Its made me go full 1488 natsoc. When will we do something
Im so fucking pissed about all the antichristian hatred from the left
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Name the Jew
They eventually stop and shut something down
I wanna fucking burn the jew! And i dont wanna wait until judgement day! Theyre gonna burn now or later it doesnt make a difference
The abandonment of the strict hard edge christian values left us open to be corrupted by the enemy. We have reapt what we have sown
Check out the first few minutes of this one
Wow, you really are a moron aren't you goy?
The jew hates Christian white men more than anything on Earth, the best thing you can do to fight them is raise a good white family.
Go away rabbi
>Let me, an atheist who's going to burn in hell, tell you about the Bible.
Hmmmmmmm something tells me you’re a fucking shill
Enjoy boiling in lava buttraper
You christians hold the world record for assumptions, I am not an Atheist faggot.
Okay, so you're a larping faggot?
>Thou shalt not lend on usury to thy brother. To a stranger thou may lend on usury, but not to thy brother, that Jehovah thy God may bless thy hand in the land thou goest in to possess
What did the Aryans mean by this?
You just proved my point.
you know atheism is not a jewish invention, right?
you know that atheism is the natural conclusion of the better educated and the less superstitious?
you know that religion was mankind's way of explaining what they feared and did not understand, comforting the bereaved, and of course controlling society?
isn't it time you embraced facts and stopped being a child?
there is no big sky daddy, when you die you just rot and stop being a person, you cease to exist, the only life you have is this one, and no one cares if you suck cock or shag fifty women except the men whose cocks you suck and the women you fuck.
grow up, take responsibility for your life and your relationships, be a decent person.
Jews hate christianity, they hate Islam, they hate all other religions. They hate "the goyim". But since christianity reformed their jewish traditions, they HAVE to reject it or else they wouldn't be jews.
Yids only hate "christian whites" as far as they are white (and the majority of christians aren't white). They could care less if some negro builds a singing church in Africa to go "ooga booga hallelujah" - because they hate and want to replace WHITE PEOPLE.
You would also be pissed to know the Third reich executed thousands of priests and closed religious institutions and publications, while banning political christianity and decrying it as worse than socialism...
Thats the cucked version we adopted, watch the sermons i posted
>unironically being atheist
>becomes NatSoc to defend Christianity
>even though Hitler disliked Christianity
>Hit me up with that quick rundown, nigga
>Sure senpai:
>muh jesus
>gas da joos
Beaner manlet detected.
Confusion reigned at the Rodriguez household, where little Juan desperately grasped at issues he had no hope of comprehending.
You're upset that the Jews dislike Rabbi Yeshua?
John 3:2
>The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.
> if you kill your enemies they win
>the left made me christarded
christcuckery is basically communism. Read the new testament you uneducated faggot.
Go to your local church and tell them about your antisemitic, racist views and report back.
We both know that it won't go well, because Christianity is cucked and so are you for following it.
Christianity is a broad topic, one with at least three different major denominations. We have arguments over which one is the least jew infested on an almost daily basis. If you want even some of us to help you, your going to need to choose a specific denomination to further the goals and spread of (Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy.) Simply using the blanket term of Christianity doesn't work these days.