinks he is following God with his false violent desert r/eligion
you can actually see when the mind control kicks in, you never even thought to question your beliefs

integrate them under my foot

So the USA is not a country which is being taken over by Muslims, but Canada and Western European countries are being.

so simple

Cuck them.

Ban Islam.

We don't. We deport them and ban islam. I don't want to integrate anymore, I used to be a liberal but I'm done being naive and generous, they've done too much harm here. Our globalist politicians and royal family can fuck off with them too.

you cant, but they can integrate you into own society LOL

muslim arabs and niggers are subhumans, they are lesser beings. they cant live on same level (wti hthe same rules and with the same infrastructure and economy) as civilized man. thats why they can be integrated only as some sort of slaves to european society.

in the same time anybody (even idiot) can be muslim, Islam is a bdsm cult of obedience to arabic moon good and their rulers, people do not need to think or do something except simple tasks, simple jobs and except of fucking own children. that is why in a age of degeneracy muslims will have upper hand, they will simply propose more developed form of degeneracy and decadence.

You can't, they are integrating you

Let them rape you.

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You're always free to never come here, and stop speaking our language, stop consuming Anglo media and products, using Anglo inventions...yeah I didn't think so.

Did you? I'm well aware of my religion burger bro.
I'm in total peace with it.
How comes you are so distant from the truth?

Maybe you're the brainwashed one? Did you ever told yourself that Islam wasn't what others told you about?
By the way are you christian?

Stop attacking his faith faggot. A lot of us aren't secular and fedora keyboard warriors like yourself get the rope too.

As for
He has a point. We had a great country the more christian we were. The moment you stop following God's rules is the moment this country stopped being blessed.

And what does the bible say about people who are invading, destroying your society, leeching welfare off you, meddling in politics, slaughtering animals to idols, raping anything that moves, etc?

We're sick of it because of islam and Leftism.

>The moment you stop following God's rules is the moment this country stopped being blessed
Amen. God will always provide for His servants as long as they remember and worship Him.

The west doesn’t understand that “integration” isn’t the goal of Islam. It’s invasion. They’re excited because unlike the crusades, they get to conquer Christian territory without ever firing a single shot.

Why would we want to integrate ugly incest genes into us?

We cannot integrate them. Wether we desintegrate them or nothing.

deconvert them

very confused post. there are three consistent viewpoints here:
1) you're a fedora relativist who says all religions have value
2) you belong to another religion - or you're an atheist who actually sticks to his principles - and believe Islam is objectively false
3) you're a Muslim

His faith is third world dogshit and deserves to be attacked.

Stop fantazing user. Muslims came to your country to get some work, to reach some wealth, to give better education to their children.
Yeah there will always be parasite and scums, but realy, muslim values are what you would expect of a decent human being (even more I believe).
Besides muslims in western countries and in the world in general are totaly divided, they have no structure whatsoever.
>inb4 takqia

Unite with them against the Jews. After we would just be brothers

>Implying people in the gulf even want to emigrate to the U.S.
Qatar makes our public education system look like a stale joke

>Unite with them against the Jews.

This is pretty much what Europeans are doing already.

Their reward to date has been rape and bombings and truck rammings.

>Using the Arab way of spelling it