/ptg/ President Trump General - They don't know what they're doing Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Tucker: Men In America pt1 3/7/18

>Pres Trump KAG Rally in PA 3/10/18
>Pres Trump statement before departing 3/10/18
>Pres Trump arrives in Pittsburg PA 3/10/18
>Pres Trump departs DC 3/10/18
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #47 3/10/18
>AG Sessions @Federalist Society 3/10/18
>Corey Lewandowski on F&F 3/10/18
>AG Sessions on Tucker 3/9/18
>VP Pence @America 1st Event in Cleveland OH 3/9/18
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC on Tariffs/Jobs 3/9/18
>WH Video: James Powell 3/9/18
>SoS T-Rex comments on NoKo 3/9/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/kenya FM Juma 3/9/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 3/9/18
>DoD Video: JEDI program 3/9/18
>This Week @State 3/9/18
>Jared Kushner on Healthcare 3/9/18
>WH Video: FlotUS Melania meets Kyle Kashuv 3/8/18
>WH Video: Violence in Video Games 3/8/18
>Pres Trump signs Proclamations on Steel&Alum 3/8/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R
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Since we are talking about the Brits, it really was Churchill that did them in right?

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Glad to be in America.

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>meet the press
That's what we're going to say to these Jews before we throw them into a trash compactor.

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Americans your press is fucked up beyond all recognition.
They seem to want a nuclear war likely for the ratings

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God I hate Jews so much!

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>God I hate Jews so much!
I'm getting there.


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I can't think of any other of country with this cancerous media.

This will, in its simplicity, be very good for triggering cucks. Saved.


I know that feel.

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Churchill is just one man. Like any one man, he needed support.

some highlights from the rally last night according to cnn

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You better watch this and sign that petition


(((They))) don't want you to know:

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Churchill for WW2, Attlee for the nanny state and beginning the immigration surge.

Hard to believe that this guy caused so much damage but then again look at what Wilson, FDR, and LBJ did. Also, didn't Churchill put Boers and niggers in concentration camps?

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I don't have a problem with women looks funny considering the girls absolutely having a blast behind him.

You know what I like is Arabs staying in their own countries instead of being at the front of a war initiated by Jews with Jews actively aiding them in coming to our countries. It seems like without that element the incidence of west Asians in the rest of the world would be very, very, low.

anime is shit

I disagree

Do any of you have the Catholic version of this meme? I can't find where I put mine.

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This thread is moving so slow nobody noticed that migrated to this thread illegally.

This here is beautiful.

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2/3 of Stormy Daniels' Wikipedia page is about her affair with Trump.

Who's that git?

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Flinald Glompf

Churchill did nothing wrong. From his perspective WW2 was a question of Britain First policy. Name one thing he did that you don't like that didn't involve conducting the war.

As far as managing the empire goes, he was the only 20th century British pm who actually gave a shit about keeping it, and was thrown out of office by communist ingrates for trying to keep Egypt from jihading it's way out into communist orbit. You can thank the pieces of shit who came after him for Kenya, Rhodesia, and South Africa

>Churchill did nothing wrong.
Fuck off you subhuman.

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3/3 of Wikipedia are jew SJWs

you have to hold the trigger down to keep shooting dude. it's not a runaway machine gun at all, it just allows recoil to push the gun back into your shoulder away from your finger. bump stocks essentially help you pull the trigger really fast. it's not magic user.

Churchill was desperate to start a war with Germany.

It was totally unecessary and cost Britain the Empire.

Hitler never wanted to fight Britain and said so publicly many times. He repeatedly expressed admiration for the eternal Anglo.

CNN is hyping up an Oprah interview coming up. Maybe why Trump mentioned her last night.

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Wikipedia is an unbiased source. Why would you come up with such harsh conclusions?

>Britain First
>lose land war for europe
>ally with literal commies to spite germany even though they did the exact same thing germany did for you to declare war on them

a real human bean

could you yanks pls hang this fuck?!

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He became PM immediately after WW2 and passed loads of socialist bollocks into law. He created the NHS which is pretty much the state religion now and passed the British Nationality Act in 1948 which allowed people from Commonwealth countries to easily enter the UK by creating a 'Commonwealth Citizenship'.

Why would the Jews be behind nigger hate threads?

What's the news today?

Churchill was PAID to start a war with Germany because German imperialism would have made London banks' investment of sterling in mitteleuropa a loss. Everything he did was done in the interest of international financial Judaism.


Trump did a thing yesterday

I came inside a girl special to me like 3 times while wearing a funky hat?

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divide & conquer, faggot

>I know her weakness.

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Out of all Obama’s failed and corrupt staff, I hate this faggot the most. I truly wish he dies a violent death

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Sure, buddie, this is why throughout all their literature they claim they will conquer the world and islamize or kill anybody else, but hey, they're just cool and inbred people that like to play fireball with airplanes and buildings.

>President Obama
Either this guy is completely off his baseline or this is old news. How can they be so delusional?

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well done!

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>niggers are prevalent among our ranks and insulting them is a nono

How, exactly, would they have entered the rest of the world without Jews agitating for open borders and third world migration?

>So, watched The Darkest Hour recently, and the movie gives the impression there was a very large and strong Peace at any cost faction in Parliament until Churchill came along. Seems they weren't so opposed to Hitler for some time.

Britain didn't want war. We were still suffering from the aftereffects of the First World War and had never really recovered. A lot of bitterness with our leadership and continental Europe. There was a lot of... tiredness. When Neville Chamberlain went to Germany and returned with a promise of peace from Hitler it was met with a sigh of relief.

Our King at the time was a Nazi (at least a sympathizer), as were a vast array of prominent businessmen and military figures. Mosley's BUF were also increasingly gaining popularity and Hitler was seen as a strong and patriotic leader by the vast majority of European and Western people prior to 1938.

I honestly believe it would have been entirely possible for Britain to have allied with Germany under different circumstances set in motion in the late 1800s (namely the clusterfuck of alliances and mutual-defense treaties with Poland and France). If the Battle of Britain had been lost and Germany had invaded it would have been a hollow victory/occupation with a constant popular resistance à la 1940's France.

Churchill was a relic of the pre-WW1 British Empire old guard and carried a lot of bitterness and resentment towards Germany for their actions in that war.

He even has the socialist look on him. Looks shady as fug.
And getting whites to hate niggers is dividing and conquering whites how?

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>How can they be so delusional?
leftists and democlaps do not take part of our reality. Trump broke them. Throwing tantrums is the only thing left

Don't forget Blair.

yes, here is the man that signed Versailles standing with Hitler after realising how much the British fucked up with world war 1.
see also gotta take into account Thatcher ending manufacturing and Blaire turning us into a consumer state of immigrants
>Name one thing he did that you don't like that didn't involve conducting the war.
the fact that he wanted to bomb German civilians with anthrax. He was a warmongering piece of shit that destroyed Europe

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Naturally the monkey-eater has no response.

did that last night

Peter Hitchens cuts up the film quite nicely:


>americas future


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Holla at ya boi

>How, exactly, would they have entered the rest of the world without Jews agitating for open borders and third world migration?
>Only jews agitate for open borders and 3rd world migration
Just yesterday we had one of your NASA groups here in Brazil incentivizing kids towards interest for science so they can be hired in the United States of America through good scores.
Just face the fact that there is a huge chunk of retards that are promoting, or being paid to by jews or not, towards this "no borders" propaganda bullshit.


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No, I actually took a stormfag seriously to answer his fucking question, which indeed seems it was a mistake.

>yes, here is the man that signed Versailles standing with Hitler after realising how much the British fucked up with world war 1.
He even has that look in his eyes

>wake up after staying up half the night
>at least i can sleep in
>it's already an hour later
fuck this summer time shit

>SoS T-Rex recovers from EbolaChan attack 3/10/18
>SoS T-Rex pays respect to fallen in Kenya 3/10/18

who else rewatching the rally?

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What did he mean by this?


whats wrong with being lit?

>leftists and democlaps do not take part of our reality
Sad, really. Is there even a chance in saving these poor souls? Would they even be worth saving, you think? I thought anons here were once """bleeding heart liberals""" before Donald hit the scene..?

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Fifty fucking years into open borders. Just shut up. You are from a geostrategically irrelevant country.

Nuffin wrong with that.

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There's always hope. I was left leaning until after I voted for Obama. Then they went full retard. Leaning right now.

these are facts

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But more importantly it could harm Israel, goys!

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So if DACA is DOA, how do we get a wall and the RAISE act?

Eliminate congressional resistance, either via elections this year or if that doesn't pan out; however we have to.

Every single time.

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>could be a trap

Weird, this is the exact same angle the HuffPo is pushing. I wonder why. Just want to put a negative spin on a positive Trumpian accomplishment?

>don't denuke DPRK! It's a trap!!!

Wtf do these people want?

I guess that's why you and the CCCP where over here and Africa fighting a cold war.
I guess that's why chinks are here buying everything, I guess that's why the UN kikes are sitting and taking away huge chunks of our land for "environmental protection", areas that happen to be full of minerals.
But yeah sure you're right, retarded natsoc that fell for 4th political theory propaganda and now want to vomit praises for sandniggers that "dindu nothing".

>Everything he did was done in the interest of international financial Judaism.

And it's more than just London banks. The whole thing was set up by international finance working in concert using the Hegelian dialectic like they always do. Wall Street built up Hitler.

That's what they're doing right now, importing in beans and Muslims and nigs and chinks and all other undesirables in to white countries and teaching them to hate us. It's another fucking Civil War set up with the usual parties planning to profit and increase their power through the chaos. With the side plan of building up China - led by Wall Street just like the build up of Hitler and the USSR - to create international conflict.

What percentage of Pennsylvanian women did he win? It is possible he was referencing that. Though it is also possible he was talking about the only kind of women that matter (other than 2D).

I can't disagree with this

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